ListBox.h 2.1 KB

  1. /********************************************************************************
  2. * File Name: ListBox.h
  3. * Function Describe: ListBox.c declare module
  4. * Relate Module: GUI.c
  5. * Writer: Shliangwen
  6. * Date: 2016-2-1
  7. *******************************************************************************/
  8. #ifndef __LIST_BOX_H
  9. #define __LIST_BOX_H
  10. /*****************************Begin of Module*********************************************/
  11. #include "ListBoxSMS.h"
  12. #define LIST_TOPX 0
  13. #define LIST_TOPY 30
  14. #define LIST_ROW 5
  15. #define LIST_BAR_LEN 126
  16. #define LIST_ITEM_NUM_MAX 200
  17. //#define LIST_ITEM_TEXT_LEN_MAX 17 //瘥誯★嚗��嚗㗇遬蝷箏�蝚虫葡��憭折鵭摨佗��蓥�摮𡑒�, 撖嫣�銝剜�銝�銝芣�摮𣂼�2銝芸����摨磰������潮��齿遬蝷箄��?
  18. #define N 100
  19. #pragma pack(push)
  20. #pragma pack(1)
  21. typedef struct SUT_LIST_BOX
  22. {
  23. char **item;
  24. unsigned short itemnum; //item number
  25. unsigned short handle; //current item
  26. unsigned short page; //menu page(first item of page)
  27. unsigned short pgaenum;
  28. char unicode;//*item ������蝚虫葡蝻𣇉��孵� 0--�𪚩nicode蝻𣇉� 1--unicode蝻𣇉�
  29. char features[LIST_ITEM_NUM_MAX];//�寞�?�臭誑�冽䔉摮睃��暹��寞�抒�嚗峕�憒�銁蝥選�蝳餌瑪蝑劐縑�?
  30. //char *item[LIST_ITEM_NUM_MAX];
  31. const char **icon;//�暹��𡑒”
  32. unsigned short iconnum;//�暹�銝芣㺭
  33. /////////////SMS add/////////////////
  35. unsigned char up_down_flag;
  36. unsigned short totalnum;
  37. unsigned short notehandle;
  38. unsigned char pageChange;
  39. }SUT_LIST_BOX;
  40. #pragma pack(pop)
  41. extern SUT_LIST_BOX sutListBox;
  42. void ListBoxInitSMS(SUT_LIST_BOX *p,unsigned short totalnum,const char **iconlist,char unicode);
  43. void ListBoxShowSMS(SUT_LIST_BOX *p);
  44. void ListBoxInit(struct SUT_LIST_BOX *p,char **itemlist,char unicode,const char **iconlist,char *features,unsigned int type);
  45. unsigned long ListBoxResponse(struct SUT_LIST_BOX *p);
  46. void StrIntercept(char *des,char *src,unsigned short len);
  47. unsigned long ListBoxResponseSMS(SUT_LIST_BOX *p);
  48. /*******************************End of Module********************************************/
  49. #endif