 * Function:   virtual_uart_read
 * Description:
 *       Poc task call function notify UI task cmd response
 * Parameters:
 *       data: cmd response
 *       len: response len
 * Explain:
 *       module should define this function,this is just declare
 * Example:
 *       data = "+POC:8202000000014b6dd58b31000000\r\n"
 * Return:
 *       none
extern void virtual_uart_read(char *data, int len);

 * Function:   virtual_uart_write
 * Description:
 *       Other task send at cmd to poc task
 * Parameters:
 *       cmd: cmd body
 *       len: cmd body len
 * Explain:
 *       module can call this function poc task have defined 
 * Example:
 *       virtual_uart_write("AT+POC=0000000101\r\n", strlen("AT+POC=0000000101\r\n"));
 * Return:
 *       none
void virtual_uart_write(char *cmd, int len);

 * Function:   OEM_PocInit
 * Description:
 *       Poc Lib Init
 * Parameters:
 *       none
 * Explain:
 *       module can call this function init poc lib 
 * Example:
 *       OEM_PocInit();
 * Return:
 *       none
void OEM_PocInit(void);

 * Function:   report_encode_data_for_record
 * Description:
 *       Report encode voice data for record
 * Parameters:
 *       data: voice data after encode
 *       size: voice data len
 *       frame_type: encode type 0x01 general 0x02 enhance
 *       self: 0 other voice  1 my voice
 * Explain:
 *       module should define this function,this is just declare 
 * Example:
 * Return:
 *       none
extern void report_encode_data_for_record(unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, char frame_type, int self);

 * Function:   decode_record_data
 * Description:
 *       decode record data to pcm data
 * Parameters:
 *       enc_data: voice data after encode
 *       len:  voice data len
 *       type: encode type 0x01 general 0x02 enhance
 *       pcm_data: save pcm data after decode
 *       size: save pcm data buf len
 * Explain:
 *       module can call this function poc task have defined  
 * Example:
 * Return:
 *       -1 fail  >0 pcm data len
int decode_record_data(char *enc_data, int len, int type, char *pcm_data, int size)