HS_391L.map 411 KB

  1. Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 1 (build 61) Tool: armlink [4d35a8]
  2. ==============================================================================
  3. Section Cross References
  4. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EnableWriteProtection) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  5. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank1Pages) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation) for FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation
  6. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllPages) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  7. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseOptionBytes) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus) for FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus
  8. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseOptionBytes) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  9. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ErasePage) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  10. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  11. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  12. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramWord) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  13. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ReadOutProtection) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  14. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) for FLASH_WaitForLastOperation
  15. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetBank1Status) for FLASH_GetBank1Status
  16. stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetBank1Status) for FLASH_GetBank1Status
  17. stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_AFIODeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  18. stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  19. stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data) for APBAHBPrescTable
  20. stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus) for RCC_GetFlagStatus
  21. stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  22. stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  23. stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) for RCC_GetClocksFreq
  24. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  25. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  26. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode1Config) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig) for TIM_ETRConfig
  27. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode2Config) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig) for TIM_ETRConfig
  28. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  29. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC1Prescaler
  30. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  31. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC2Prescaler
  32. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI3_Config) for TI3_Config
  33. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC3Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC3Prescaler
  34. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI4_Config) for TI4_Config
  35. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC4Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC4Prescaler
  36. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger) for TIM_SelectInputTrigger
  37. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  38. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC1Prescaler
  39. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  40. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler) for TIM_SetIC2Prescaler
  41. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI2_Config) for TI2_Config
  42. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI1_Config) for TI1_Config
  43. stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger) for TIM_SelectInputTrigger
  44. stm32f10x_spi.o(i.I2S_Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) for RCC_GetClocksFreq
  45. stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  46. stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd
  47. stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DeInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd
  48. system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClock) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClockToMy) for SetSysClockToMy
  49. system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClockToMy) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for g_ucHSE_Flag
  50. system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemCoreClockUpdate) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock
  51. system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemInit) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClock) for SetSysClock
  52. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  53. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text) for Reset_Handler
  54. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.NMI_Handler) for NMI_Handler
  55. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.HardFault_Handler) for HardFault_Handler
  56. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.MemManage_Handler) for MemManage_Handler
  57. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.BusFault_Handler) for BusFault_Handler
  58. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.UsageFault_Handler) for UsageFault_Handler
  59. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.SVC_Handler) for SVC_Handler
  60. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.DebugMon_Handler) for DebugMon_Handler
  61. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) for SysTick_Handler
  62. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler) for DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler
  63. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler) for DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler
  64. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler) for EXTI9_5_IRQHandler
  65. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) for USART1_IRQHandler
  66. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART2_IRQHandler) for USART2_IRQHandler
  67. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART3_IRQHandler) for USART3_IRQHandler
  68. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemInit) for SystemInit
  69. startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
  70. serial.o(i.ComSelect) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  71. serial.o(i.ComSelect) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  72. serial.o(i.ComSelect) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DMACmd) for USART_DMACmd
  73. serial.o(i.ComSelect) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd) for DMA_Cmd
  74. serial.o(i.ComSelect) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_ucUARTSel
  75. serial.o(i.SlwTrace) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  76. serial.o(i.SlwTrace) refers to serial.o(i.Uart1Send) for Uart1Send
  77. serial.o(i.SlwTrace) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_ucUARTSel
  78. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus) for USART_GetITStatus
  79. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData) for USART_ReceiveData
  80. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit) for USART_ClearITPendingBit
  81. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  82. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd) for DMA_Cmd
  83. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  84. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  85. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_ucUARTSel
  86. serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer1
  87. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus) for USART_GetITStatus
  88. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData) for USART_ReceiveData
  89. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  90. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit) for USART_ClearITPendingBit
  91. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  92. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  93. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_ucUARTSel
  94. serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer2
  95. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus) for USART_GetITStatus
  96. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData) for USART_ReceiveData
  97. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  98. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit) for USART_ClearITPendingBit
  99. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  100. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  101. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_ucUARTSel
  102. serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer3
  103. serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd
  104. serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit) for DMA_DeInit
  105. serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Init) for DMA_Init
  106. serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer1
  107. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  108. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  109. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit) for Uart1DMAInit
  110. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) for Uart1RxEnable
  111. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  112. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  113. serial.o(i.Uart1Init) refers to serial.o(.data) for rx1_ct
  114. serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init) for USART_Init
  115. serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd) for USART_Cmd
  116. serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  117. serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DMACmd) for USART_DMACmd
  118. serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd) for DMA_Cmd
  119. serial.o(i.Uart1Send) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  120. serial.o(i.Uart1Send) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  121. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  122. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  123. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  124. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init) for USART_Init
  125. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  126. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  127. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd) for USART_Cmd
  128. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  129. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to serial.o(.data) for rx2_ct
  130. serial.o(i.Uart2Init) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer2
  131. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  132. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  133. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  134. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueuePost) for MsgQueuePost
  135. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  136. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  137. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_usRx2Len
  138. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer2
  139. serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) refers to modem.o(.bss) for sutAtm
  140. serial.o(i.Uart2Send) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  141. serial.o(i.Uart2Send) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  142. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  143. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  144. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  145. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init) for USART_Init
  146. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag) for USART_ClearFlag
  147. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig) for USART_ITConfig
  148. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd) for USART_Cmd
  149. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  150. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to serial.o(.data) for rx3_ct
  151. serial.o(i.Uart3Init) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer3
  152. serial.o(i.fputc) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData) for USART_SendData
  153. serial.o(i.fputc) refers to stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus) for USART_GetFlagStatus
  154. key.o(i.GetKey) refers to key.o(i.KeyScanPort) for KeyScanPort
  155. key.o(i.GetKey) refers to key.o(.data) for sucFlag
  156. key.o(i.KeyCount) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ucUKC
  157. key.o(i.KeyInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  158. key.o(i.KeyInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig) for GPIO_PinRemapConfig
  159. key.o(i.KeyInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  160. key.o(i.KeyInit) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ucKeyMode
  161. led.o(i.LedInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  162. led.o(i.LedInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig) for GPIO_PinRemapConfig
  163. led.o(i.LedInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  164. led.o(i.LedProcess) refers to led.o(.data) for sucCt
  165. led.o(i.SetBlueLed) refers to led.o(.data) for sucBlueLedFlash
  166. led.o(i.SetLedIndicator) refers to led.o(i.SetLedStatus) for SetLedStatus
  167. led.o(i.SetLedIndicator) refers to led.o(.data) for g_LedInd
  168. led.o(i.SetLedStatus) refers to led.o(i.SetRedLed) for SetRedLed
  169. led.o(i.SetLedStatus) refers to led.o(i.SetBlueLed) for SetBlueLed
  170. led.o(i.SetRedLed) refers to led.o(.data) for sucRedLedFlash
  171. poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  172. poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  173. poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) refers to strtol.o(.text) for strtol
  174. poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) refers to common.o(i.StrAsciiToHex) for StrAsciiToHex
  175. poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  176. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  177. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  178. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to audio.o(i.SetBeep) for SetBeep
  179. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to hook.o(i.enableDataSend) for enableDataSend
  180. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) for LCDBackLight
  181. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  182. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  183. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to strcat.o(.text) for strcat
  184. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  185. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  186. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  187. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to common.o(i.StrAsciiToHex) for StrAsciiToHex
  188. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to strtol.o(.text) for strtol
  189. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups) for GetAllGroups
  190. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to modem.o(i.MeSpeak) for MeSpeak
  191. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  192. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to poctask.o(.data) for noSpeakFlag
  193. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for LcdOnTimeCt
  194. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  195. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  196. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to maintask.o(.data) for pocTimeOutTime
  197. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to common.o(i.ReplaceStrWithN) for ReplaceStrWithN
  198. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to common.o(i.MakeStrEndByNewLine) for MakeStrEndByNewLine
  199. poctask.o(i.PocHandle) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  200. modem.o(i.CheckPocType) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  201. modem.o(i.CheckPocType) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  202. modem.o(i.CheckPocType) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iPocVer
  203. modem.o(i.MeSpeak) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerCtrl) for SpeakerCtrl
  204. modem.o(i.MeSpeak) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  205. modem.o(i.MeSpeak) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  206. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  207. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to strcat.o(.text) for strcat
  208. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  209. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  210. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  211. modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) refers to modem.o(.bss) for sutAtmPro
  212. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  213. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  214. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  215. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  216. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to modem.o(.bss) for CCID
  217. modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for thisYunYingShang
  218. modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI) refers to common.o(i.ReplaceStrWithN) for ReplaceStrWithN
  219. modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  220. modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  221. modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI) refers to modem.o(.bss) for IMEI
  222. modem.o(i.ModemModelGet) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  223. modem.o(i.ModemModelGet) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  224. modem.o(i.ModemModelGet) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for support_type
  225. modem.o(i.ModemOwnPocSet) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  226. modem.o(i.ModemOwnPocSet) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  227. modem.o(i.ModemPinConfig) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  228. modem.o(i.ModemPinConfig) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  229. modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  230. modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  231. modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  232. modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  233. modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iPocVer
  234. modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  235. modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) refers to serial.o(i.Uart2Send) for Uart2Send
  236. modem.o(i.ModemSendData) refers to serial.o(i.Uart2Send) for Uart2Send
  237. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to common.o(i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes) for AsciiHexStringToHexBytes
  238. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to common.o(i.GetParaFromStr) for GetParaFromStr
  239. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  240. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  241. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) for getPIPAddr
  242. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  243. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  244. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to common.o(i.AscStrToHexStr) for AscStrToHexStr
  245. modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  246. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  247. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  248. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  249. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  250. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  251. modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iModemVer
  252. modem.o(i.PocTypeSet) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  253. modem.o(i.PocTypeSet) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  254. modem.o(i.PocTypeSet) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  255. modem.o(i.PocTypeSet) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iPocVer
  256. modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  257. modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic) refers to strcat.o(.text) for strcat
  258. modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  259. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  260. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  261. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  262. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  263. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  264. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  265. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  266. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to modem.o(.data) for first
  267. modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  268. modem.o(i.getICCID) refers to modem.o(.bss) for CCID
  269. modem.o(i.getIMEI) refers to modem.o(.bss) for IMEI
  270. modem.o(i.getModemModule) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  271. modem.o(i.getModemModule) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  272. modem.o(i.getModemModule) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  273. modem.o(i.getModemModule) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for support_type
  274. modem.o(i.getModemVersion) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  275. modem.o(i.getModemVersion) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  276. modem.o(i.getModemVersion) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  277. modem.o(i.getModemVersion) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  278. modem.o(i.getModemVersion) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iModemVer
  279. modem.o(i.getPocCode) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  280. modem.o(i.getPocCode) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  281. modem.o(i.getPocVersion) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  282. modem.o(i.getPocVersion) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  283. modem.o(i.getPocVersion) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  284. modem.o(i.getPocVersion) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  285. modem.o(i.getPocVersion) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iPocVer
  286. msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueAccept) refers to msgqueue.o(.bss) for msgQue
  287. msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueInit) refers to msgqueue.o(.bss) for msgQue
  288. msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueuePost) refers to msgqueue.o(.bss) for msgQue
  289. msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueSet) refers to msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueInit) for MsgQueueInit
  290. msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueSet) refers to msgqueue.o(.bss) for msgBuffer
  291. common.o(i.AscStrToHexStr) refers to common.o(i.AscToHex) for AscToHex
  292. common.o(i.AscStrTurnHexStr) refers to common.o(i.AscToHex) for AscToHex
  293. common.o(i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  294. common.o(i.FindTargetIndex) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  295. common.o(i.GetParaFromStr) refers to strstr.o(.text) for strstr
  296. common.o(i.MakeStrEndByNewLine) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  297. common.o(i.StrAsciiToHex) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  298. common.o(i.getSegMent) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  299. productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  300. productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) refers to gpsdata.o(.constdata) for GPS_TimeTable
  301. productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for g_uiGpsStat
  302. productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  303. productpara.o(i.ReadFlashData) refers to productpara.o(i.STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord) for STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord
  304. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  305. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to productpara.o(i.ReadFlashData) for ReadFlashData
  306. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  307. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  308. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to strcpy.o(.text) for strcpy
  309. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to productpara.o(i.SaveProductParaToFlash) for SaveProductParaToFlash
  310. productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  311. productpara.o(i.SaveProductParaToFlash) refers to productpara.o(i.WritePageData) for WritePageData
  312. productpara.o(i.SaveProductParaToFlash) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  313. productpara.o(i.WritePageData) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Unlock) for FLASH_Unlock
  314. productpara.o(i.WritePageData) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ErasePage) for FLASH_ErasePage
  315. productpara.o(i.WritePageData) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord) for FLASH_ProgramHalfWord
  316. productpara.o(i.WritePageData) refers to stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Lock) for FLASH_Lock
  317. sysini.o(i.ShowDetail) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  318. sysini.o(i.ShowDetail) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  319. sysini.o(i.ShowDetail) refers to sysini.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  320. sysini.o(i.getDOMAINAddr) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  321. sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) refers to strcpy.o(.text) for strcpy
  322. sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  323. sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) refers to ui.o(.bss) for showGIP
  324. sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) refers to sysini.o(.data) for buBiaoAddrChange
  325. sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  326. sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) refers to strcpy.o(.text) for strcpy
  327. sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  328. sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) refers to sysini.o(.constdata) for invalidIp
  329. sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) refers to ui.o(.bss) for showPIP
  330. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) for GetFileIndex
  331. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  332. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileLen) for GetFileLen
  333. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  334. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) for getGIPAddr
  335. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  336. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to sysini.o(.data) for newSysiniIndex
  337. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  338. sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for validApnNum
  339. sysini.o(i.tryToModifyData) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  340. sysini.o(i.tryToModifyData) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  341. setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  342. setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) for FunShowMsg
  343. setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for tempCodetype
  344. setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  345. setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess) refers to setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) for FunShowMsg
  346. setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  347. setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for getNewVersion
  348. setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  349. setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  350. setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  351. setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  352. setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  353. setsystempara.o(i.GetCaptionByMododex) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for CaptionTable
  354. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to common.o(i.AscStrTurnHexStr) for AscStrTurnHexStr
  355. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  356. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to dflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2d
  357. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  358. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  359. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  360. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to dfixui.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2uiz
  361. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  362. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  363. setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  364. setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  365. setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  366. setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) refers to setsystempara.o(.constdata) for MododrxTable
  367. setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for thisYunYingShang
  368. setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  369. setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  370. setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  371. setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode) refers to setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode) for ModemSetPwrMode
  372. setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  373. setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  374. setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  375. setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  376. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditResponse) for NumEditResponse
  377. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  378. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  379. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  380. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  381. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to phonenum.o(.bss) for sutNumEdit
  382. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  383. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) refers to sysini.o(.data) for menu_key
  384. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  385. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  386. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  387. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  388. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr) for getGIPAddr
  389. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr) for getPIPAddr
  390. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to sysini.o(i.getDOMAINAddr) for getDOMAINAddr
  391. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  392. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to common.o(i.AscStrToHexStr) for AscStrToHexStr
  393. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  394. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  395. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  396. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  397. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  398. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  399. setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  400. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  401. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  402. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  403. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  404. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  405. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  406. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  407. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) refers to maintask.o(.data) for modemPwrOffNow
  408. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  409. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  410. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  411. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  412. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  413. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  414. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  415. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  416. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to lcd.o(.data) for showApn
  417. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for validApnNum
  418. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  419. setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  420. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) for ShowAPNMessage
  421. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  422. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  423. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for showIndex
  424. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  425. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  426. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  427. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) for ShowAPNMessage
  428. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  429. setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for showIndex
  430. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow) for CodeTypeUpdateShow
  431. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  432. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  433. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  434. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  435. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  436. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for tempCodetype
  437. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  438. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  439. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  440. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  441. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  442. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  443. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  444. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow) for CodeTypeUpdateShow
  445. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  446. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for susCt
  447. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for modemInitReady
  448. setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  449. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) for SetGPSTimeShowDetail
  450. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) for GpsTimeUpdate
  451. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  452. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  453. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  454. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  455. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  456. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  457. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  458. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  459. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  460. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) for GetCoordinates
  461. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) for SetGPSTimeShowDetail
  462. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  463. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  464. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for susCt
  465. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  466. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  467. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  468. setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail) refers to gpsdata.o(.constdata) for GPS_TimeTable
  469. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  470. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  471. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  472. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  473. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) for keySoundFlash
  474. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  475. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for tempKeySound
  476. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) for keySoundFlash
  477. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  478. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  479. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  480. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for tempKeySound
  481. setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  482. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) for SetLCDShow
  483. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  484. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  485. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  486. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for SetTimeIndex
  487. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  488. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  489. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  490. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  491. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  492. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  493. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  494. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  495. setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for SetTimeIndex
  496. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) for SetNetShow
  497. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  498. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) for GetMododexWithCard
  499. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  500. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  501. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for Net_temp_flag
  502. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  503. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  504. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  505. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  506. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  507. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetCaptionByMododex) for GetCaptionByMododex
  508. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  509. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  510. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to ui.o(.data) for Mododrex_Net
  511. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  512. setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for g_ausNetOut
  513. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  514. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  515. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  516. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  517. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  518. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  519. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  520. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  521. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  522. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  523. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  524. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for accIconFileNameAPN
  525. setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  526. setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse) refers to menu.o(i.MenuResponse) for MenuResponse
  527. setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  528. setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for sutMenuSysSetup
  529. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  530. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  531. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  532. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  533. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  534. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  535. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  536. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  537. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  538. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  539. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  540. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  541. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for accIconFileNameAPN
  542. setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  543. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  544. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  545. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for fotaPocStatus
  546. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  547. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  548. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  549. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  550. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg) for FunShowMsg
  551. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  552. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  553. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  554. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  555. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  556. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  557. setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for getNewVersion
  558. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  559. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  560. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  561. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  562. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  563. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for APNNAME
  564. setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  565. setsystempara.o(i.ShowNetCaption) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  566. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  567. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  568. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  569. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  570. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  571. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  572. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID) for GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID
  573. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memset
  574. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for flag
  575. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  576. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  577. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iModemVer
  578. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for support_type
  579. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to ui.o(.bss) for showPIP
  580. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  581. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  582. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  583. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  584. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  585. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  586. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  587. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  588. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for ItemFeatures
  589. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  590. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) refers to setsystempara.o(.bss) for tempAddr
  591. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  592. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  593. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  594. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) for NumEditInit
  595. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) for NumEditShow
  596. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  597. setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) refers to phonenum.o(.bss) for sutNumEdit
  598. setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  599. setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  600. setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  601. setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for tempKeySound
  602. setsystempara.o(.data) refers to setsystempara.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  603. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  604. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  605. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  606. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  607. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to gpsdata.o(.data) for gpsInit
  608. gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  609. gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart) refers to gpsdata.o(.data) for gpsInit
  610. gpsdata.o(i.GPSStop) refers to gpsdata.o(.data) for gpsInit
  611. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  612. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  613. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) for process_gps_data
  614. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer3
  615. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_usUart3RecvLen
  616. gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  617. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  618. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  619. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to gpsdata.o(i.translate_digitAscii_to_bcd) for translate_digitAscii_to_bcd
  620. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  621. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to dflti.o(.text) for __aeabi_i2d
  622. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  623. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  624. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to dfixui.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2uiz
  625. gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  626. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit) for GPSInit
  627. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess) for GpsDataProcess
  628. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  629. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  630. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to gpsdata.o(.data) for ptTimer
  631. gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  632. audio.o(i.BeepInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  633. audio.o(i.BeepInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  634. audio.o(i.MicrophoneInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  635. audio.o(i.MicrophoneInit) refers to audio.o(i.MicrophoneCtrl) for MicrophoneCtrl
  636. audio.o(i.SetBeep) refers to audio.o(i.newBeepSet) for newBeepSet
  637. audio.o(i.SetBeep) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerCreate) for uTimerCreate
  638. audio.o(i.SetBeep) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  639. audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS) refers to audio.o(i.newBeepSet) for newBeepSet
  640. audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd) for TIM_Cmd
  641. audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  642. audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  643. audio.o(i.SetRingFreq) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit) for TIM_TimeBaseInit
  644. audio.o(i.SetRingFreq) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1Init) for TIM_OC1Init
  645. audio.o(i.SetRingFreq) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1PreloadConfig) for TIM_OC1PreloadConfig
  646. audio.o(i.SetRingFreq) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd) for TIM_Cmd
  647. audio.o(i.SpeakerCtrl) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  648. audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) refers to audio.o(i.SPKDelayUs) for SPKDelayUs
  649. audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  650. audio.o(i.SpeakerInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  651. audio.o(i.SpeakerInit) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerCtrl) for SpeakerCtrl
  652. audio.o(i.newBeepSet) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  653. audio.o(i.newBeepSet) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit) for TIM_TimeBaseInit
  654. audio.o(i.newBeepSet) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2Init) for TIM_OC2Init
  655. audio.o(i.newBeepSet) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd) for TIM_Cmd
  656. audio.o(i.newBeepSet) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs) for TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs
  657. socket.o(i.LogicHandler) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  658. socket.o(i.LogicHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  659. socket.o(i.LogicHandler) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  660. socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  661. socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  662. socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  663. socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  664. socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  665. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketInit) for tcpSocketInit
  666. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketAdd) for tcpSocketAdd
  667. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  668. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun) for tcpSocketRun
  669. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  670. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  671. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to socket.o(.data) for firstRun
  672. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.buBiaoSocketShutDown) for buBiaoSocketShutDown
  673. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler) for buBiaoRecvHandler
  674. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.buBiaoTickHandler) for buBiaoTickHandler
  675. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.ipSosSocketShutDown) for ipSosSocketShutDown
  676. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.ipSosRecvHandler) for ipSosRecvHandler
  677. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to network.o(i.ipSosTickHandler) for ipSosTickHandler
  678. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucEnterGTNow
  679. socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  680. socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  681. socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  682. socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  683. socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  684. socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) refers to socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket) for tcpCloseSocket
  685. socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) refers to socket.o(.data) for tick
  686. socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for csqSendFlag
  687. socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) refers to network.o(.data) for netPPP
  688. socket.o(i.tcpSocketAdd) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  689. socket.o(i.tcpSocketAdd) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  690. socket.o(i.tcpSocketDel) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  691. socket.o(i.tcpSocketDel) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  692. socket.o(i.tcpSocketDel) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  693. socket.o(i.tcpSocketGetStatus) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  694. socket.o(i.tcpSocketInit) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  695. socket.o(i.tcpSocketInit) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  696. socket.o(i.tcpSocketRecv) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  697. socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun) refers to socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess) for tcpLinkProcess
  698. socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun) refers to socket.o(i.LogicHandler) for LogicHandler
  699. socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  700. socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  701. socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  702. socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendData) for ModemSendData
  703. socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  704. socket.o(i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate) refers to socket.o(.bss) for gSocket
  705. network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler) refers to probubiao.o(i.reduce) for reduce
  706. network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) for buBiaoDataProcess
  707. network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  708. network.o(i.buBiaoSocketShutDown) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  709. network.o(i.buBiaoSocketShutDown) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  710. network.o(i.buBiaoTickHandler) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) for buBiaoLogic
  711. network.o(i.ipSosRecvHandler) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) for ipSosDataProcess
  712. network.o(i.ipSosSocketShutDown) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  713. network.o(i.ipSosTickHandler) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) for ipSosLogic
  714. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  715. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  716. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to w25q64.o(i.DelayMs) for DelayMs
  717. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Init) for ADC_Init
  718. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig) for ADC_RegularChannelConfig
  719. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd) for ADC_Cmd
  720. adc.o(i.ADCInit) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd) for ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd
  721. adc.o(i.BatterProcess) refers to adc.o(i.GetVbat) for GetVbat
  722. adc.o(i.BatterProcess) refers to adc.o(i.CheckVbat) for CheckVbat
  723. adc.o(i.BatterProcess) refers to adc.o(.data) for g_iVbat
  724. adc.o(i.CheckVbat) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  725. adc.o(i.CheckVbat) refers to maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) for cmdShutDown
  726. adc.o(i.CheckVbat) refers to sleep.o(i.Sleeping) for Sleeping
  727. adc.o(i.CheckVbat) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  728. adc.o(i.CheckVbat) refers to adc.o(.data) for sucCt
  729. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd) for ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd
  730. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus) for ADC_GetFlagStatus
  731. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue) for ADC_GetConversionValue
  732. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  733. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to adc.o(.bss) for siVbat
  734. adc.o(i.GetVbat) refers to adc.o(.data) for Ct
  735. adc.o(i.getBat) refers to adc.o(.data) for g_iVbat
  736. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  737. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) for IWDG_Configuration
  738. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  739. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  740. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd) for ADC_Cmd
  741. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd) for RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd
  742. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  743. sleep.o(i.Sleeping) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  744. message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  745. message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  746. message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  747. message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  748. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  749. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) for GuiDrawRect
  750. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  751. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  752. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  753. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) for GuiDrawVLine
  754. message.o(i.FormatSMS) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  755. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  756. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  757. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to strcat.o(.text) for strcat
  758. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  759. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  760. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) for ListBoxItemNumShowSMS
  761. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS) for ListBoxShowSMS
  762. message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  763. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime) for RTC_UserGetTime
  764. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  765. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to message.o(i.SmsScan) for SmsScan
  766. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to message.o(i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312) for SwitchSMS_ToGB2312
  767. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  768. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  769. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  770. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to message.o(.data) for showCt
  771. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutMess
  772. message.o(i.IncomingSMS) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  773. message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse) refers to message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS) for DeleteSpecificSMS
  774. message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  775. message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  776. message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  777. message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  778. message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  779. message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  780. message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  781. message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  782. message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse) refers to message.o(i.FormatSMS) for FormatSMS
  783. message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  784. message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  785. message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  786. message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  787. message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  788. message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  789. message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  790. message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) refers to menu.o(i.MenuResponse) for MenuResponse
  791. message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  792. message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for sutMenuSysSetup
  793. message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  794. message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  795. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  796. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  797. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  798. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to menu.o(i.MenuInit) for MenuInit
  799. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  800. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to message.o(.data) for apcMenuSysSetup
  801. message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for sutMenuSysSetup
  802. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  803. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  804. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  805. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to managemessage.o(i.MessageEditInit) for MessageEditInit
  806. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow) for MessageEditShow
  807. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  808. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to message.o(.bss) for smsDetail
  809. message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) refers to message.o(.data) for lastShowIndex
  810. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  811. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  812. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  813. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  814. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms) for ReadSpecificSms
  815. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to managemessage.o(i.MessageEditInit) for MessageEditInit
  816. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow) for MessageEditShow
  817. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  818. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to message.o(.data) for lastShowIndex
  819. message.o(i.MessageReadShow) refers to message.o(.bss) for smsDetail
  820. message.o(i.MessageResponse) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS) for ListBoxResponseSMS
  821. message.o(i.MessageResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  822. message.o(i.MessageResponse) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  823. message.o(i.MessageResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  824. message.o(i.MessageResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  825. message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  826. message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  827. message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  828. message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  829. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  830. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  831. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) for GuiDrawRect
  832. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) for sFlash_Erase_Sector
  833. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  834. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) for GuiFillRect
  835. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  836. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  837. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) for GuiDrawVLine
  838. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  839. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to message.o(i.SmsScan) for SmsScan
  840. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  841. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  842. message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  843. message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  844. message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutMess
  845. message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  846. message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for sutFeed
  847. message.o(i.SetMessageConfi) refers to message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi) for ResetSMSConfi
  848. message.o(i.SetMessageConfi) refers to message.o(i.SmsScan) for SmsScan
  849. message.o(i.SetMessageConfi) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  850. message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  851. message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  852. message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  853. message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag) refers to message.o(.data) for smsUnReadBackup
  854. message.o(i.SmsScan) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  855. message.o(i.SmsScan) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  856. message.o(i.SmsScan) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  857. message.o(i.SmsScan) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  858. message.o(i.SmsScan) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  859. message.o(i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  860. message.o(i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutMess
  861. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  862. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  863. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  864. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxInitSMS) for ListBoxInitSMS
  865. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) for ListBoxItemNumShowSMS
  866. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to message.o(.bss) for sutSms
  867. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to message.o(.data) for accIconFileName
  868. message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  869. message.o(.data) refers to message.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  870. userrtc.o(i.DateToSeconds) refers to userrtc.o(.constdata) for Month_Days_Accu_C
  871. userrtc.o(i.GetDate) refers to userrtc.o(.constdata) for Year_Secs_Accu
  872. userrtc.o(i.RTC_Init) refers to userrtc.o(.data) for thisTime
  873. userrtc.o(i.RTC_Update) refers to userrtc.o(.data) for thisTime
  874. userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime) refers to userrtc.o(.data) for thisTime
  875. userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserSetTime) refers to userrtc.o(.data) for thisTime
  876. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  877. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  878. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  879. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  880. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) refers to gpsdata.o(.constdata) for GPS_TimeTable
  881. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  882. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGetCheckSum) for TSGetCheckSum
  883. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) refers to probubiao.o(i.escapse) for escapse
  884. probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for liushiID
  885. probubiao.o(i.TSMakeGpsSendData) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates) for GetCoordinates
  886. probubiao.o(i.TSMakeGpsSendData) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  887. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  888. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  889. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  890. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for sutFeed
  891. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  892. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  893. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  894. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  895. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  896. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  897. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  898. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  899. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  900. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) for ModifyConfigureFile
  901. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  902. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  903. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage) for SetGotNewMessage
  904. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to hook.o(i.enableDataSend) for enableDataSend
  905. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserSetTime) for RTC_UserSetTime
  906. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  907. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  908. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutMess
  909. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for sutFeed
  910. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  911. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  912. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  913. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  914. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  915. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  916. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSMakeGpsSendData) for TSMakeGpsSendData
  917. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  918. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  919. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  920. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate) for SocketParaUpdate
  921. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketGetStatus) for tcpSocketGetStatus
  922. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) for buBiaoReg
  923. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth) for buBiaoAuth
  924. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  925. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  926. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable) for isSendDataEnable
  927. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation) for buBiaoLocation
  928. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime) for buBiaoTime
  929. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck) for buBiaoAck
  930. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS) for buBiaoSoS
  931. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart) for buBiaoHeart
  932. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to sysini.o(.data) for buBiaoAddrChange
  933. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to ui.o(.bss) for showGIP
  934. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  935. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for timeReqCnt
  936. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for g_uiGpsStat
  937. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  938. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic) refers to gpsdata.o(.constdata) for GPS_TimeTable
  939. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  940. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  941. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  942. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  943. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  944. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  945. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  946. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  947. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  948. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  949. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket) for TSGpsPacket
  950. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData) for tcpSocketSendData
  951. probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  952. probubiao.o(i.escapse) refers to malloc.o(i.malloc) for malloc
  953. probubiao.o(i.escapse) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  954. probubiao.o(i.escapse) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  955. probubiao.o(i.escapse) refers to malloc.o(i.free) for free
  956. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl) refers to gui.o(i.ShowButton) for ShowButton
  957. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  958. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl) refers to maintask.o(.data) for m_GroupSwitch
  959. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  960. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupPre) refers to gui.o(i.ShowButton) for ShowButton
  961. hook.o(i.SwitchGroupPre) refers to maintask.o(.data) for m_GroupSwitch
  962. hook.o(i.UiassistStart) refers to hook.o(.data) for uiAssist
  963. hook.o(i.enableDataSend) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  964. hook.o(i.enableDataSend) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  965. hook.o(i.enableDataSend) refers to hook.o(.data) for pwrSaveTick
  966. hook.o(i.getAssistResult) refers to hook.o(.data) for assistResult
  967. hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  968. hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  969. hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable) refers to hook.o(.data) for sendEnableNow
  970. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to key.o(i.KeyCount) for KeyCount
  971. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl) for SwitchGroupCtrl
  972. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) for LCDBackLight
  973. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  974. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for LcdOnTimeCt
  975. hook.o(i.onStartCtl) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  976. hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  977. hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  978. hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle) refers to hook.o(.data) for sendEnableNow
  979. hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) refers to modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan) for SimpleUserInfoScan
  980. hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  981. hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  982. hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) refers to hook.o(.data) for uiAssist
  983. hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  984. id.o(i.GetRandBySTM32ID) refers to id.o(i.GetSTM32ID) for GetSTM32ID
  985. phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount) for GetPhoneNumCount
  986. phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  987. phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  988. phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  989. phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_iPhoneNumFileIndex
  990. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  991. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  992. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  993. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) for NumEditInit
  994. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditShowNORect) for NumEditShowNORect
  995. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  996. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  997. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow) refers to phonenum.o(.bss) for sutNumEdit
  998. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneGetAllNum) refers to phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount) for GetPhoneNumCount
  999. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneGetAllNum) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1000. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneGetAllNum) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1001. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneGetAllNum) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_PhoneNumToUse
  1002. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1003. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1004. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1005. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) for NumEditInit
  1006. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) for NumEditShow
  1007. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1008. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  1009. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow) refers to phonenum.o(.bss) for sutNumEdit
  1010. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1011. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1012. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1013. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) for NumEditInit
  1014. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) for NumEditShow
  1015. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1016. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to phonenum.o(.bss) for sutNumEdit
  1017. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for susCt
  1018. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1019. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1020. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1021. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  1022. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1023. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1024. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1025. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1026. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to menu.o(i.MenuInit) for MenuInit
  1027. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1028. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for apcMenuSysSetup
  1029. phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for sutMenuSysSetup
  1030. phonenum.o(i.ChangePhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum) for CheckPhoneNum
  1031. phonenum.o(i.ChangePhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_iPhoneNumFileIndex
  1032. phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1033. phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1034. phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_iPhoneNumFileIndex
  1035. phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum) for CheckPhoneNum
  1036. phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1037. phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1038. phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1039. phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_iPhoneNumFileIndex
  1040. phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1041. phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1042. phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_PhoneNumToUse
  1043. phonenum.o(i.SetPhoneNumFile) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) for GetFileIndex
  1044. phonenum.o(i.SetPhoneNumFile) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileLen) for GetFileLen
  1045. phonenum.o(i.SetPhoneNumFile) refers to phonenum.o(.data) for g_iPhoneNumFileIndex
  1046. phonenum.o(.data) refers to phonenum.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  1047. managemessage.o(i.GetMessageLen) refers to managemessage.o(.bss) for g_sutMesageList
  1048. managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysReadIndex) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1049. managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysReadIndex) refers to managemessage.o(.bss) for g_sutMesageList
  1050. managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysSaveIndex) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1051. managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysSaveIndex) refers to managemessage.o(.bss) for g_sutMesageList
  1052. managemessage.o(i.MessageEditInit) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1053. managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1054. managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  1055. managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1056. managemessage.o(i.ReadMessageData) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1057. managemessage.o(i.ReadMessageData) refers to managemessage.o(.bss) for g_sutMesageList
  1058. ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1059. ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) for ipSosPackData
  1060. ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) refers to ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate) for liuShuiUpdate
  1061. ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1062. ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for ModifyResult
  1063. ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) refers to common.o(i.getSegMent) for getSegMent
  1064. ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  1065. ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1066. ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1067. ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for ModifyResult
  1068. ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1069. ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) for ipSosPackData
  1070. ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) refers to ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate) for liuShuiUpdate
  1071. ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1072. ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1073. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketGetStatus) for tcpSocketGetStatus
  1074. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1075. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1076. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport) for ipSosReport
  1077. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck) for ipSosChangeParaAck
  1078. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable) for isSendDataEnable
  1079. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart) for ipSosHeart
  1080. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for g_ucIpSendTcpCt
  1081. ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  1082. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime) for RTC_UserGetTime
  1083. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to modem.o(i.getIMEI) for getIMEI
  1084. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to strcpy.o(.text) for strcpy
  1085. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1086. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1087. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to modem.o(i.getICCID) for getICCID
  1088. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to adc.o(i.getBat) for getBat
  1089. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for liushui
  1090. ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1091. ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1092. ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData) for ipSosPackData
  1093. ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1094. ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport) refers to ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate) for liuShuiUpdate
  1095. ipsos.o(i.ipSosStartNow) refers to ipsos.o(i.upDateReportTime) for upDateReportTime
  1096. ipsos.o(i.ipSosStartNow) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for ipSosFlag
  1097. ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for liushui
  1098. ipsos.o(i.upDateReportTime) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime) for RTC_UserGetTime
  1099. ipsos.o(i.upDateReportTime) refers to ipsos.o(.data) for reportTime
  1100. utask.o(i.ptAllInit) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerInitPool) for PTTimerInitPool
  1101. utask.o(i.ptAllInit) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  1102. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected) for GTMode_Detected
  1103. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion) for PowerOffProtetion
  1104. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to maintask.o(i.CommHandler) for CommHandler
  1105. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) for KeyHandler
  1106. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl) for ModemLedCtl
  1107. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle) for powerSaveHandle
  1108. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to message.o(i.IncomingSMS) for IncomingSMS
  1109. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1110. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1111. utask.o(i.ptFastTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1112. utask.o(i.ptLedTask) refers to led.o(i.LedProcess) for LedProcess
  1113. utask.o(i.ptLedTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1114. utask.o(i.ptLedTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1115. utask.o(i.ptLedTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1116. utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask) refers to modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) for ModemATProcess
  1117. utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1118. utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1119. utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1120. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_Update) for RTC_Update
  1121. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to adc.o(i.BatterProcess) for BatterProcess
  1122. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to hook.o(i.onStartCtl) for onStartCtl
  1123. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) for FingerDaemonfinger
  1124. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1125. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1126. utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1127. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) for InfoTick
  1128. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to utask.o(i.ptFastTask) for ptFastTask
  1129. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to utask.o(i.ptSecondTask) for ptSecondTask
  1130. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask) for ptModemATProTask
  1131. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) for ptModemUartTask
  1132. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) for ptModemInitTask
  1133. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to utask.o(i.ptLedTask) for ptLedTask
  1134. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to socket.o(i.ptSocketTask) for ptSocketTask
  1135. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask) for ptGpsTask
  1136. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to ui.o(i.ptUITask) for ptUITask
  1137. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to hook.o(i.ptUIAssist) for ptUIAssist
  1138. utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_TaskFast
  1139. utask.o(i.ptTimerTick) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerTick) for PTTimerTick
  1140. utask.o(i.ptTimerTick) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  1141. utask.o(i.uSysTickGet) refers to utask.o(.data) for uSysTick
  1142. utask.o(i.uSysTickUpdate) refers to utask.o(.data) for uSysTick
  1143. utask.o(i.uTimerCall) refers to stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd) for TIM_Cmd
  1144. utask.o(i.uTimerCall) refers to utask.o(.bss) for uTimerPara
  1145. utask.o(i.uTimerCall) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1146. utask.o(i.uTimerCreate) refers to utask.o(.bss) for uTimerPara
  1147. utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) refers to utask.o(i.uSysTickGet) for uSysTickGet
  1148. utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) refers to utask.o(i.uSysTickGet) for uSysTickGet
  1149. utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1150. utask.o(i.uTimerStart) refers to utask.o(i.uSysTickGet) for uSysTickGet
  1151. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  1152. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus) for RCC_GetFlagStatus
  1153. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearFlag) for RCC_ClearFlag
  1154. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd) for IWDG_WriteAccessCmd
  1155. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler) for IWDG_SetPrescaler
  1156. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload) for IWDG_SetReload
  1157. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1158. main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable) for IWDG_Enable
  1159. main.o(i.MY_NVIC_Init) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig) for NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig
  1160. main.o(i.MY_NVIC_Init) refers to misc.o(i.NVIC_Init) for NVIC_Init
  1161. main.o(i.ShowMcuFreq) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq) for RCC_GetClocksFreq
  1162. main.o(i.ShowMcuFreq) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1163. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration) for IWDG_Configuration
  1164. main.o(i.main) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_Init) for RTC_Init
  1165. main.o(i.main) refers to serial.o(i.Uart1Init) for Uart1Init
  1166. main.o(i.main) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1167. main.o(i.main) refers to serial.o(i.Uart2Init) for Uart2Init
  1168. main.o(i.main) refers to serial.o(i.Uart3Init) for Uart3Init
  1169. main.o(i.main) refers to modem.o(i.ModemPinConfig) for ModemPinConfig
  1170. main.o(i.main) refers to maintask.o(i.PowerCtrlInit) for PowerCtrlInit
  1171. main.o(i.main) refers to w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) for W25Q64_Init
  1172. main.o(i.main) refers to filesys.o(i.FileSysInit) for FileSysInit
  1173. main.o(i.main) refers to key.o(i.KeyInit) for KeyInit
  1174. main.o(i.main) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerInit) for SpeakerInit
  1175. main.o(i.main) refers to audio.o(i.MicrophoneInit) for MicrophoneInit
  1176. main.o(i.main) refers to adc.o(i.ADCInit) for ADCInit
  1177. main.o(i.main) refers to led.o(i.LedInit) for LedInit
  1178. main.o(i.main) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdInit) for LcdInit
  1179. main.o(i.main) refers to gui.o(i.GuiInit) for GuiInit
  1180. main.o(i.main) refers to audio.o(i.BeepInit) for BeepInit
  1181. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.MY_NVIC_Init) for MY_NVIC_Init
  1182. main.o(i.main) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1183. main.o(i.main) refers to sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead) for newSysIniRead
  1184. main.o(i.main) refers to main.o(i.ShowMcuFreq) for ShowMcuFreq
  1185. main.o(i.main) refers to maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init) for OnOff_Init
  1186. main.o(i.main) refers to probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit) for TSGpsDataInit
  1187. main.o(i.main) refers to gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart) for GPSRestart
  1188. main.o(i.main) refers to ui.o(i.UI_Init) for UI_Init
  1189. main.o(i.main) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  1190. main.o(i.main) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  1191. main.o(i.main) refers to audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS) for SetBeepByNoOS
  1192. main.o(i.main) refers to productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash) for ReadProductParaFromFlash
  1193. main.o(i.main) refers to productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate) for GpsTimeUpdate
  1194. main.o(i.main) refers to maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID) for GetUniStringByID
  1195. main.o(i.main) refers to message.o(i.SetMessageConfi) for SetMessageConfi
  1196. main.o(i.main) refers to utask.o(i.ptAllInit) for ptAllInit
  1197. main.o(i.main) refers to utask.o(i.ptTaskRun) for ptTaskRun
  1198. main.o(i.main) refers to system_stm32f10x.o(.data) for SystemCoreClock
  1199. main.o(i.main) refers to productpara.o(.bss) for sutProductPara
  1200. main.o(i.main) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for LcdOnTimeCt
  1201. main.o(i.main) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  1202. maintask.o(i.CommHandler) refers to maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) for PcMsgHandle
  1203. maintask.o(i.CommHandler) refers to stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd) for DMA_Cmd
  1204. maintask.o(i.CommHandler) refers to serial.o(.data) for g_usUart1RecvLen
  1205. maintask.o(i.CommHandler) refers to serial.o(.bss) for RxBuffer1
  1206. maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_GetFlagStatus) for EXTI_GetFlagStatus
  1207. maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler) refers to stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_ClearFlag) for EXTI_ClearFlag
  1208. maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for modemInitReady
  1209. maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler) refers to maintask.o(.data) for modemPwrOffNow
  1210. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable) for SpeakerEnable
  1211. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable) for Uart1RxEnable
  1212. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to led.o(i.LedProcess) for LedProcess
  1213. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to led.o(i.SetLedStatus) for SetLedStatus
  1214. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1215. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucEnterGTNow
  1216. maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for g_ucModemTaskEn
  1217. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1218. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1219. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to maintask.o(i.ResetModem) for ResetModem
  1220. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart) for GPSRestart
  1221. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to serial.o(i.Uart3Init) for Uart3Init
  1222. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for g_ucModemTaskEn
  1223. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1224. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to maintask.o(.data) for pocTimeOutTime
  1225. maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1226. maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected) refers to maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) for EnterGTMode
  1227. maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected) refers to maintask.o(.data) for GT_Flag
  1228. maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1229. maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1230. maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1231. maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID) refers to maintask.o(.constdata) for sucRandTable
  1232. maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID) refers to id.o(i.GetSTM32ID) for GetSTM32ID
  1233. maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1234. maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1235. maintask.o(i.KeyFree) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1236. maintask.o(i.KeyFree) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1237. maintask.o(i.KeyFree) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1238. maintask.o(i.KeyFree) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1239. maintask.o(i.KeyFree) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucTMMode
  1240. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to key.o(i.GetKey) for GetKey
  1241. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to maintask.o(i.KeyPress) for KeyPress
  1242. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) for LCDBackLight
  1243. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to maintask.o(i.KeyFree) for KeyFree
  1244. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to maintask.o(.data) for keyNum
  1245. maintask.o(i.KeyHandler) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for LcdOnTimeCt
  1246. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1247. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1248. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to hook.o(i.SwitchGroupPre) for SwitchGroupPre
  1249. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1250. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1251. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to gui.o(i.ShowButton) for ShowButton
  1252. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to ipsos.o(i.ipSosStartNow) for ipSosStartNow
  1253. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1254. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1255. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucTMMode
  1256. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1257. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1258. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for g_ucModemTaskEn
  1259. maintask.o(i.KeyPress) refers to probubiao.o(.data) for buBiaoSosSendNow
  1260. maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  1261. maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  1262. maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_EXTILineConfig) for GPIO_EXTILineConfig
  1263. maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init) refers to stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_Init) for EXTI_Init
  1264. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1265. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to led.o(i.SetLedStatus) for SetLedStatus
  1266. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to serial.o(i.ComSelect) for ComSelect
  1267. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart) for GPSRestart
  1268. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to maintask.o(.constdata) for .constdata
  1269. maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucTMMode
  1270. maintask.o(i.PowerCtrlInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  1271. maintask.o(i.PowerCtrlInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  1272. maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion) refers to lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) for LCDBackLight
  1273. maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion) refers to maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) for cmdShutDown
  1274. maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion) refers to maintask.o(.data) for modemPwrOffNow
  1275. maintask.o(i.ResetModem) refers to serial.o(i.Uart2Init) for Uart2Init
  1276. maintask.o(i.ResetModem) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1277. maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1278. maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1279. maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  1280. maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1281. maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly) for uTimerHardDly
  1282. maintask.o(i.isKeyPress) refers to maintask.o(.data) for keyNum
  1283. maintask.o(.constdata) refers to maintask.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  1284. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy4
  1285. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  1286. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  1287. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to modemtask.o(i.UpdateCsqValue) for UpdateCsqValue
  1288. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1289. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1290. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate) for tcpSocketStatusUpdate
  1291. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to common.o(i.FindTargetIndex) for FindTargetIndex
  1292. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to socket.o(i.tcpSocketRecv) for tcpSocketRecv
  1293. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to strcat.o(.text) for strcat
  1294. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to hook.o(i.enableDataSend) for enableDataSend
  1295. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode) for GetPwrMode
  1296. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to modemtask.o(.constdata) for .constdata
  1297. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to ui.o(.data) for netshowvalue
  1298. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to network.o(.data) for netPPP
  1299. modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1300. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  1301. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  1302. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1303. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucEnterGTNow
  1304. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for tick
  1305. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1306. modemtask.o(i.InfoTick) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1307. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueAccept) for MsgQueueAccept
  1308. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1309. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to poctask.o(i.PocHandle) for PocHandle
  1310. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to modemtask.o(i.AtHandle) for AtHandle
  1311. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to modem.o(.bss) for sutAtmPro
  1312. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for modemInitStatus
  1313. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucEnterGTNow
  1314. modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1315. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1316. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1317. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) for mInitSwitchStatus
  1318. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.getModemModule) for getModemModule
  1319. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.getModemVersion) for getModemVersion
  1320. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.getPocVersion) for getPocVersion
  1321. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.CheckPocType) for CheckPocType
  1322. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemOwnPocSet) for ModemOwnPocSet
  1323. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.getPocCode) for getPocCode
  1324. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to atoi.o(.text) for atoi
  1325. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic) for SetDefaultSpkMic
  1326. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI) for ModemGetIMEI
  1327. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID) for ModemGetICCID
  1328. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard) for GetMododexWithCard
  1329. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara) for ModemSetPocPara
  1330. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig) for ModemApnConfig
  1331. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modem.o(.bss) for sutAtmPro
  1332. modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for initStatus
  1333. modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl) refers to led.o(i.SetLedIndicator) for SetLedIndicator
  1334. modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for g_ucModemTaskEn
  1335. modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1336. modemtask.o(i.Modem_Stopinit) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1337. modemtask.o(i.Modem_Stopinit) refers to maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) for EnterGTMode
  1338. modemtask.o(i.Modem_Stopinit) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1339. modemtask.o(i.UpdateCsqValue) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for tCsq
  1340. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1341. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1342. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1343. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic) for SetDefaultSpkMic
  1344. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for timeOut
  1345. modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) refers to modemtask.o(.bss) for WaitAT2
  1346. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1347. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  1348. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to led.o(i.SetLedIndicator) for SetLedIndicator
  1349. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueSet) for MsgQueueSet
  1350. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1351. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1352. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus) for mInitSwitchStatus
  1353. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit) for GPIO_ReadInputDataBit
  1354. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1355. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueAccept) for MsgQueueAccept
  1356. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to common.o(i.ModemStrCmp) for ModemStrCmp
  1357. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler) for ModemInitAckHandler
  1358. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode) for EnterGTMode
  1359. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modem.o(.bss) for sutAtmPro
  1360. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1361. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for modemInitReady
  1362. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_iPocVer
  1363. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  1364. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to maintask.o(.data) for modemPwrOffNow
  1365. modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask) refers to modemtask.o(.bss) for SendAT
  1366. modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) refers to serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess) for Uart2RecvProcess
  1367. modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1368. modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1369. modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) refers to modemuarttask.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1370. modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  1371. stm32f10x_it.o(i.HardFault_Handler) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1372. stm32f10x_it.o(i.HardFault_Handler) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(.data) for g_HFH
  1373. stm32f10x_it.o(i.SetHFH) refers to stm32f10x_it.o(.data) for g_HFH
  1374. stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to utask.o(i.uSysTickUpdate) for uSysTickUpdate
  1375. stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to utask.o(i.ptTimerTick) for ptTimerTick
  1376. stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerCall) for uTimerCall
  1377. stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler) refers to serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler) for UART1RxTxISRHandler
  1378. stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART2_IRQHandler) refers to serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler) for UART2RxTxISRHandler
  1379. stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART3_IRQHandler) refers to serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler) for UART3RxTxISRHandler
  1380. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  1381. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1382. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1383. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1384. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  1385. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1386. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1387. ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) refers to poctask.o(.data) for g_ulGroupID
  1388. ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  1389. ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) refers to ui.o(.data) for NullUser
  1390. ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) refers to ui.o(.bss) for UsersName
  1391. ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1392. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  1393. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  1394. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1395. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1396. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) for GuiDrawVLine
  1397. ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) refers to ui.o(.data) for flashCnt
  1398. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to strncmp.o(.text) for strncmp
  1399. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1400. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy4
  1401. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) for StrIntercept
  1402. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1403. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to ui.o(.data) for suCt
  1404. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1405. ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) refers to ui.o(.bss) for scName
  1406. ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1407. ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1408. ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1409. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1410. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  1411. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1412. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) for StrIntercept
  1413. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1414. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to ui.o(.data) for scCt
  1415. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1416. ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) refers to ui.o(.bss) for scName
  1417. ui.o(i.ShowSingle) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1418. ui.o(i.ShowSingle) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1419. ui.o(i.ShowSingle) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) for GuiDrawVLine
  1420. ui.o(i.ShowSingle) refers to network.o(.data) for netPPP
  1421. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1422. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(i.ShowSingle) for ShowSingle
  1423. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon) for ShowGPSICon
  1424. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(i.ShowBatttery) for ShowBatttery
  1425. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag) for ShowMessageFlag
  1426. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(i.ShowTime) for ShowTime
  1427. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(i.Show_Net) for Show_Net
  1428. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to modemtask.o(.data) for g_iCSQ
  1429. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to ui.o(.data) for siCSQ
  1430. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to adc.o(.data) for g_iVbat
  1431. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to network.o(.data) for netPPP
  1432. ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) refers to gpsdata.o(.bss) for sutGpsInfo
  1433. ui.o(i.ShowTime) refers to userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime) for RTC_UserGetTime
  1434. ui.o(i.ShowTime) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1435. ui.o(i.ShowTime) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1436. ui.o(i.ShowTime) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1437. ui.o(i.ShowTime) refers to ui.o(.data) for lastS
  1438. ui.o(i.Show_Net) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1439. ui.o(i.Show_Net) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1440. ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1441. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  1442. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  1443. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  1444. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1445. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1446. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1447. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1448. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1449. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1450. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  1451. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) for ListBoxInit
  1452. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1453. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to ui.o(.data) for machine
  1454. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1455. ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) refers to ui.o(.bss) for GroupsName
  1456. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1457. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) for GuiFillRect
  1458. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.ShowButton) for ShowButton
  1459. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar) for ShowStatusBar
  1460. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1461. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1462. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName) for ShowCallUserName
  1463. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName) for ShowGroupAndUserName
  1464. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memset
  1465. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy4
  1466. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1467. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1468. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to ui.o(.data) for siLastFlag
  1469. ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1470. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1471. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1472. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1473. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) refers to menu.o(i.MenuInit) for MenuInit
  1474. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) refers to ui.o(.data) for apcMenuMain
  1475. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1476. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1477. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1478. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to menu.o(i.MenuInit) for MenuInit
  1479. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to productpara.o(.data) for hgs_poc_type
  1480. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to ui.o(.data) for apcMenuSysSetup
  1481. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to ui.o(.bss) for staticMenum
  1482. ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) refers to setsystempara.o(.data) for sutMenuSysSetup
  1483. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  1484. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerStart) for uTimerStart
  1485. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to hook.o(i.UiassistStart) for UiassistStart
  1486. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to utask.o(i.uTimerExpired) for uTimerExpired
  1487. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1488. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to hook.o(i.getAssistResult) for getAssistResult
  1489. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1490. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1491. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1492. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) for ReFlashItem
  1493. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1494. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd) for UserAssistAdd
  1495. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to ui.o(.data) for machine
  1496. ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1497. ui.o(i.UI_Init) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1498. ui.o(i.UI_Init) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1499. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to maintask.o(i.isKeyPress) for isKeyPress
  1500. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1501. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to menu.o(i.MenuResponse) for MenuResponse
  1502. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse) for GroupSelResponse
  1503. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) for UserSelResponse
  1504. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to message.o(i.MessageResponse) for MessageResponse
  1505. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse) for SetSYSResponse
  1506. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse) for MessageOptionResponse
  1507. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to message.o(i.MessageReadResponse) for MessageReadResponse
  1508. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse) for MessageFormatResponse
  1509. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse) for MessageDeletResponse
  1510. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse) for SetAPNResponse
  1511. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse) for SetApnDetailResponse
  1512. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse) for SetGPSResponse
  1513. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse) for SetLCDResponse
  1514. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse) for SetNetResponse
  1515. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse) for POCSetSerPassResponse
  1516. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse) for POCSetSerResponse
  1517. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse) for SetCodeTypeResponse
  1518. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse) for SetKeysoundResponse
  1519. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse) for SetSoundModeResponse
  1520. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse) for SetPowerModeResponse
  1521. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse) for SetUpIntercomVerResponse
  1522. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to maintask.o(.data) for g_ucTMMode
  1523. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1524. ui.o(i.UI_Key) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1525. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface) for UIShowMainInterface
  1526. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain) for UIShowMenuMain
  1527. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel) for UIShowUserSel
  1528. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel) for UIShowGroupSel
  1529. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to message.o(i.UIShowMailBox) for UIShowMailBox
  1530. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup) for UIShowMenuSysSetup
  1531. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation) for UIShowInformation
  1532. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to message.o(i.MessageOptionShow) for MessageOptionShow
  1533. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to message.o(i.MessageReadShow) for MessageReadShow
  1534. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to phonenum.o(i.CallToPhoneNum) for CallToPhoneNum
  1535. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to message.o(i.MessageDeletShow) for MessageDeletShow
  1536. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to message.o(i.MessageFormatShow) for MessageFormatShow
  1537. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow) for SetAPNShow
  1538. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow) for SetApnDetailShow
  1539. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow) for SetGPSShow
  1540. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow) for SetLCDShow
  1541. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow) for SetNetShow
  1542. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass) for UIShowPOCSerPass
  1543. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer) for UIShowPOCSer
  1544. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow) for SetCodeTypeShow
  1545. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow) for SetKeySoundShow
  1546. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow) for SetSoundModeShow
  1547. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow) for SetPowerModeShow
  1548. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow) for SetUpIntercomVerShow
  1549. ui.o(i.UI_Loop) refers to ui.o(.data) for sutUIstatus
  1550. ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd) refers to hook.o(i.getAssistResult) for getAssistResult
  1551. ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd) refers to ui.o(i.ReFlashItem) for ReFlashItem
  1552. ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd) refers to ui.o(.data) for UserSelMachine
  1553. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to hook.o(i.UiassistStart) for UiassistStart
  1554. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) for ListBoxResponse
  1555. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus) for UISetNextStatus
  1556. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1557. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to modem.o(i.ModemSendAt) for ModemSendAt
  1558. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1559. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to ui.o(.data) for UserSelMachine
  1560. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to ui.o(.bss) for sutListBox
  1561. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1562. ui.o(i.UserSelResponse) refers to poctask.o(.bss) for sutPocStatus
  1563. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to ui.o(i.UI_Loop) for UI_Loop
  1564. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to ui.o(i.UI_Key) for UI_Key
  1565. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) for PTTimerStart
  1566. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired) for PTTimerIsExpired
  1567. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to ui.o(.data) for ptTimer
  1568. ui.o(i.ptUITask) refers to utask.o(.data) for pt_timerPool
  1569. ui.o(i.speciallShow) refers to gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) for ShowMessageBox
  1570. ui.o(.data) refers to ui.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  1571. lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1572. lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1573. lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData) for SPI_I2S_SendData
  1574. lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus) for SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus
  1575. lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendCommand) for LcdSendCommand
  1576. lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) for LcdSendData
  1577. lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1578. lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) for LcdSendData
  1579. lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll) refers to lcd.o(.data) for susLcdBackColor
  1580. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) for LcdPortInit
  1581. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to w25q64.o(i.DelayMs) for DelayMs
  1582. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendCommand) for LcdSendCommand
  1583. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) for LcdSendData
  1584. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSetColor) for LcdSetColor
  1585. lcd.o(i.LcdInit) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll) for LcdClrAll
  1586. lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  1587. lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd
  1588. lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  1589. lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init) for SPI_Init
  1590. lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd) for SPI_Cmd
  1591. lcd.o(i.LcdSendCommand) refers to lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1592. lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) refers to lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1593. lcd.o(i.LcdSetColor) refers to lcd.o(.data) for susLcdForeColor
  1594. gui.o(i.FindColorIndex) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1595. gui.o(i.GetHzk16) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1596. gui.o(i.GetHzk16) refers to gui.o(.bss) for sutHzk16
  1597. gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) refers to gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) for PaintBufToLcd
  1598. gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucBackColorId
  1599. gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1600. gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateDot) for UpdateDot
  1601. gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucBackColorId
  1602. gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1603. gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateDot) for UpdateDot
  1604. gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucForeColorId
  1605. gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) refers to gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) for GuiFillRect
  1606. gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine) for GuiDrawHLine
  1607. gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) for GuiDrawVLine
  1608. gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine) refers to gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) for GuiFillRect
  1609. gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1610. gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateDot) for UpdateDot
  1611. gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucWarnColorId
  1612. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to gui.o(i.HzkInit) for HzkInit
  1613. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1614. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile) for SetPaletteByBmpFile
  1615. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to gui.o(i.GuiSetColor) for GuiSetColor
  1616. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1617. gui.o(i.GuiInit) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1618. gui.o(i.GuiSetBackColor) refers to gui.o(i.FindColorIndex) for FindColorIndex
  1619. gui.o(i.GuiSetBackColor) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateColor) for UpdateColor
  1620. gui.o(i.GuiSetBackColor) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucBackColorId
  1621. gui.o(i.GuiSetColor) refers to gui.o(i.FindColorIndex) for FindColorIndex
  1622. gui.o(i.GuiSetColor) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateColor) for UpdateColor
  1623. gui.o(i.GuiSetColor) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucForeColorId
  1624. gui.o(i.GuiSetForeColor) refers to gui.o(i.FindColorIndex) for FindColorIndex
  1625. gui.o(i.GuiSetForeColor) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateColor) for UpdateColor
  1626. gui.o(i.GuiSetForeColor) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucForeColorId
  1627. gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) for GuiDrawRect
  1628. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) for GetFileIndex
  1629. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileLen) for GetFileLen
  1630. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1631. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1632. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to gui.o(i.PaintToBuf) for PaintToBuf
  1633. gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1634. gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) refers to gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) for PaintCharToBuf
  1635. gui.o(i.HzkInit) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) for GetFileIndex
  1636. gui.o(i.HzkInit) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1637. gui.o(i.HzkInit) refers to gui.o(.bss) for sutHzk16
  1638. gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1639. gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) refers to gui.o(i.RGB888toRGB565) for RGB888toRGB565
  1640. gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1641. gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) for LcdSendData
  1642. gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1643. gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) refers to gui.o(i.GetHzk16) for GetHzk16
  1644. gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite) for LcdBlockWrite
  1645. gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateDot) for UpdateDot
  1646. gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) refers to fonts.o(.constdata) for g_apucFonts16
  1647. gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucBackColorId
  1648. gui.o(i.PaintToBuf) refers to gui.o(i.UpdateDot) for UpdateDot
  1649. gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) for GetFileIndex
  1650. gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile) refers to filesys.o(i.GetFileLen) for GetFileLen
  1651. gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile) refers to filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) for ReadFileData
  1652. gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1653. gui.o(i.ShowButton) refers to menu.o(i.GetStrXLen) for GetStrXLen
  1654. gui.o(i.ShowButton) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1655. gui.o(i.ShowButton) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1656. gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1657. gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) for GuiDrawRect
  1658. gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) refers to listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) for StrIntercept
  1659. gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) refers to menu.o(i.GetStrXLen) for GetStrXLen
  1660. gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1661. gui.o(i.UpdateColor) refers to gui.o(.data) for g_ucForeColorId
  1662. gui.o(i.UpdateColor) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1663. gui.o(i.UpdateDot) refers to lcd.o(i.LcdSendData) for LcdSendData
  1664. gui.o(i.UpdateDot) refers to gui.o(.bss) for g_Palette
  1665. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearAll) for GuiClearAll
  1666. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1667. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1668. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect) for GuiDrawRect
  1669. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiFillRect) for GuiFillRect
  1670. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1671. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1672. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow) for GuiShowArrow
  1673. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(i.ShowButton) for ShowButton
  1674. gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash) refers to gui.o(.data) for i
  1675. pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart) refers to pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStop) for PTTimerStop
  1676. filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1677. filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1678. filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for tempBuf
  1679. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Init) for MD5Init
  1680. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1681. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Update) for MD5Update
  1682. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Final) for MD5Final
  1683. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to filesys.o(i.UCharToStrByHex) for UCharToStrByHex
  1684. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1685. filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1686. filesys.o(i.FileSysInit) refers to filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) for FileSysReadIndex
  1687. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr
  1688. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1689. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  1690. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1691. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1692. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) for isFileFileGood
  1693. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp) for BackupFileToTemp
  1694. filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1695. filesys.o(i.FileSysSaveIndex) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1696. filesys.o(i.FileSysSaveIndex) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1697. filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) refers to strcmp.o(.text) for strcmp
  1698. filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1699. filesys.o(i.GetFileLen) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1700. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to ui.o(i.speciallShow) for speciallShow
  1701. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter) for IWDG_ReloadCounter
  1702. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp) for BackupFileToTemp
  1703. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to filesys.o(i.ModifyTempFile) for ModifyTempFile
  1704. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) for UpdateBackFileMD5
  1705. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to sysini.o(.data) for newSysiniIndex
  1706. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to sysini.o(.bss) for newPara
  1707. filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1708. filesys.o(i.ModifyTempFile) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1709. filesys.o(i.PrintfAllRFileInfo) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1710. filesys.o(i.PrintfAllRFileInfo) refers to filesys.o(i.UCharToStrByHex) for UCharToStrByHex
  1711. filesys.o(i.PrintfAllRFileInfo) refers to filesys.o(.conststring) for .conststring
  1712. filesys.o(i.PrintfAllRFileInfo) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1713. filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1714. filesys.o(i.ReadFileData) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1715. filesys.o(i.UCharToStrByHex) refers to printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) for __2sprintf
  1716. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Init) for MD5Init
  1717. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1718. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Update) for MD5Update
  1719. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Final) for MD5Final
  1720. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  1721. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  1722. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1723. filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for tempBuf
  1724. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Init) for MD5Init
  1725. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1726. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Update) for MD5Update
  1727. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Final) for MD5Final
  1728. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to filesys.o(i.FileSysSaveIndex) for FileSysSaveIndex
  1729. filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5) refers to filesys.o(.bss) for g_sutFilesList
  1730. filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1731. filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Init) for MD5Init
  1732. filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Update) for MD5Update
  1733. filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Final) for MD5Final
  1734. filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood) refers to memcmp.o(.text) for memcmp
  1735. w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus) for SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus
  1736. w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData) for SPI_I2S_SendData
  1737. w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData) for SPI_I2S_ReceiveData
  1738. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID) for sFlash_ReadID
  1739. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) for __2printf
  1740. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  1741. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to strcpy.o(.text) for strcpy
  1742. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) for sFlash_Write
  1743. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1744. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) for sFlash_Write_Page
  1745. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test) refers to w25q64.o(.data) for scStep
  1746. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_PortInit) for W25Q64_PortInit
  1747. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1748. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init) for SPI_Init
  1749. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd) for SPI_Cmd
  1750. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to w25q64.o(i.DelayUs) for DelayUs
  1751. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID) for sFlash_ReadID
  1752. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_PortInit) refers to stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd) for RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd
  1753. w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_PortInit) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init) for GPIO_Init
  1754. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) for sFlash_Write_Enable
  1755. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) for sFlash_Wait_Busy
  1756. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1757. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1758. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1759. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) for sFlash_Write_Enable
  1760. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) for sFlash_Wait_Busy
  1761. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1762. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1763. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1764. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Protect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) for sFlash_Write_Enable
  1765. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Protect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) for sFlash_Wait_Busy
  1766. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Protect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR) for sFlash_Write_SR
  1767. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Unprotect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) for sFlash_Write_Enable
  1768. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Unprotect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) for sFlash_Wait_Busy
  1769. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Unprotect) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR) for sFlash_Write_SR
  1770. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_PowerDown) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1771. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_PowerDown) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1772. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_PowerDown) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1773. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_PowerDown) refers to w25q64.o(i.DelayUs) for DelayUs
  1774. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1775. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1776. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1777. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1778. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1779. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1780. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1781. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1782. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1783. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_WAKEUP) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1784. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_WAKEUP) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1785. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_WAKEUP) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1786. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_WAKEUP) refers to w25q64.o(i.DelayUs) for DelayUs
  1787. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR) for sFlash_ReadSR
  1788. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read) for sFlash_Read
  1789. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector) for sFlash_Erase_Sector
  1790. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck) for sFlash_Write_NoCheck
  1791. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write) refers to w25q64.o(.bss) for sFlash_BUF
  1792. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Disable) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1793. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Disable) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1794. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Disable) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1795. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1796. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1797. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1798. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) for sFlash_Write_Page
  1799. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable) for sFlash_Write_Enable
  1800. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1801. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1802. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1803. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page) refers to w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy) for sFlash_Wait_Busy
  1804. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits) for GPIO_ResetBits
  1805. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR) refers to w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte) for SPIx_ReadWriteByte
  1806. w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR) refers to stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits) for GPIO_SetBits
  1807. md5.o(i.MD5Final) refers to md5.o(i.MD5Update) for MD5Update
  1808. md5.o(i.MD5Final) refers to md5.o(i.Transform) for Transform
  1809. md5.o(i.MD5Final) refers to md5.o(.constdata) for PADDING
  1810. md5.o(i.MD5Update) refers to md5.o(i.Transform) for Transform
  1811. menu.o(i.MenuInit) refers to menu.o(i.MenuShow) for MenuShow
  1812. menu.o(i.MenuResponse) refers to menu.o(i.MenuShowBar) for MenuShowBar
  1813. menu.o(i.MenuResponse) refers to menu.o(i.MenuShow) for MenuShow
  1814. menu.o(i.MenuResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1815. menu.o(i.MenuShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1816. menu.o(i.MenuShow) refers to menu.o(i.MenuShowItem) for MenuShowItem
  1817. menu.o(i.MenuShow) refers to menu.o(i.MenuShowBar) for MenuShowBar
  1818. menu.o(i.MenuShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow) for GuiShowArrow
  1819. menu.o(i.MenuShowBar) refers to menu.o(i.GetStrXLen) for GetStrXLen
  1820. menu.o(i.MenuShowBar) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1821. menu.o(i.MenuShowItem) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1822. menu.o(i.MenuShowItem) refers to menu.o(i.ShowCaption) for ShowCaption
  1823. menu.o(i.ShowCaption) refers to menu.o(i.GetStrXLen) for GetStrXLen
  1824. menu.o(i.ShowCaption) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1825. listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) for ListBoxShow
  1826. listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowBar) for ListBoxShowBar
  1827. listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) for ListBoxShow
  1828. listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1829. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1830. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) for ListBoxShowItem
  1831. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) refers to listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowBar) for ListBoxShowBar
  1832. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow) for GuiShowArrow
  1833. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowBar) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1834. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1835. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  1836. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  1837. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) for StrIntercept
  1838. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1839. listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1840. listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1841. listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  1842. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxInitSMS) refers to message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) for GetPagePreMessage
  1843. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) refers to printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) for __2snprintf
  1844. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1845. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1846. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) refers to listboxsms.o(.data) for len
  1847. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowBarSMS) for ListBoxShowBarSMS
  1848. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS) refers to message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage) for GetPagePreMessage
  1849. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS) for ListBoxItemNumShowSMS
  1850. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1851. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowBarSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1852. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1853. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to memseta.o(.text) for __aeabi_memclr4
  1854. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  1855. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to listbox.o(i.StrIntercept) for StrIntercept
  1856. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to serial.o(i.SlwTrace) for SlwTrace
  1857. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp) for GuiShowBmp
  1858. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1859. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1860. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS) for ListBoxShowItemSMS
  1861. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS) refers to listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowBarSMS) for ListBoxShowBarSMS
  1862. listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow) for GuiShowArrow
  1863. numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) refers to strncpy.o(.text) for strncpy
  1864. numedit.o(i.NumEditInit) refers to strlen.o(.text) for strlen
  1865. numedit.o(i.NumEditResponse) refers to numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) for NumEditShow
  1866. numedit.o(i.NumEditResponse) refers to key.o(.data) for g_ulKeyValue
  1867. numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearRect) for GuiClearRect
  1868. numedit.o(i.NumEditShow) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1869. numedit.o(i.NumEditShowNORect) refers to gui.o(i.GuiClearArea) for GuiClearArea
  1870. numedit.o(i.NumEditShowNORect) refers to gui.o(i.GuiShowStr) for GuiShowStr
  1871. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D) for __rt_final_cpp
  1872. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F) for __rt_final_exit
  1873. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008) for _main_clock
  1874. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A) for _main_cpp_init
  1875. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) for _main_init
  1876. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for _main_scatterload
  1877. entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) refers (Special) to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) for _main_stk
  1878. printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1879. printfb.o(i.__0fprintf$bare) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1880. printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1881. printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1882. printfb.o(i.__0printf$bare) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1883. printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1884. printfb.o(i.__0snprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1885. printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1886. printfb.o(i.__0sprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1887. printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1888. printfb.o(i.__0vfprintf$bare) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1889. printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1890. printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1891. printfb.o(i.__0vprintf$bare) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1892. printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1893. printfb.o(i.__0vsnprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1894. printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1895. printfb.o(i.__0vsprintf$bare) refers to printfb.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1896. printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1897. printf0.o(i.__0fprintf$0) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1898. printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1899. printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1900. printf0.o(i.__0printf$0) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1901. printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1902. printf0.o(i.__0snprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1903. printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1904. printf0.o(i.__0sprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1905. printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1906. printf0.o(i.__0vfprintf$0) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1907. printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1908. printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1909. printf0.o(i.__0vprintf$0) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1910. printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1911. printf0.o(i.__0vsnprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1912. printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1913. printf0.o(i.__0vsprintf$0) refers to printf0.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1914. printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1915. printf1.o(i.__0fprintf$1) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1916. printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1917. printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1918. printf1.o(i.__0printf$1) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1919. printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1920. printf1.o(i.__0snprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1921. printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1922. printf1.o(i.__0sprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1923. printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1924. printf1.o(i.__0vfprintf$1) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1925. printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1926. printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1927. printf1.o(i.__0vprintf$1) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1928. printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1929. printf1.o(i.__0vsnprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1930. printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1931. printf1.o(i.__0vsprintf$1) refers to printf1.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1932. printf1.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
  1933. printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1934. printf2.o(i.__0fprintf$2) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1935. printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1936. printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1937. printf2.o(i.__0printf$2) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1938. printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1939. printf2.o(i.__0snprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1940. printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1941. printf2.o(i.__0sprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1942. printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1943. printf2.o(i.__0vfprintf$2) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1944. printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1945. printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1946. printf2.o(i.__0vprintf$2) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1947. printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1948. printf2.o(i.__0vsnprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1949. printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1950. printf2.o(i.__0vsprintf$2) refers to printf2.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1951. printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1952. printf3.o(i.__0fprintf$3) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1953. printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1954. printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1955. printf3.o(i.__0printf$3) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1956. printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1957. printf3.o(i.__0snprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1958. printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1959. printf3.o(i.__0sprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1960. printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1961. printf3.o(i.__0vfprintf$3) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1962. printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1963. printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1964. printf3.o(i.__0vprintf$3) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1965. printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1966. printf3.o(i.__0vsnprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1967. printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1968. printf3.o(i.__0vsprintf$3) refers to printf3.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1969. printf3.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
  1970. printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1971. printf4.o(i.__0fprintf$4) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1972. printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1973. printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1974. printf4.o(i.__0printf$4) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1975. printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1976. printf4.o(i.__0snprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1977. printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1978. printf4.o(i.__0sprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1979. printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1980. printf4.o(i.__0vfprintf$4) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1981. printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1982. printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1983. printf4.o(i.__0vprintf$4) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1984. printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1985. printf4.o(i.__0vsnprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1986. printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1987. printf4.o(i.__0vsprintf$4) refers to printf4.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1988. printf4.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  1989. printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1990. printf5.o(i.__0fprintf$5) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1991. printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1992. printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  1993. printf5.o(i.__0printf$5) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  1994. printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1995. printf5.o(i.__0snprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  1996. printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1997. printf5.o(i.__0sprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  1998. printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  1999. printf5.o(i.__0vfprintf$5) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2000. printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2001. printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2002. printf5.o(i.__0vprintf$5) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2003. printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2004. printf5.o(i.__0vsnprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2005. printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2006. printf5.o(i.__0vsprintf$5) refers to printf5.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2007. printf5.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  2008. printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2009. printf6.o(i.__0fprintf$6) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2010. printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2011. printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2012. printf6.o(i.__0printf$6) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2013. printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2014. printf6.o(i.__0snprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2015. printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2016. printf6.o(i.__0sprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2017. printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2018. printf6.o(i.__0vfprintf$6) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2019. printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2020. printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2021. printf6.o(i.__0vprintf$6) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2022. printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2023. printf6.o(i.__0vsnprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2024. printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2025. printf6.o(i.__0vsprintf$6) refers to printf6.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2026. printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
  2027. printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
  2028. printf6.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf6.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
  2029. printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2030. printf7.o(i.__0fprintf$7) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2031. printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2032. printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2033. printf7.o(i.__0printf$7) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2034. printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2035. printf7.o(i.__0snprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2036. printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2037. printf7.o(i.__0sprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2038. printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2039. printf7.o(i.__0vfprintf$7) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2040. printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2041. printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2042. printf7.o(i.__0vprintf$7) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2043. printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2044. printf7.o(i.__0vsnprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2045. printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2046. printf7.o(i.__0vsprintf$7) refers to printf7.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2047. printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
  2048. printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  2049. printf7.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf7.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
  2050. printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2051. printf8.o(i.__0fprintf$8) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2052. printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2053. printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2054. printf8.o(i.__0printf$8) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2055. printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2056. printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2057. printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2058. printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2059. printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2060. printf8.o(i.__0vfprintf$8) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2061. printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2062. printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2063. printf8.o(i.__0vprintf$8) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2064. printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2065. printf8.o(i.__0vsnprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2066. printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2067. printf8.o(i.__0vsprintf$8) refers to printf8.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2068. printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
  2069. printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  2070. printf8.o(i._printf_core) refers to printf8.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
  2071. printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2072. printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2073. printfa.o(i.__0fprintf) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2074. printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2075. printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2076. printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2077. printfa.o(i.__0printf) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2078. printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2079. printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2080. printfa.o(i.__0snprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2081. printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2082. printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2083. printfa.o(i.__0sprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2084. printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2085. printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2086. printfa.o(i.__0vfprintf) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2087. printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2088. printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2089. printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to serial.o(i.fputc) for fputc
  2090. printfa.o(i.__0vprintf) refers to stdout.o(.data) for __stdout
  2091. printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2092. printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2093. printfa.o(i.__0vsnprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._snputc) for _snputc
  2094. printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2095. printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_core) for _printf_core
  2096. printfa.o(i.__0vsprintf) refers to printfa.o(i._sputc) for _sputc
  2097. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2098. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dmul.o(.text) for __aeabi_dmul
  2099. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to ddiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_ddiv
  2100. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to cdrcmple.o(.text) for __aeabi_cdrcmple
  2101. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dadd.o(.text) for __aeabi_dadd
  2102. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to dfixul.o(.text) for __aeabi_d2ulz
  2103. printfa.o(i._fp_digits) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  2104. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2105. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) for _printf_pre_padding
  2106. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uldiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uldivmod
  2107. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) for _printf_post_padding
  2108. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to printfa.o(i._fp_digits) for _fp_digits
  2109. printfa.o(i._printf_core) refers to uidiv.o(.text) for __aeabi_uidivmod
  2110. printfa.o(i._printf_post_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2111. printfa.o(i._printf_pre_padding) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2112. printfa.o(i._snputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2113. printfa.o(i._sputc) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2114. malloc.o(i.free) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2115. malloc.o(i.malloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist_initialised
  2116. malloc.o(i.malloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2117. malloc.o(i.malloc) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP) for __heap_base
  2118. mallocr.o(i.__free$realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2119. mallocr.o(i.__malloc$realloc) refers to mallocr.o(i.internal_alloc) for internal_alloc
  2120. mallocr.o(i.__malloc$realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist_initialised
  2121. mallocr.o(i.__malloc$realloc) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP) for __heap_base
  2122. mallocr.o(i.__malloc$realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2123. mallocr.o(i.internal_alloc) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  2124. mallocr.o(i.internal_alloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2125. mallocr.o(i.realloc) refers to mallocr.o(i.__free$realloc) for __free$realloc
  2126. mallocr.o(i.realloc) refers to mallocr.o(i.internal_alloc) for internal_alloc
  2127. mallocr.o(i.realloc) refers to mallocr.o(i.__malloc$realloc) for __malloc$realloc
  2128. mallocr.o(i.realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2129. malloca.o(i.__aligned_malloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist_initialised
  2130. malloca.o(i.__aligned_malloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2131. malloca.o(i.__aligned_malloc) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP) for __heap_base
  2132. malloca.o(i.__free$memalign) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2133. malloca.o(i.__malloc$memalign) refers to malloca.o(i.__aligned_malloc) for __aligned_malloc
  2134. mallocra.o(i.__aligned_malloc$realloc) refers to mallocra.o(i.internal_alloc) for internal_alloc
  2135. mallocra.o(i.__aligned_malloc$realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist_initialised
  2136. mallocra.o(i.__aligned_malloc$realloc) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP) for __heap_base
  2137. mallocra.o(i.__aligned_malloc$realloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2138. mallocra.o(i.__free$realloc$memalign) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2139. mallocra.o(i.__malloc$realloc$memalign) refers to mallocra.o(i.__aligned_malloc$realloc) for __aligned_malloc$realloc
  2140. mallocra.o(i.__realloc$memalign) refers to mallocra.o(i.__free$realloc$memalign) for __free$realloc$memalign
  2141. mallocra.o(i.__realloc$memalign) refers to mallocra.o(i.internal_alloc) for internal_alloc
  2142. mallocra.o(i.__realloc$memalign) refers to mallocra.o(i.__malloc$realloc$memalign) for __malloc$realloc$memalign
  2143. mallocra.o(i.__realloc$memalign) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2144. mallocra.o(i.internal_alloc) refers to memcpya.o(.text) for __aeabi_memcpy
  2145. mallocra.o(i.internal_alloc) refers to mvars.o(.data) for __microlib_freelist
  2146. strtol.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2147. strtol.o(.text) refers to _strtoul.o(.text) for _strtoul
  2148. strtol.o(.text) refers to errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr) for __aeabi_errno_addr
  2149. atoi.o(.text) refers to errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr) for __aeabi_errno_addr
  2150. atoi.o(.text) refers to strtol.o(.text) for strtol
  2151. dadd.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2152. dadd.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  2153. dadd.o(.text) refers to llsshr.o(.text) for __aeabi_lasr
  2154. dadd.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  2155. dmul.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2156. dmul.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  2157. ddiv.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2158. ddiv.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_round
  2159. dflti.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2160. dflti.o(.text) refers to depilogue.o(.text) for _double_epilogue
  2161. dfixui.o(.text) refers (Special) to iusefp.o(.text) for __I$use$fp
  2162. dfixui.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
  2163. entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001) refers to entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) for __lit__00000000
  2164. entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  2165. entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(STACK) for __initial_sp
  2166. entry2.o(__vectab_stack_and_reset_area) refers to entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000) for __main
  2167. entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) refers to init.o(.text) for __scatterload
  2168. entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B) refers to main.o(i.main) for main
  2169. entry9b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000C) refers to main.o(i.main) for main
  2170. uldiv.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
  2171. uldiv.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  2172. ctype_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.constdata) for .constdata
  2173. ctype_o.o(.constdata) refers to ctype_o.o(.constdata) for __ctype_table
  2174. isalnum_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2175. isalpha_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2176. isblank_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.constdata) for __ctype_table
  2177. iscntrl_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2178. isdigit_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2179. isgraph_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2180. islower_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2181. isprint_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2182. ispunct_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2183. isspace_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2184. isupper_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2185. isxdigit_o.o(.text) refers to ctype_o.o(.text) for __rt_ctype_table
  2186. errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  2187. errno.o(i.__read_errno) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  2188. errno.o(i.__set_errno) refers to errno.o(.data) for .data
  2189. _strtoul.o(.text) refers to _chval.o(.text) for _chval
  2190. _strtoul.o(.text) refers to errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr) for __aeabi_errno_addr
  2191. depilogue.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  2192. depilogue.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
  2193. dfixul.o(.text) refers to llushr.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsr
  2194. dfixul.o(.text) refers to llshl.o(.text) for __aeabi_llsl
  2195. init.o(.text) refers to entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004) for __main_after_scatterload
  2196. ==============================================================================
  2197. Removing Unused input sections from the image.
  2198. Removing misc.o(i.NVIC_SetVectorTable), (20 bytes).
  2199. Removing misc.o(i.NVIC_SystemLPConfig), (32 bytes).
  2200. Removing misc.o(i.SysTick_CLKSourceConfig), (40 bytes).
  2201. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ClearFlag), (12 bytes).
  2202. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EnableWriteProtection), (196 bytes).
  2203. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllBank1Pages), (72 bytes).
  2204. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseAllPages), (72 bytes).
  2205. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_EraseOptionBytes), (168 bytes).
  2206. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetFlagStatus), (48 bytes).
  2207. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetPrefetchBufferStatus), (24 bytes).
  2208. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetReadOutProtectionStatus), (24 bytes).
  2209. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetStatus), (52 bytes).
  2210. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetUserOptionByte), (12 bytes).
  2211. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetWriteProtectionOptionByte), (12 bytes).
  2212. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_HalfCycleAccessCmd), (28 bytes).
  2213. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ITConfig), (32 bytes).
  2214. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_LockBank1), (20 bytes).
  2215. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd), (28 bytes).
  2216. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData), (84 bytes).
  2217. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramWord), (108 bytes).
  2218. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ReadOutProtection), (172 bytes).
  2219. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_SetLatency), (24 bytes).
  2220. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_UnlockBank1), (24 bytes).
  2221. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_UserOptionByteConfig), (104 bytes).
  2222. Removing stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastBank1Operation), (38 bytes).
  2223. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_AFIODeInit), (20 bytes).
  2224. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_DeInit), (200 bytes).
  2225. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ETH_MediaInterfaceConfig), (12 bytes).
  2226. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_EventOutputCmd), (12 bytes).
  2227. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_EventOutputConfig), (32 bytes).
  2228. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinLockConfig), (18 bytes).
  2229. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputData), (8 bytes).
  2230. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputData), (8 bytes).
  2231. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit), (18 bytes).
  2232. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_StructInit), (16 bytes).
  2233. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Write), (4 bytes).
  2234. Removing stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_WriteBit), (10 bytes).
  2235. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ADCCLKConfig), (24 bytes).
  2236. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphResetCmd), (32 bytes).
  2237. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd), (32 bytes).
  2238. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd), (32 bytes).
  2239. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue), (24 bytes).
  2240. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_BackupResetCmd), (12 bytes).
  2241. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearITPendingBit), (12 bytes).
  2242. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd), (12 bytes).
  2243. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_DeInit), (92 bytes).
  2244. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetITStatus), (24 bytes).
  2245. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource), (16 bytes).
  2246. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HCLKConfig), (24 bytes).
  2247. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSEConfig), (76 bytes).
  2248. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSICmd), (12 bytes).
  2249. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_I2S2CLKConfig), (12 bytes).
  2250. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_I2S3CLKConfig), (12 bytes).
  2251. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ITConfig), (32 bytes).
  2252. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_LSEConfig), (52 bytes).
  2253. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_LSICmd), (12 bytes).
  2254. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_MCOConfig), (12 bytes).
  2255. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_OTGFSCLKConfig), (12 bytes).
  2256. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK1Config), (24 bytes).
  2257. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK2Config), (24 bytes).
  2258. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLL2Cmd), (12 bytes).
  2259. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLL2Config), (24 bytes).
  2260. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLL3Cmd), (12 bytes).
  2261. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLL3Config), (24 bytes).
  2262. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLCmd), (12 bytes).
  2263. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLConfig), (28 bytes).
  2264. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PREDIV1Config), (32 bytes).
  2265. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PREDIV2Config), (24 bytes).
  2266. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_RTCCLKCmd), (12 bytes).
  2267. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_RTCCLKConfig), (16 bytes).
  2268. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig), (24 bytes).
  2269. Removing stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp), (56 bytes).
  2270. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_CalcBlockCRC), (36 bytes).
  2271. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_CalcCRC), (16 bytes).
  2272. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_GetCRC), (12 bytes).
  2273. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_GetIDRegister), (12 bytes).
  2274. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_ResetDR), (12 bytes).
  2275. Removing stm32f10x_crc.o(i.CRC_SetIDRegister), (12 bytes).
  2276. Removing stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_GetFlagStatus), (24 bytes).
  2277. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClockInit), (34 bytes).
  2278. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClockStructInit), (12 bytes).
  2279. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DeInit), (156 bytes).
  2280. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_HalfDuplexCmd), (24 bytes).
  2281. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_IrDACmd), (24 bytes).
  2282. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_IrDAConfig), (18 bytes).
  2283. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_LINBreakDetectLengthConfig), (18 bytes).
  2284. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_LINCmd), (24 bytes).
  2285. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_OneBitMethodCmd), (24 bytes).
  2286. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_OverSampling8Cmd), (22 bytes).
  2287. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiverWakeUpCmd), (24 bytes).
  2288. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendBreak), (10 bytes).
  2289. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SetAddress), (18 bytes).
  2290. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SetGuardTime), (16 bytes).
  2291. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SetPrescaler), (16 bytes).
  2292. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SmartCardCmd), (24 bytes).
  2293. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SmartCardNACKCmd), (24 bytes).
  2294. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_StructInit), (24 bytes).
  2295. Removing stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_WakeUpConfig), (18 bytes).
  2296. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearFlag), (28 bytes).
  2297. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit), (28 bytes).
  2298. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_GetCurrDataCounter), (8 bytes).
  2299. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_GetFlagStatus), (44 bytes).
  2300. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_GetITStatus), (44 bytes).
  2301. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ITConfig), (18 bytes).
  2302. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_SetCurrDataCounter), (4 bytes).
  2303. Removing stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_StructInit), (26 bytes).
  2304. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI1_Config), (128 bytes).
  2305. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI2_Config), (152 bytes).
  2306. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI3_Config), (144 bytes).
  2307. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TI4_Config), (152 bytes).
  2308. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ARRPreloadConfig), (24 bytes).
  2309. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_BDTRConfig), (32 bytes).
  2310. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_BDTRStructInit), (18 bytes).
  2311. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CCPreloadControl), (24 bytes).
  2312. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CCxCmd), (30 bytes).
  2313. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CCxNCmd), (30 bytes).
  2314. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  2315. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearITPendingBit), (6 bytes).
  2316. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC1Ref), (18 bytes).
  2317. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC2Ref), (24 bytes).
  2318. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC3Ref), (18 bytes).
  2319. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ClearOC4Ref), (24 bytes).
  2320. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CounterModeConfig), (18 bytes).
  2321. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_DMACmd), (18 bytes).
  2322. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_DMAConfig), (10 bytes).
  2323. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_DeInit), (488 bytes).
  2324. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode1Config), (54 bytes).
  2325. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRClockMode2Config), (32 bytes).
  2326. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ETRConfig), (28 bytes).
  2327. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_EncoderInterfaceConfig), (66 bytes).
  2328. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC1Config), (18 bytes).
  2329. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC2Config), (26 bytes).
  2330. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC3Config), (18 bytes).
  2331. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ForcedOC4Config), (26 bytes).
  2332. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GenerateEvent), (4 bytes).
  2333. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture1), (6 bytes).
  2334. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture2), (6 bytes).
  2335. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture3), (6 bytes).
  2336. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCapture4), (8 bytes).
  2337. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCounter), (6 bytes).
  2338. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetFlagStatus), (18 bytes).
  2339. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetITStatus), (34 bytes).
  2340. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetPrescaler), (6 bytes).
  2341. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICInit), (172 bytes).
  2342. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ICStructInit), (18 bytes).
  2343. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ITConfig), (18 bytes).
  2344. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_ITRxExternalClockConfig), (24 bytes).
  2345. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_InternalClockConfig), (12 bytes).
  2346. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1FastConfig), (18 bytes).
  2347. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1Init), (152 bytes).
  2348. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig), (18 bytes).
  2349. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1PolarityConfig), (18 bytes).
  2350. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC1PreloadConfig), (18 bytes).
  2351. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2FastConfig), (26 bytes).
  2352. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig), (26 bytes).
  2353. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2PolarityConfig), (26 bytes).
  2354. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2PreloadConfig), (26 bytes).
  2355. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3FastConfig), (18 bytes).
  2356. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3Init), (160 bytes).
  2357. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig), (26 bytes).
  2358. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3PolarityConfig), (26 bytes).
  2359. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC3PreloadConfig), (18 bytes).
  2360. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4FastConfig), (26 bytes).
  2361. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4Init), (124 bytes).
  2362. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4PolarityConfig), (26 bytes).
  2363. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC4PreloadConfig), (26 bytes).
  2364. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OCStructInit), (20 bytes).
  2365. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PWMIConfig), (124 bytes).
  2366. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PrescalerConfig), (6 bytes).
  2367. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectCCDMA), (24 bytes).
  2368. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectCOM), (24 bytes).
  2369. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectHallSensor), (24 bytes).
  2370. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectInputTrigger), (18 bytes).
  2371. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectMasterSlaveMode), (18 bytes).
  2372. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOCxM), (82 bytes).
  2373. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOnePulseMode), (18 bytes).
  2374. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectOutputTrigger), (18 bytes).
  2375. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SelectSlaveMode), (18 bytes).
  2376. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetAutoreload), (4 bytes).
  2377. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetClockDivision), (18 bytes).
  2378. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare1), (4 bytes).
  2379. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare2), (4 bytes).
  2380. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare3), (4 bytes).
  2381. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCompare4), (6 bytes).
  2382. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCounter), (4 bytes).
  2383. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC1Prescaler), (18 bytes).
  2384. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC2Prescaler), (26 bytes).
  2385. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC3Prescaler), (18 bytes).
  2386. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetIC4Prescaler), (26 bytes).
  2387. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TIxExternalClockConfig), (62 bytes).
  2388. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseStructInit), (18 bytes).
  2389. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_UpdateDisableConfig), (24 bytes).
  2390. Removing stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_UpdateRequestConfig), (24 bytes).
  2391. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.I2S_Cmd), (24 bytes).
  2392. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.I2S_Init), (304 bytes).
  2393. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.I2S_StructInit), (20 bytes).
  2394. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_BiDirectionalLineConfig), (28 bytes).
  2395. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_CalculateCRC), (24 bytes).
  2396. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_DataSizeConfig), (18 bytes).
  2397. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_GetCRC), (16 bytes).
  2398. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_GetCRCPolynomial), (6 bytes).
  2399. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  2400. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ClearITPendingBit), (20 bytes).
  2401. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_DMACmd), (18 bytes).
  2402. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_DeInit), (88 bytes).
  2403. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetITStatus), (52 bytes).
  2404. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ITConfig), (32 bytes).
  2405. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_NSSInternalSoftwareConfig), (30 bytes).
  2406. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_SSOutputCmd), (24 bytes).
  2407. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_StructInit), (24 bytes).
  2408. Removing stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_TransmitCRC), (10 bytes).
  2409. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogCmd), (20 bytes).
  2410. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig), (16 bytes).
  2411. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig), (6 bytes).
  2412. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_AutoInjectedConvCmd), (22 bytes).
  2413. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearFlag), (6 bytes).
  2414. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ClearITPendingBit), (10 bytes).
  2415. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DMACmd), (22 bytes).
  2416. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DeInit), (92 bytes).
  2417. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DiscModeChannelCountConfig), (24 bytes).
  2418. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DiscModeCmd), (22 bytes).
  2419. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ExternalTrigConvCmd), (22 bytes).
  2420. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvCmd), (22 bytes).
  2421. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig), (16 bytes).
  2422. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetCalibrationStatus), (20 bytes).
  2423. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetDualModeConversionValue), (12 bytes).
  2424. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetITStatus), (36 bytes).
  2425. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetInjectedConversionValue), (28 bytes).
  2426. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus), (20 bytes).
  2427. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetSoftwareStartConvStatus), (20 bytes).
  2428. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetSoftwareStartInjectedConvCmdStatus), (20 bytes).
  2429. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ITConfig), (24 bytes).
  2430. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedChannelConfig), (130 bytes).
  2431. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedDiscModeCmd), (22 bytes).
  2432. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_InjectedSequencerLengthConfig), (24 bytes).
  2433. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ResetCalibration), (10 bytes).
  2434. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SetInjectedOffset), (20 bytes).
  2435. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConvCmd), (22 bytes).
  2436. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_StartCalibration), (10 bytes).
  2437. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_StructInit), (18 bytes).
  2438. Removing stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_TempSensorVrefintCmd), (36 bytes).
  2439. Removing stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_ClearITPendingBit), (12 bytes).
  2440. Removing stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_DeInit), (36 bytes).
  2441. Removing stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_GenerateSWInterrupt), (16 bytes).
  2442. Removing stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_GetITStatus), (40 bytes).
  2443. Removing stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_StructInit), (16 bytes).
  2444. Removing core_cm3.o(.emb_text), (32 bytes).
  2445. Removing system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemCoreClockUpdate), (252 bytes).
  2446. Removing modem.o(i.ModemModelGet), (248 bytes).
  2447. Removing modem.o(i.ModemPocVerGet), (136 bytes).
  2448. Removing modem.o(i.ModemVersionGet), (180 bytes).
  2449. Removing modem.o(i.PocTypeSet), (148 bytes).
  2450. Removing sysini.o(i.ShowDetail), (540 bytes).
  2451. Removing sysini.o(i.testing), (2 bytes).
  2452. Removing sysini.o(i.tryToModifyData), (52 bytes).
  2453. Removing sysini.o(.conststring), (69 bytes).
  2454. Removing setsystempara.o(i.FotaStatusProcess), (168 bytes).
  2455. Removing setsystempara.o(i.ShowNetCaption), (92 bytes).
  2456. Removing gpsdata.o(i.GPSStop), (12 bytes).
  2457. Removing audio.o(i.SetRingFreq), (112 bytes).
  2458. Removing audio.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  2459. Removing socket.o(i.tcpSocketDel), (92 bytes).
  2460. Removing userrtc.o(i.DateToSeconds), (200 bytes).
  2461. Removing userrtc.o(i.GetDate), (316 bytes).
  2462. Removing userrtc.o(.constdata), (228 bytes).
  2463. Removing probubiao.o(.bss), (32 bytes).
  2464. Removing id.o(i.GetRandBySTM32ID), (40 bytes).
  2465. Removing phonenum.o(i.AddPhoneNum), (80 bytes).
  2466. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneDeleteNumShow), (128 bytes).
  2467. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneGetAllNum), (116 bytes).
  2468. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputDeleNumResponse), (2 bytes).
  2469. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumResponse), (2 bytes).
  2470. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNewNumShow), (128 bytes).
  2471. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumResponse), (2 bytes).
  2472. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneInputNumShow), (136 bytes).
  2473. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneNum), (92 bytes).
  2474. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionResponse), (2 bytes).
  2475. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneOptionShow), (120 bytes).
  2476. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneResponse), (2 bytes).
  2477. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallPhoneShow), (2 bytes).
  2478. Removing phonenum.o(i.CallToPhoneNumResponse), (2 bytes).
  2479. Removing phonenum.o(i.ChangePhoneNum), (48 bytes).
  2480. Removing phonenum.o(i.CheckPhoneNum), (64 bytes).
  2481. Removing phonenum.o(i.DeltePhoneNum), (124 bytes).
  2482. Removing phonenum.o(i.GetPhoneNumCount), (92 bytes).
  2483. Removing phonenum.o(i.SetPhoneNumFile), (44 bytes).
  2484. Removing phonenum.o(.conststring), (25 bytes).
  2485. Removing phonenum.o(.data), (30 bytes).
  2486. Removing managemessage.o(i.GetMessageLen), (48 bytes).
  2487. Removing managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysReadIndex), (24 bytes).
  2488. Removing managemessage.o(i.MESAGESysSaveIndex), (24 bytes).
  2489. Removing managemessage.o(i.ReadMessageData), (124 bytes).
  2490. Removing managemessage.o(.bss), (4410 bytes).
  2491. Removing main.o(.data), (4 bytes).
  2492. Removing modemtask.o(i.Modem_Stopinit), (56 bytes).
  2493. Removing stm32f10x_it.o(i.SetHFH), (44 bytes).
  2494. Removing gui.o(i.GuiSetBackColor), (24 bytes).
  2495. Removing gui.o(i.GuiSetForeColor), (24 bytes).
  2496. Removing gui.o(i.lcdTestFlash), (228 bytes).
  2497. Removing filesys.o(i.FileCheckMD5), (284 bytes).
  2498. Removing filesys.o(i.FileSysSaveIndex), (24 bytes).
  2499. Removing filesys.o(i.PrintfAllRFileInfo), (252 bytes).
  2500. Removing filesys.o(i.UCharToStrByHex), (44 bytes).
  2501. Removing filesys.o(i.UpdateFileMD5), (216 bytes).
  2502. Removing filesys.o(.conststring), (215 bytes).
  2503. Removing w25q64.o(i.W25Q64Test), (316 bytes).
  2504. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Chip), (44 bytes).
  2505. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Protect), (18 bytes).
  2506. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Global_Unprotect), (18 bytes).
  2507. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_PowerDown), (36 bytes).
  2508. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_WAKEUP), (36 bytes).
  2509. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Disable), (32 bytes).
  2510. Removing w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_SR), (40 bytes).
  2511. Removing w25q64.o(.data), (8 bytes).
  2512. Removing menu.o(i.MenuGetHandle), (6 bytes).
  2513. Removing listbox.o(i.ListBoxGetHandle), (6 bytes).
  2514. Removing listbox.o(.bss), (320 bytes).
  2515. Removing numedit.o(i.NumEditShowNORect), (54 bytes).
  2516. Removing dfixul.o(.text), (48 bytes).
  2517. Removing cdrcmple.o(.text), (48 bytes).
  2518. 320 unused section(s) (total 19859 bytes) removed from the image.
  2519. ==============================================================================
  2520. Image Symbol Table
  2521. Local Symbols
  2522. Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
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  2533. ../clib/microlib/ctype/ctype.c 0x00000000 Number 0 isblank_o.o ABSOLUTE
  2534. ../clib/microlib/ctype/ctype.c 0x00000000 Number 0 iscntrl_o.o ABSOLUTE
  2535. ../clib/microlib/ctype/ctype.c 0x00000000 Number 0 islower_o.o ABSOLUTE
  2536. ../clib/microlib/ctype/ctype.c 0x00000000 Number 0 isgraph_o.o ABSOLUTE
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  2545. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11a.o ABSOLUTE
  2546. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10b.o ABSOLUTE
  2547. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry10a.o ABSOLUTE
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  2550. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry11b.o ABSOLUTE
  2551. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry8a.o ABSOLUTE
  2552. ../clib/microlib/init/entry.s 0x00000000 Number 0 entry9b.o ABSOLUTE
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  2557. ../clib/microlib/malloc/malloc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 mallocr.o ABSOLUTE
  2558. ../clib/microlib/malloc/malloc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 malloc.o ABSOLUTE
  2559. ../clib/microlib/malloc/malloc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 malloca.o ABSOLUTE
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  2563. ../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf7.o ABSOLUTE
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  2568. ../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf2.o ABSOLUTE
  2569. ../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf3.o ABSOLUTE
  2570. ../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf4.o ABSOLUTE
  2571. ../clib/microlib/printf/printf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 printf5.o ABSOLUTE
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  2575. ../clib/microlib/string/memcpy.c 0x00000000 Number 0 memcpyb.o ABSOLUTE
  2576. ../clib/microlib/string/memcpy.c 0x00000000 Number 0 memcpya.o ABSOLUTE
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  2579. ../clib/microlib/string/strcmp.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strcmp.o ABSOLUTE
  2580. ../clib/microlib/string/strcpy.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strcpy.o ABSOLUTE
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  2582. ../clib/microlib/string/strncmp.c 0x00000000 Number 0 strncmp.o ABSOLUTE
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  2587. ../clib/scanf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 atoi.o ABSOLUTE
  2588. ../clib/scanf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 _chval.o ABSOLUTE
  2589. ../clib/scanf.c 0x00000000 Number 0 _strtoul.o ABSOLUTE
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  2594. ../fplib/microlib/fpfix.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dfixui.o ABSOLUTE
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  2596. ../fplib/microlib/fpmul.c 0x00000000 Number 0 dmul.o ABSOLUTE
  2597. ..\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE
  2598. ..\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F10x\startup\arm\startup_stm32f10x_cl.s 0x00000000 Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o ABSOLUTE
  2599. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\misc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 misc.o ABSOLUTE
  2600. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_adc.o ABSOLUTE
  2601. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_crc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_crc.o ABSOLUTE
  2602. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_dma.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_dma.o ABSOLUTE
  2603. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_exti.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_exti.o ABSOLUTE
  2604. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_flash.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_flash.o ABSOLUTE
  2605. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_gpio.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o ABSOLUTE
  2606. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_iwdg.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o ABSOLUTE
  2607. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_rcc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o ABSOLUTE
  2608. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_spi.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_spi.o ABSOLUTE
  2609. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_tim.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_tim.o ABSOLUTE
  2610. ..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\src\stm32f10x_usart.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_usart.o ABSOLUTE
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  2612. ..\USER\Apps\Common.c 0x00000000 Number 0 common.o ABSOLUTE
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  2616. ..\USER\Apps\GUI\fonts.c 0x00000000 Number 0 fonts.o ABSOLUTE
  2617. ..\USER\Apps\GpsData.c 0x00000000 Number 0 gpsdata.o ABSOLUTE
  2618. ..\USER\Apps\Interface\ListBox.c 0x00000000 Number 0 listbox.o ABSOLUTE
  2619. ..\USER\Apps\Interface\ListBoxSMS.c 0x00000000 Number 0 listboxsms.o ABSOLUTE
  2620. ..\USER\Apps\Interface\Menu.c 0x00000000 Number 0 menu.o ABSOLUTE
  2621. ..\USER\Apps\Interface\NumEdit.c 0x00000000 Number 0 numedit.o ABSOLUTE
  2622. ..\USER\Apps\Key.c 0x00000000 Number 0 key.o ABSOLUTE
  2623. ..\USER\Apps\Led.c 0x00000000 Number 0 led.o ABSOLUTE
  2624. ..\USER\Apps\ManageMessage.c 0x00000000 Number 0 managemessage.o ABSOLUTE
  2625. ..\USER\Apps\Modem.c 0x00000000 Number 0 modem.o ABSOLUTE
  2626. ..\USER\Apps\MsgQueue.c 0x00000000 Number 0 msgqueue.o ABSOLUTE
  2627. ..\USER\Apps\PhoneNum.c 0x00000000 Number 0 phonenum.o ABSOLUTE
  2628. ..\USER\Apps\PocTask.c 0x00000000 Number 0 poctask.o ABSOLUTE
  2629. ..\USER\Apps\ProductPara.c 0x00000000 Number 0 productpara.o ABSOLUTE
  2630. ..\USER\Apps\SFlash\FileSys.c 0x00000000 Number 0 filesys.o ABSOLUTE
  2631. ..\USER\Apps\SFlash\W25Q64.c 0x00000000 Number 0 w25q64.o ABSOLUTE
  2632. ..\USER\Apps\SFlash\md5.c 0x00000000 Number 0 md5.o ABSOLUTE
  2633. ..\USER\Apps\Serial.c 0x00000000 Number 0 serial.o ABSOLUTE
  2634. ..\USER\Apps\SetSystemPara.c 0x00000000 Number 0 setsystempara.o ABSOLUTE
  2635. ..\USER\Apps\adc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 adc.o ABSOLUTE
  2636. ..\USER\Apps\hook.c 0x00000000 Number 0 hook.o ABSOLUTE
  2637. ..\USER\Apps\id.c 0x00000000 Number 0 id.o ABSOLUTE
  2638. ..\USER\Apps\ipSos.c 0x00000000 Number 0 ipsos.o ABSOLUTE
  2639. ..\USER\Apps\message.c 0x00000000 Number 0 message.o ABSOLUTE
  2640. ..\USER\Apps\netWork.c 0x00000000 Number 0 network.o ABSOLUTE
  2641. ..\USER\Apps\proBuBiao.c 0x00000000 Number 0 probubiao.o ABSOLUTE
  2642. ..\USER\Apps\sleep.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sleep.o ABSOLUTE
  2643. ..\USER\Apps\socket.c 0x00000000 Number 0 socket.o ABSOLUTE
  2644. ..\USER\Apps\sysIni.c 0x00000000 Number 0 sysini.o ABSOLUTE
  2645. ..\USER\Apps\userRtc.c 0x00000000 Number 0 userrtc.o ABSOLUTE
  2646. ..\USER\Sys\stm32f10x_it.c 0x00000000 Number 0 stm32f10x_it.o ABSOLUTE
  2647. ..\USER\Sys\uTask.c 0x00000000 Number 0 utask.o ABSOLUTE
  2648. ..\USER\Tasks\main.c 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
  2649. ..\USER\Tasks\mainTask.c 0x00000000 Number 0 maintask.o ABSOLUTE
  2650. ..\USER\Tasks\modemTask.c 0x00000000 Number 0 modemtask.o ABSOLUTE
  2651. ..\USER\Tasks\modemUartTask.c 0x00000000 Number 0 modemuarttask.o ABSOLUTE
  2652. ..\USER\pt\pt-timer.c 0x00000000 Number 0 pt-timer.o ABSOLUTE
  2653. ..\USER\system_stm32f10x.c 0x00000000 Number 0 system_stm32f10x.o ABSOLUTE
  2654. ..\\Libraries\\CMSIS\\CM3\\CoreSupport\\core_cm3.c 0x00000000 Number 0 core_cm3.o ABSOLUTE
  2655. cdrcmple.s 0x00000000 Number 0 cdrcmple.o ABSOLUTE
  2656. dc.s 0x00000000 Number 0 dc.o ABSOLUTE
  2657. handlers.s 0x00000000 Number 0 handlers.o ABSOLUTE
  2658. init.s 0x00000000 Number 0 init.o ABSOLUTE
  2659. RESET 0x08004000 Section 336 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET)
  2660. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 0x08004150 Section 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
  2661. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 0x08004150 Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
  2662. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 0x08004154 Section 4 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  2663. .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 0x08004158 Section 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
  2664. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A 0x08004158 Section 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
  2665. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B 0x08004158 Section 8 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
  2666. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D 0x08004160 Section 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
  2667. .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F 0x08004160 Section 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
  2668. .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 0x08004160 Section 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
  2669. __lit__00000000 0x08004160 Data 4 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00002712)
  2670. .text 0x08004164 Section 36 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  2671. .text 0x08004188 Section 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  2672. .text 0x080041ac Section 0 memseta.o(.text)
  2673. .text 0x080041d0 Section 0 strcat.o(.text)
  2674. .text 0x080041e8 Section 0 strstr.o(.text)
  2675. .text 0x0800420c Section 0 strncpy.o(.text)
  2676. .text 0x08004224 Section 0 strlen.o(.text)
  2677. .text 0x08004232 Section 0 strcmp.o(.text)
  2678. .text 0x0800424e Section 0 memcmp.o(.text)
  2679. .text 0x08004268 Section 0 strcpy.o(.text)
  2680. .text 0x0800427a Section 0 strncmp.o(.text)
  2681. .text 0x08004298 Section 0 strtol.o(.text)
  2682. .text 0x08004308 Section 0 atoi.o(.text)
  2683. .text 0x08004322 Section 0 dadd.o(.text)
  2684. .text 0x08004470 Section 0 dmul.o(.text)
  2685. .text 0x08004554 Section 0 ddiv.o(.text)
  2686. .text 0x08004632 Section 0 dflti.o(.text)
  2687. .text 0x08004654 Section 0 dfixui.o(.text)
  2688. .text 0x08004686 Section 0 uldiv.o(.text)
  2689. .text 0x080046e8 Section 0 llshl.o(.text)
  2690. .text 0x08004706 Section 0 llushr.o(.text)
  2691. .text 0x08004726 Section 0 llsshr.o(.text)
  2692. .text 0x0800474c Section 0 ctype_o.o(.text)
  2693. .text 0x08004754 Section 0 _strtoul.o(.text)
  2694. .text 0x080047f2 Section 0 depilogue.o(.text)
  2695. .text 0x080047f2 Section 0 iusefp.o(.text)
  2696. .text 0x080048ac Section 36 init.o(.text)
  2697. .text 0x080048d0 Section 0 _chval.o(.text)
  2698. .text 0x080048ec Section 0 __dczerorl2.o(.text)
  2699. i.ADCInit 0x08004944 Section 0 adc.o(i.ADCInit)
  2700. i.ADC_Cmd 0x080049d4 Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  2701. i.ADC_GetConversionValue 0x080049ea Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue)
  2702. i.ADC_GetFlagStatus 0x080049f2 Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus)
  2703. i.ADC_Init 0x08004a04 Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  2704. i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig 0x08004a54 Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  2705. i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd 0x08004b0c Section 0 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd)
  2706. i.AscStrToHexStr 0x08004b22 Section 0 common.o(i.AscStrToHexStr)
  2707. i.AscStrTurnHexStr 0x08004b54 Section 0 common.o(i.AscStrTurnHexStr)
  2708. i.AscToHex 0x08004b94 Section 0 common.o(i.AscToHex)
  2709. i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes 0x08004bb8 Section 0 common.o(i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes)
  2710. i.AtHandle 0x08004c7c Section 0 modemtask.o(i.AtHandle)
  2711. AtHandle 0x08004c7d Thumb Code 626 modemtask.o(i.AtHandle)
  2712. i.BackupFileToTemp 0x08005018 Section 0 filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp)
  2713. i.BatterProcess 0x08005104 Section 0 adc.o(i.BatterProcess)
  2714. i.BeepInit 0x08005140 Section 0 audio.o(i.BeepInit)
  2715. i.BusFault_Handler 0x0800516c Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.BusFault_Handler)
  2716. i.CallToPhoneNum 0x08005170 Section 0 phonenum.o(i.CallToPhoneNum)
  2717. i.CheckPocType 0x08005174 Section 0 modem.o(i.CheckPocType)
  2718. i.CheckVbat 0x080051c4 Section 0 adc.o(i.CheckVbat)
  2719. i.CodeTypeUpdateShow 0x08005258 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow)
  2720. i.ComSelect 0x080052c4 Section 0 serial.o(i.ComSelect)
  2721. i.CommHandler 0x08005474 Section 0 maintask.o(i.CommHandler)
  2722. i.DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 0x080054a8 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler)
  2723. i.DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 0x080054aa Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler)
  2724. i.DMA_Cmd 0x080054ac Section 0 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd)
  2725. i.DMA_DeInit 0x080054c4 Section 0 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit)
  2726. i.DMA_Init 0x08005610 Section 0 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Init)
  2727. i.DebugMon_Handler 0x0800564c Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DebugMon_Handler)
  2728. i.DelayMs 0x0800564e Section 0 w25q64.o(i.DelayMs)
  2729. i.DelayUs 0x08005672 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.DelayUs)
  2730. i.DeleteSpecificSMS 0x080056bc Section 0 message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS)
  2731. i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0x080057f8 Section 0 maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler)
  2732. i.EXTI_ClearFlag 0x08005830 Section 0 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_ClearFlag)
  2733. i.EXTI_GetFlagStatus 0x0800583c Section 0 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_GetFlagStatus)
  2734. i.EXTI_Init 0x08005854 Section 0 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_Init)
  2735. i.EnterGTMode 0x080058e8 Section 0 maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode)
  2736. i.FLASH_ErasePage 0x0800593c Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ErasePage)
  2737. i.FLASH_GetBank1Status 0x08005988 Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetBank1Status)
  2738. i.FLASH_Lock 0x080059bc Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Lock)
  2739. i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord 0x080059d0 Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord)
  2740. i.FLASH_Unlock 0x08005a10 Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Unlock)
  2741. i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation 0x08005a28 Section 0 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation)
  2742. i.FileSysInit 0x08005a4e Section 0 filesys.o(i.FileSysInit)
  2743. i.FileSysReadIndex 0x08005a58 Section 0 filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex)
  2744. i.FindColorIndex 0x08005ccc Section 0 gui.o(i.FindColorIndex)
  2745. i.FindTargetIndex 0x08005d44 Section 0 common.o(i.FindTargetIndex)
  2746. i.FingerDaemonfinger 0x08005d94 Section 0 maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger)
  2747. i.FormatSMS 0x08005eb8 Section 0 message.o(i.FormatSMS)
  2748. i.FunShowMsg 0x08005f60 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg)
  2749. i.GPIO_EXTILineConfig 0x08005f9c Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_EXTILineConfig)
  2750. i.GPIO_Init 0x08005fdc Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  2751. i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig 0x080060f4 Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig)
  2752. i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x08006184 Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit)
  2753. i.GPIO_ResetBits 0x08006196 Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  2754. i.GPIO_SetBits 0x0800619a Section 0 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  2755. i.GPSInit 0x080061a0 Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit)
  2756. i.GPSRestart 0x080062a8 Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart)
  2757. i.GTMode_Detected 0x080062b4 Section 0 maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected)
  2758. i.GetAllGroups 0x0800631c Section 0 poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups)
  2759. i.GetCaptionByMododex 0x08006420 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.GetCaptionByMododex)
  2760. i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID 0x08006430 Section 0 maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID)
  2761. i.GetCoordinates 0x08006528 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates)
  2762. i.GetFileIndex 0x080067e4 Section 0 filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex)
  2763. i.GetFileLen 0x0800681c Section 0 filesys.o(i.GetFileLen)
  2764. i.GetHzk16 0x08006850 Section 0 gui.o(i.GetHzk16)
  2765. i.GetKey 0x0800689c Section 0 key.o(i.GetKey)
  2766. i.GetMododexWithCard 0x080069a8 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard)
  2767. i.GetPagePreMessage 0x080069f4 Section 0 message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage)
  2768. i.GetParaFromStr 0x08006d24 Section 0 common.o(i.GetParaFromStr)
  2769. i.GetPwrMode 0x08006dbc Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode)
  2770. i.GetSTM32ID 0x08006e44 Section 0 id.o(i.GetSTM32ID)
  2771. i.GetStrXLen 0x08006e64 Section 0 menu.o(i.GetStrXLen)
  2772. i.GetUniStringByID 0x08006e94 Section 0 maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID)
  2773. i.GetVbat 0x08006f48 Section 0 adc.o(i.GetVbat)
  2774. i.GpsDataProcess 0x08007038 Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess)
  2775. GpsDataProcess 0x08007039 Thumb Code 70 gpsdata.o(i.GpsDataProcess)
  2776. i.GpsTimeUpdate 0x0800709c Section 0 productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate)
  2777. i.GroupSelResponse 0x080070ec Section 0 ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse)
  2778. GroupSelResponse 0x080070ed Thumb Code 150 ui.o(i.GroupSelResponse)
  2779. i.GuiClearAll 0x080071bc Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiClearAll)
  2780. i.GuiClearArea 0x080071d8 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiClearArea)
  2781. i.GuiClearRect 0x08007260 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiClearRect)
  2782. i.GuiDrawHLine 0x0800731c Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine)
  2783. i.GuiDrawRect 0x0800734a Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect)
  2784. i.GuiDrawVLine 0x080073a2 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine)
  2785. i.GuiFillRect 0x080073d8 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiFillRect)
  2786. i.GuiInit 0x080074b8 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiInit)
  2787. i.GuiSetColor 0x08007530 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiSetColor)
  2788. i.GuiShowArrow 0x08007568 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow)
  2789. i.GuiShowBmp 0x08007678 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp)
  2790. i.GuiShowStr 0x08007768 Section 0 gui.o(i.GuiShowStr)
  2791. i.HardFault_Handler 0x080077f8 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.HardFault_Handler)
  2792. i.HzkInit 0x08007838 Section 0 gui.o(i.HzkInit)
  2793. i.IWDG_Configuration 0x080078a8 Section 0 main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration)
  2794. i.IWDG_Enable 0x080078e0 Section 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable)
  2795. i.IWDG_ReloadCounter 0x080078f0 Section 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter)
  2796. i.IWDG_SetPrescaler 0x08007900 Section 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler)
  2797. i.IWDG_SetReload 0x0800790c Section 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload)
  2798. i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd 0x08007918 Section 0 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd)
  2799. i.IncomingSMS 0x08007924 Section 0 message.o(i.IncomingSMS)
  2800. i.InfoTick 0x08007a6c Section 0 modemtask.o(i.InfoTick)
  2801. i.KeyCount 0x08007ae4 Section 0 key.o(i.KeyCount)
  2802. i.KeyFree 0x08007afc Section 0 maintask.o(i.KeyFree)
  2803. i.KeyHandler 0x08007dc4 Section 0 maintask.o(i.KeyHandler)
  2804. i.KeyInit 0x08007dfc Section 0 key.o(i.KeyInit)
  2805. i.KeyPress 0x08007edc Section 0 maintask.o(i.KeyPress)
  2806. i.KeyScanPort 0x08008274 Section 0 key.o(i.KeyScanPort)
  2807. KeyScanPort 0x08008275 Thumb Code 26 key.o(i.KeyScanPort)
  2808. i.LCDBackLight 0x08008298 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight)
  2809. i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte 0x080082c8 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte)
  2810. i.LcdBlockWrite 0x080082e8 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite)
  2811. i.LcdClrAll 0x08008354 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll)
  2812. i.LcdInit 0x08008398 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdInit)
  2813. i.LcdPortInit 0x080085a4 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit)
  2814. LcdPortInit 0x080085a5 Thumb Code 222 lcd.o(i.LcdPortInit)
  2815. i.LcdSendCommand 0x08008690 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdSendCommand)
  2816. i.LcdSendData 0x080086b8 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdSendData)
  2817. i.LcdSetColor 0x080086e0 Section 0 lcd.o(i.LcdSetColor)
  2818. i.LedInit 0x080086f4 Section 0 led.o(i.LedInit)
  2819. i.LedProcess 0x0800876c Section 0 led.o(i.LedProcess)
  2820. i.ListBoxInit 0x08008940 Section 0 listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit)
  2821. i.ListBoxInitSMS 0x080089f4 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxInitSMS)
  2822. i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS 0x08008a54 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS)
  2823. i.ListBoxResponse 0x08008ae8 Section 0 listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse)
  2824. i.ListBoxResponseSMS 0x08008b98 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS)
  2825. i.ListBoxShow 0x08008cb8 Section 0 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow)
  2826. i.ListBoxShowBar 0x08008d6e Section 0 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowBar)
  2827. i.ListBoxShowBarSMS 0x08008db4 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowBarSMS)
  2828. i.ListBoxShowItem 0x08008de8 Section 0 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem)
  2829. i.ListBoxShowItemSMS 0x08008e94 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS)
  2830. i.ListBoxShowSMS 0x08008f74 Section 0 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS)
  2831. i.LogicHandler 0x0800901c Section 0 socket.o(i.LogicHandler)
  2832. LogicHandler 0x0800901d Thumb Code 116 socket.o(i.LogicHandler)
  2833. i.MD5Final 0x080090c0 Section 0 md5.o(i.MD5Final)
  2834. i.MD5Init 0x08009190 Section 0 md5.o(i.MD5Init)
  2835. i.MD5Update 0x080091b4 Section 0 md5.o(i.MD5Update)
  2836. i.MY_NVIC_Init 0x08009260 Section 0 main.o(i.MY_NVIC_Init)
  2837. MY_NVIC_Init 0x08009261 Thumb Code 180 main.o(i.MY_NVIC_Init)
  2838. i.MakeStrEndByNewLine 0x08009314 Section 0 common.o(i.MakeStrEndByNewLine)
  2839. i.MeSpeak 0x0800933c Section 0 modem.o(i.MeSpeak)
  2840. i.MemManage_Handler 0x08009380 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.MemManage_Handler)
  2841. i.MenuInit 0x08009384 Section 0 menu.o(i.MenuInit)
  2842. i.MenuResponse 0x080093dc Section 0 menu.o(i.MenuResponse)
  2843. i.MenuShow 0x08009480 Section 0 menu.o(i.MenuShow)
  2844. i.MenuShowBar 0x08009534 Section 0 menu.o(i.MenuShowBar)
  2845. i.MenuShowItem 0x0800958a Section 0 menu.o(i.MenuShowItem)
  2846. i.MessageDeletResponse 0x080095c8 Section 0 message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse)
  2847. i.MessageDeletShow 0x08009608 Section 0 message.o(i.MessageDeletShow)
  2848. i.MessageEditInit 0x08009674 Section 0 managemessage.o(i.MessageEditInit)
  2849. i.MessageEditShow 0x0800969e Section 0 managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow)
  2850. i.MessageFormatResponse 0x080097b8 Section 0 message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse)
  2851. i.MessageFormatShow 0x080097ec Section 0 message.o(i.MessageFormatShow)
  2852. i.MessageOptionResponse 0x0800985c Section 0 message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse)
  2853. i.MessageOptionShow 0x080098b4 Section 0 message.o(i.MessageOptionShow)
  2854. i.MessageReadResponse 0x0800992c Section 0 message.o(i.MessageReadResponse)
  2855. i.MessageReadShow 0x080099bc Section 0 message.o(i.MessageReadShow)
  2856. i.MessageResponse 0x08009a5c Section 0 message.o(i.MessageResponse)
  2857. i.MicrophoneCtrl 0x08009ab8 Section 0 audio.o(i.MicrophoneCtrl)
  2858. i.MicrophoneInit 0x08009ad0 Section 0 audio.o(i.MicrophoneInit)
  2859. i.ModemATProcess 0x08009af8 Section 0 modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess)
  2860. i.ModemApnConfig 0x08009b84 Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig)
  2861. i.ModemGetICCID 0x08009dcc Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID)
  2862. i.ModemGetIMEI 0x08009ecc Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI)
  2863. i.ModemInitAckHandler 0x08009efc Section 0 modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler)
  2864. i.ModemLedCtl 0x0800a1d4 Section 0 modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl)
  2865. i.ModemOwnPocSet 0x0800a228 Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemOwnPocSet)
  2866. i.ModemPinConfig 0x0800a274 Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemPinConfig)
  2867. i.ModemSendAt 0x0800a2bc Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemSendAt)
  2868. i.ModemSendData 0x0800a2d2 Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemSendData)
  2869. i.ModemSetPocPara 0x0800a2e4 Section 0 modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara)
  2870. i.ModemSetPwrMode 0x0800a478 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode)
  2871. i.ModemStrCmp 0x0800a4d4 Section 0 common.o(i.ModemStrCmp)
  2872. i.ModifyConfigureFile 0x0800a4fc Section 0 filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile)
  2873. i.ModifyTempFile 0x0800a5e8 Section 0 filesys.o(i.ModifyTempFile)
  2874. i.MsgQueueAccept 0x0800a60c Section 0 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueAccept)
  2875. i.MsgQueueInit 0x0800a6c4 Section 0 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueInit)
  2876. i.MsgQueuePost 0x0800a718 Section 0 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueuePost)
  2877. i.MsgQueueSet 0x0800a7ac Section 0 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueSet)
  2878. i.NMI_Handler 0x0800a7c0 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.NMI_Handler)
  2879. i.NVIC_Init 0x0800a7c4 Section 0 misc.o(i.NVIC_Init)
  2880. i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x0800a834 Section 0 misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig)
  2881. i.NumEditInit 0x0800a848 Section 0 numedit.o(i.NumEditInit)
  2882. i.NumEditResponse 0x0800a880 Section 0 numedit.o(i.NumEditResponse)
  2883. i.NumEditShow 0x0800a8ec Section 0 numedit.o(i.NumEditShow)
  2884. i.OnOff_Init 0x0800a95c Section 0 maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init)
  2885. i.POCSetSerPassResponse 0x0800a9b0 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse)
  2886. i.POCSetSerResponse 0x0800aa1c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse)
  2887. i.PTTimerInitPool 0x0800ab48 Section 0 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerInitPool)
  2888. i.PTTimerIsExpired 0x0800ab50 Section 0 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired)
  2889. i.PTTimerStart 0x0800ab5e Section 0 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart)
  2890. i.PTTimerStop 0x0800abba Section 0 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStop)
  2891. i.PTTimerTick 0x0800abf6 Section 0 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerTick)
  2892. i.PaintBufToLcd 0x0800ac2c Section 0 gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd)
  2893. i.PaintCharToBuf 0x0800acd0 Section 0 gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf)
  2894. i.PaintToBuf 0x0800af00 Section 0 gui.o(i.PaintToBuf)
  2895. i.PcMsgHandle 0x0800af3c Section 0 maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle)
  2896. PcMsgHandle 0x0800af3d Thumb Code 196 maintask.o(i.PcMsgHandle)
  2897. i.PocHandle 0x0800b020 Section 0 poctask.o(i.PocHandle)
  2898. i.PowerCtrlInit 0x0800b7a8 Section 0 maintask.o(i.PowerCtrlInit)
  2899. i.PowerOffProtetion 0x0800b7d8 Section 0 maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion)
  2900. i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd 0x0800b810 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd)
  2901. i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x0800b830 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  2902. i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x0800b850 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  2903. i.RCC_ClearFlag 0x0800b870 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearFlag)
  2904. i.RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x0800b884 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  2905. i.RCC_GetFlagStatus 0x0800ba10 Section 0 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus)
  2906. i.RGB888toRGB565 0x0800ba4c Section 0 gui.o(i.RGB888toRGB565)
  2907. i.RTC_Init 0x0800ba64 Section 0 userrtc.o(i.RTC_Init)
  2908. i.RTC_Update 0x0800ba80 Section 0 userrtc.o(i.RTC_Update)
  2909. i.RTC_UserGetTime 0x0800bac0 Section 0 userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime)
  2910. i.RTC_UserSetTime 0x0800baec Section 0 userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserSetTime)
  2911. i.ReFlashItem 0x0800bb1c Section 0 ui.o(i.ReFlashItem)
  2912. ReFlashItem 0x0800bb1d Thumb Code 126 ui.o(i.ReFlashItem)
  2913. i.ReadFileData 0x0800bbb8 Section 0 filesys.o(i.ReadFileData)
  2914. i.ReadFlashData 0x0800bc38 Section 0 productpara.o(i.ReadFlashData)
  2915. i.ReadProductParaFromFlash 0x0800bc68 Section 0 productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash)
  2916. i.ReadSpecificSms 0x0800bd10 Section 0 message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms)
  2917. ReadSpecificSms 0x0800bd11 Thumb Code 118 message.o(i.ReadSpecificSms)
  2918. i.ReplaceStrWithN 0x0800bd90 Section 0 common.o(i.ReplaceStrWithN)
  2919. i.ResetModem 0x0800bdb0 Section 0 maintask.o(i.ResetModem)
  2920. i.ResetSMSConfi 0x0800bdc4 Section 0 message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi)
  2921. i.SPI_Cmd 0x0800c000 Section 0 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd)
  2922. i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus 0x0800c018 Section 0 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus)
  2923. i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData 0x0800c02a Section 0 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData)
  2924. i.SPI_I2S_SendData 0x0800c030 Section 0 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData)
  2925. i.SPI_Init 0x0800c034 Section 0 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init)
  2926. i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte 0x0800c070 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte)
  2927. i.SPKDelayUs 0x0800c0a8 Section 0 audio.o(i.SPKDelayUs)
  2928. i.STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord 0x0800c0f2 Section 0 productpara.o(i.STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord)
  2929. i.SVC_Handler 0x0800c0f8 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.SVC_Handler)
  2930. i.SaveProductParaToFlash 0x0800c0fc Section 0 productpara.o(i.SaveProductParaToFlash)
  2931. i.SetAPNResponse 0x0800c124 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse)
  2932. i.SetAPNShow 0x0800c1b4 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow)
  2933. i.SetApnDetailResponse 0x0800c29c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse)
  2934. i.SetApnDetailShow 0x0800c32c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow)
  2935. i.SetBeep 0x0800c394 Section 0 audio.o(i.SetBeep)
  2936. i.SetBeepByNoOS 0x0800c3d0 Section 0 audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS)
  2937. i.SetBlueLed 0x0800c408 Section 0 led.o(i.SetBlueLed)
  2938. i.SetCodeTypeResponse 0x0800c428 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse)
  2939. i.SetCodeTypeShow 0x0800c50c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow)
  2940. i.SetDefaultSpkMic 0x0800c600 Section 0 modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic)
  2941. i.SetGPSResponse 0x0800c644 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse)
  2942. i.SetGPSShow 0x0800c6f8 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow)
  2943. i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail 0x0800c7e8 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail)
  2944. i.SetGotNewMessage 0x0800c848 Section 0 message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage)
  2945. i.SetKeySoundShow 0x0800c934 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow)
  2946. i.SetKeysoundResponse 0x0800ca18 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse)
  2947. i.SetLCDResponse 0x0800ca98 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse)
  2948. i.SetLCDShow 0x0800cb3c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow)
  2949. i.SetLedIndicator 0x0800ccdc Section 0 led.o(i.SetLedIndicator)
  2950. i.SetLedStatus 0x0800cd3c Section 0 led.o(i.SetLedStatus)
  2951. i.SetMessageConfi 0x0800ce0c Section 0 message.o(i.SetMessageConfi)
  2952. i.SetNetResponse 0x0800ce2c Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse)
  2953. i.SetNetShow 0x0800cec4 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow)
  2954. i.SetPaletteByBmpFile 0x0800d050 Section 0 gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile)
  2955. i.SetPowerModeResponse 0x0800d094 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse)
  2956. i.SetPowerModeShow 0x0800d0e8 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow)
  2957. i.SetRedLed 0x0800d174 Section 0 led.o(i.SetRedLed)
  2958. i.SetSYSResponse 0x0800d194 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse)
  2959. i.SetSoundModeResponse 0x0800d228 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse)
  2960. i.SetSoundModeShow 0x0800d2dc Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow)
  2961. i.SetSysClock 0x0800d368 Section 0 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClock)
  2962. SetSysClock 0x0800d369 Thumb Code 8 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClock)
  2963. i.SetSysClockToMy 0x0800d370 Section 0 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClockToMy)
  2964. SetSysClockToMy 0x0800d371 Thumb Code 238 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SetSysClockToMy)
  2965. i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse 0x0800d470 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse)
  2966. i.SetUpIntercomVerShow 0x0800d4c4 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow)
  2967. i.ShowAPNMessage 0x0800d638 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage)
  2968. i.ShowBatttery 0x0800d7f8 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowBatttery)
  2969. ShowBatttery 0x0800d7f9 Thumb Code 368 ui.o(i.ShowBatttery)
  2970. i.ShowButton 0x0800d97c Section 0 gui.o(i.ShowButton)
  2971. i.ShowCallUserName 0x0800d9b8 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName)
  2972. ShowCallUserName 0x0800d9b9 Thumb Code 144 ui.o(i.ShowCallUserName)
  2973. i.ShowCaption 0x0800da54 Section 0 menu.o(i.ShowCaption)
  2974. i.ShowGPSICon 0x0800da80 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon)
  2975. ShowGPSICon 0x0800da81 Thumb Code 126 ui.o(i.ShowGPSICon)
  2976. i.ShowGroupAndUserName 0x0800db28 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName)
  2977. ShowGroupAndUserName 0x0800db29 Thumb Code 250 ui.o(i.ShowGroupAndUserName)
  2978. i.ShowMcuFreq 0x0800dc3c Section 0 main.o(i.ShowMcuFreq)
  2979. i.ShowMessageBox 0x0800dc84 Section 0 gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox)
  2980. i.ShowMessageFlag 0x0800dcec Section 0 message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag)
  2981. i.ShowSingle 0x0800dd74 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowSingle)
  2982. ShowSingle 0x0800dd75 Thumb Code 272 ui.o(i.ShowSingle)
  2983. i.ShowStatusBar 0x0800dea4 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar)
  2984. i.ShowTime 0x0800dff0 Section 0 ui.o(i.ShowTime)
  2985. ShowTime 0x0800dff1 Thumb Code 120 ui.o(i.ShowTime)
  2986. i.Show_Net 0x0800e088 Section 0 ui.o(i.Show_Net)
  2987. Show_Net 0x0800e089 Thumb Code 78 ui.o(i.Show_Net)
  2988. i.SimpleUserInfoScan 0x0800e0f0 Section 0 modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan)
  2989. i.Sleeping 0x0800e370 Section 0 sleep.o(i.Sleeping)
  2990. i.SlwTrace 0x0800e400 Section 0 serial.o(i.SlwTrace)
  2991. i.SmsScan 0x0800e44c Section 0 message.o(i.SmsScan)
  2992. SmsScan 0x0800e44d Thumb Code 214 message.o(i.SmsScan)
  2993. i.SocketParaUpdate 0x0800e558 Section 0 socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate)
  2994. i.SpeakerCtrl 0x0800e5d4 Section 0 audio.o(i.SpeakerCtrl)
  2995. i.SpeakerEnable 0x0800e5f0 Section 0 audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable)
  2996. i.SpeakerInit 0x0800e640 Section 0 audio.o(i.SpeakerInit)
  2997. i.StrAsciiToHex 0x0800e66c Section 0 common.o(i.StrAsciiToHex)
  2998. i.StrIntercept 0x0800e710 Section 0 listbox.o(i.StrIntercept)
  2999. i.SwitchGroupCtrl 0x0800e778 Section 0 hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl)
  3000. i.SwitchGroupPre 0x0800e7d4 Section 0 hook.o(i.SwitchGroupPre)
  3001. i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312 0x0800e800 Section 0 message.o(i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312)
  3002. i.SysTick_Handler 0x0800e82c Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler)
  3003. i.SystemInit 0x0800e83c Section 0 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemInit)
  3004. i.TIM_Cmd 0x0800e8ac Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd)
  3005. i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs 0x0800e8c4 Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs)
  3006. i.TIM_OC2Init 0x0800e8e4 Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2Init)
  3007. i.TIM_TimeBaseInit 0x0800e988 Section 0 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit)
  3008. i.TSGetCheckSum 0x0800ea2c Section 0 probubiao.o(i.TSGetCheckSum)
  3009. TSGetCheckSum 0x0800ea2d Thumb Code 28 probubiao.o(i.TSGetCheckSum)
  3010. i.TSGpsDataInit 0x0800ea48 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit)
  3011. i.TSGpsPacket 0x0800ea84 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket)
  3012. TSGpsPacket 0x0800ea85 Thumb Code 262 probubiao.o(i.TSGpsPacket)
  3013. i.TSMakeGpsSendData 0x0800eb98 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.TSMakeGpsSendData)
  3014. i.Transform 0x0800ec74 Section 0 md5.o(i.Transform)
  3015. Transform 0x0800ec75 Thumb Code 1856 md5.o(i.Transform)
  3016. i.UART1RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f41c Section 0 serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler)
  3017. i.UART2RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f4fc Section 0 serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler)
  3018. i.UART3RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f5b0 Section 0 serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler)
  3019. i.UISetNextStatus 0x0800f6b4 Section 0 ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus)
  3020. i.UIShowGroupSel 0x0800f6c8 Section 0 ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel)
  3021. UIShowGroupSel 0x0800f6c9 Thumb Code 510 ui.o(i.UIShowGroupSel)
  3022. i.UIShowInformation 0x0800f964 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation)
  3023. i.UIShowMailBox 0x0800fd78 Section 0 message.o(i.UIShowMailBox)
  3024. i.UIShowMainInterface 0x0800fe08 Section 0 ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface)
  3025. i.UIShowMenuMain 0x080101f4 Section 0 ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain)
  3026. UIShowMenuMain 0x080101f5 Thumb Code 44 ui.o(i.UIShowMenuMain)
  3027. i.UIShowMenuSysSetup 0x08010230 Section 0 ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup)
  3028. i.UIShowPOCSer 0x080102ac Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer)
  3029. i.UIShowPOCSerPass 0x080103b4 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass)
  3030. i.UIShowUserSel 0x0801042c Section 0 ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel)
  3031. UIShowUserSel 0x0801042d Thumb Code 230 ui.o(i.UIShowUserSel)
  3032. i.UI_Init 0x0801056c Section 0 ui.o(i.UI_Init)
  3033. i.UI_Key 0x08010584 Section 0 ui.o(i.UI_Key)
  3034. i.UI_Loop 0x080106f8 Section 0 ui.o(i.UI_Loop)
  3035. UI_Loop 0x080106f9 Thumb Code 268 ui.o(i.UI_Loop)
  3036. i.USART1_IRQHandler 0x08010808 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler)
  3037. i.USART2_IRQHandler 0x08010810 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART2_IRQHandler)
  3038. i.USART3_IRQHandler 0x08010818 Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART3_IRQHandler)
  3039. i.USART_ClearFlag 0x08010820 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag)
  3040. i.USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08010832 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  3041. i.USART_Cmd 0x08010850 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  3042. i.USART_DMACmd 0x08010868 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DMACmd)
  3043. i.USART_GetFlagStatus 0x0801087a Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  3044. i.USART_GetITStatus 0x08010894 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  3045. i.USART_ITConfig 0x080108e8 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  3046. i.USART_Init 0x08010934 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  3047. i.USART_ReceiveData 0x08010a0c Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  3048. i.USART_SendData 0x08010a16 Section 0 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  3049. i.Uart1DMAInit 0x08010a20 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit)
  3050. i.Uart1Init 0x08010a74 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart1Init)
  3051. i.Uart1RxEnable 0x08010afc Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable)
  3052. i.Uart1Send 0x08010b9c Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart1Send)
  3053. i.Uart2Init 0x08010bc8 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart2Init)
  3054. i.Uart2RecvProcess 0x08010cb4 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess)
  3055. i.Uart2Send 0x08011064 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart2Send)
  3056. i.Uart3Init 0x08011090 Section 0 serial.o(i.Uart3Init)
  3057. i.UiassistStart 0x08011148 Section 0 hook.o(i.UiassistStart)
  3058. i.UpdateBackFileMD5 0x0801115c Section 0 filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5)
  3059. i.UpdateColor 0x0801120c Section 0 gui.o(i.UpdateColor)
  3060. i.UpdateCsqValue 0x080112f0 Section 0 modemtask.o(i.UpdateCsqValue)
  3061. i.UpdateDot 0x08011390 Section 0 gui.o(i.UpdateDot)
  3062. i.UsageFault_Handler 0x080113dc Section 0 stm32f10x_it.o(i.UsageFault_Handler)
  3063. i.UserAssistAdd 0x080113e0 Section 0 ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd)
  3064. UserAssistAdd 0x080113e1 Thumb Code 66 ui.o(i.UserAssistAdd)
  3065. i.UserSelResponse 0x0801142c Section 0 ui.o(i.UserSelResponse)
  3066. UserSelResponse 0x0801142d Thumb Code 316 ui.o(i.UserSelResponse)
  3067. i.W25Q64_Init 0x080115a8 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init)
  3068. i.W25Q64_PortInit 0x0801161c Section 0 w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_PortInit)
  3069. i.WritePageData 0x08011684 Section 0 productpara.o(i.WritePageData)
  3070. i.__0printf$8 0x080116e8 Section 0 printf8.o(i.__0printf$8)
  3071. i.__0snprintf$8 0x08011708 Section 0 printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8)
  3072. i.__0sprintf$8 0x08011730 Section 0 printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8)
  3073. i.__aeabi_errno_addr 0x08011758 Section 0 errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr)
  3074. i.__scatterload_copy 0x08011760 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
  3075. i.__scatterload_null 0x0801176e Section 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
  3076. i.__scatterload_zeroinit 0x08011770 Section 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
  3077. i._printf_core 0x08011780 Section 0 printf8.o(i._printf_core)
  3078. _printf_core 0x08011781 Thumb Code 996 printf8.o(i._printf_core)
  3079. i._printf_post_padding 0x08011b90 Section 0 printf8.o(i._printf_post_padding)
  3080. _printf_post_padding 0x08011b91 Thumb Code 36 printf8.o(i._printf_post_padding)
  3081. i._printf_pre_padding 0x08011bb4 Section 0 printf8.o(i._printf_pre_padding)
  3082. _printf_pre_padding 0x08011bb5 Thumb Code 46 printf8.o(i._printf_pre_padding)
  3083. i._snputc 0x08011be2 Section 0 printf8.o(i._snputc)
  3084. _snputc 0x08011be3 Thumb Code 22 printf8.o(i._snputc)
  3085. i._sputc 0x08011bf8 Section 0 printf8.o(i._sputc)
  3086. _sputc 0x08011bf9 Thumb Code 10 printf8.o(i._sputc)
  3087. i.buBiaoAck 0x08011c04 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck)
  3088. buBiaoAck 0x08011c05 Thumb Code 94 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAck)
  3089. i.buBiaoAuth 0x08011c78 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth)
  3090. buBiaoAuth 0x08011c79 Thumb Code 54 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoAuth)
  3091. i.buBiaoDataProcess 0x08011cc4 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess)
  3092. i.buBiaoHeart 0x080120a4 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart)
  3093. buBiaoHeart 0x080120a5 Thumb Code 52 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoHeart)
  3094. i.buBiaoLocation 0x080120e8 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation)
  3095. buBiaoLocation 0x080120e9 Thumb Code 60 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLocation)
  3096. i.buBiaoLogic 0x08012138 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic)
  3097. i.buBiaoRecvHandler 0x08012318 Section 0 network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler)
  3098. i.buBiaoReg 0x08012360 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg)
  3099. buBiaoReg 0x08012361 Thumb Code 106 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoReg)
  3100. i.buBiaoSoS 0x080123dc Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS)
  3101. buBiaoSoS 0x080123dd Thumb Code 54 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoSoS)
  3102. i.buBiaoSocketShutDown 0x08012424 Section 0 network.o(i.buBiaoSocketShutDown)
  3103. i.buBiaoTickHandler 0x08012458 Section 0 network.o(i.buBiaoTickHandler)
  3104. i.buBiaoTime 0x08012464 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime)
  3105. buBiaoTime 0x08012465 Thumb Code 54 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoTime)
  3106. i.cmdShutDown 0x080124ac Section 0 maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown)
  3107. i.enableDataSend 0x08012530 Section 0 hook.o(i.enableDataSend)
  3108. i.escapse 0x08012560 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.escapse)
  3109. escapse 0x08012561 Thumb Code 124 probubiao.o(i.escapse)
  3110. i.fputc 0x080125dc Section 0 serial.o(i.fputc)
  3111. i.free 0x08012600 Section 0 malloc.o(i.free)
  3112. i.getAssistResult 0x08012650 Section 0 hook.o(i.getAssistResult)
  3113. i.getBat 0x08012664 Section 0 adc.o(i.getBat)
  3114. i.getDOMAINAddr 0x08012688 Section 0 sysini.o(i.getDOMAINAddr)
  3115. i.getGIPAddr 0x080126bc Section 0 sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr)
  3116. i.getICCID 0x08012718 Section 0 modem.o(i.getICCID)
  3117. i.getIMEI 0x08012720 Section 0 modem.o(i.getIMEI)
  3118. i.getModemModule 0x08012728 Section 0 modem.o(i.getModemModule)
  3119. i.getModemVersion 0x08012824 Section 0 modem.o(i.getModemVersion)
  3120. i.getPIPAddr 0x080128bc Section 0 sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr)
  3121. i.getPocCode 0x08012914 Section 0 modem.o(i.getPocCode)
  3122. i.getPocVersion 0x08012954 Section 0 modem.o(i.getPocVersion)
  3123. i.getSegMent 0x080129d4 Section 0 common.o(i.getSegMent)
  3124. i.ipSosChangeParaAck 0x08012a1c Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck)
  3125. ipSosChangeParaAck 0x08012a1d Thumb Code 84 ipsos.o(i.ipSosChangeParaAck)
  3126. i.ipSosDataProcess 0x08012aa4 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess)
  3127. i.ipSosHeart 0x08012bd8 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart)
  3128. ipSosHeart 0x08012bd9 Thumb Code 52 ipsos.o(i.ipSosHeart)
  3129. i.ipSosLogic 0x08012c28 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic)
  3130. i.ipSosPackData 0x08012cf8 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData)
  3131. ipSosPackData 0x08012cf9 Thumb Code 476 ipsos.o(i.ipSosPackData)
  3132. i.ipSosRecvHandler 0x08012f0c Section 0 network.o(i.ipSosRecvHandler)
  3133. i.ipSosReport 0x08012f1c Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport)
  3134. ipSosReport 0x08012f1d Thumb Code 68 ipsos.o(i.ipSosReport)
  3135. i.ipSosSocketShutDown 0x08012f84 Section 0 network.o(i.ipSosSocketShutDown)
  3136. i.ipSosStartNow 0x08012fa8 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.ipSosStartNow)
  3137. i.ipSosTickHandler 0x08012fbc Section 0 network.o(i.ipSosTickHandler)
  3138. i.isFileFileGood 0x08012fc8 Section 0 filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood)
  3139. i.isKeyPress 0x08013078 Section 0 maintask.o(i.isKeyPress)
  3140. i.isSendDataEnable 0x08013098 Section 0 hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable)
  3141. i.keySoundFlash 0x080130c8 Section 0 setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash)
  3142. i.liuShuiUpdate 0x0801311c Section 0 ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate)
  3143. liuShuiUpdate 0x0801311d Thumb Code 28 ipsos.o(i.liuShuiUpdate)
  3144. i.mInitSwitchStatus 0x0801313c Section 0 modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus)
  3145. i.main 0x08013554 Section 0 main.o(i.main)
  3146. i.malloc 0x08013714 Section 0 malloc.o(i.malloc)
  3147. i.newBeepSet 0x08013780 Section 0 audio.o(i.newBeepSet)
  3148. i.newSysIniRead 0x08013820 Section 0 sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead)
  3149. i.onStartCtl 0x08013940 Section 0 hook.o(i.onStartCtl)
  3150. i.powerSaveHandle 0x0801399c Section 0 hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle)
  3151. i.process_gps_data 0x080139dc Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data)
  3152. process_gps_data 0x080139dd Thumb Code 948 gpsdata.o(i.process_gps_data)
  3153. i.ptAllInit 0x08013da4 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptAllInit)
  3154. i.ptFastTask 0x08013e04 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptFastTask)
  3155. i.ptGpsTask 0x08013e68 Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask)
  3156. i.ptLedTask 0x08013eb8 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptLedTask)
  3157. i.ptModemATProTask 0x08013f08 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask)
  3158. i.ptModemInitTask 0x08013f54 Section 0 modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask)
  3159. i.ptModemUartTask 0x080141d8 Section 0 modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask)
  3160. i.ptSecondTask 0x08014224 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptSecondTask)
  3161. i.ptSocketTask 0x0801427c Section 0 socket.o(i.ptSocketTask)
  3162. i.ptTaskRun 0x08014398 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptTaskRun)
  3163. i.ptTimerTick 0x08014404 Section 0 utask.o(i.ptTimerTick)
  3164. i.ptUIAssist 0x08014414 Section 0 hook.o(i.ptUIAssist)
  3165. i.ptUITask 0x080144e4 Section 0 ui.o(i.ptUITask)
  3166. i.reduce 0x08014534 Section 0 probubiao.o(i.reduce)
  3167. i.sFlash_Erase_Sector 0x0801458c Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector)
  3168. i.sFlash_Read 0x080145d0 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read)
  3169. i.sFlash_ReadID 0x0801462c Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID)
  3170. i.sFlash_ReadSR 0x0801467c Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR)
  3171. i.sFlash_Wait_Busy 0x080146a8 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy)
  3172. i.sFlash_Write 0x080146bc Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write)
  3173. i.sFlash_Write_Enable 0x08014770 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable)
  3174. i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck 0x08014790 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck)
  3175. i.sFlash_Write_Page 0x080147d8 Section 0 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page)
  3176. i.speciallShow 0x08014830 Section 0 ui.o(i.speciallShow)
  3177. i.tcpCloseSocket 0x08014860 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket)
  3178. tcpCloseSocket 0x08014861 Thumb Code 62 socket.o(i.tcpCloseSocket)
  3179. i.tcpLinkProcess 0x080148b8 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess)
  3180. tcpLinkProcess 0x080148b9 Thumb Code 174 socket.o(i.tcpLinkProcess)
  3181. i.tcpSocketAdd 0x080149e4 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketAdd)
  3182. i.tcpSocketGetStatus 0x08014a40 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketGetStatus)
  3183. i.tcpSocketInit 0x08014a70 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketInit)
  3184. i.tcpSocketRecv 0x08014a80 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketRecv)
  3185. i.tcpSocketRun 0x08014ac0 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun)
  3186. tcpSocketRun 0x08014ac1 Thumb Code 108 socket.o(i.tcpSocketRun)
  3187. i.tcpSocketSendData 0x08014b30 Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData)
  3188. i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate 0x08014bac Section 0 socket.o(i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate)
  3189. i.translate_digitAscii_to_bcd 0x08014c0c Section 0 gpsdata.o(i.translate_digitAscii_to_bcd)
  3190. translate_digitAscii_to_bcd 0x08014c0d Thumb Code 100 gpsdata.o(i.translate_digitAscii_to_bcd)
  3191. i.uSysTickGet 0x08014c70 Section 0 utask.o(i.uSysTickGet)
  3192. i.uSysTickUpdate 0x08014c7c Section 0 utask.o(i.uSysTickUpdate)
  3193. i.uTimerCall 0x08014c8c Section 0 utask.o(i.uTimerCall)
  3194. i.uTimerCreate 0x08014cf8 Section 0 utask.o(i.uTimerCreate)
  3195. i.uTimerExpired 0x08014d20 Section 0 utask.o(i.uTimerExpired)
  3196. i.uTimerHardDly 0x08014d36 Section 0 utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly)
  3197. i.uTimerStart 0x08014d50 Section 0 utask.o(i.uTimerStart)
  3198. i.upDateReportTime 0x08014d60 Section 0 ipsos.o(i.upDateReportTime)
  3199. upDateReportTime 0x08014d61 Thumb Code 10 ipsos.o(i.upDateReportTime)
  3200. .constdata 0x08014d70 Section 8 sysini.o(.constdata)
  3201. .constdata 0x08014d78 Section 12 setsystempara.o(.constdata)
  3202. MododrxTable 0x08014d78 Data 12 setsystempara.o(.constdata)
  3203. .constdata 0x08014d84 Section 14 gpsdata.o(.constdata)
  3204. .constdata 0x08014d94 Section 268 maintask.o(.constdata)
  3205. .constdata 0x08014ea0 Section 80 modemtask.o(.constdata)
  3206. .constdata 0x08014ef0 Section 3028 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3207. .constdata 0x08015ac4 Section 64 md5.o(.constdata)
  3208. PADDING 0x08015ac4 Data 64 md5.o(.constdata)
  3209. .constdata 0x08015b04 Section 129 ctype_o.o(.constdata)
  3210. .constdata 0x08015b88 Section 4 ctype_o.o(.constdata)
  3211. table 0x08015b88 Data 4 ctype_o.o(.constdata)
  3212. .conststring 0x08015b8c Section 573 setsystempara.o(.conststring)
  3213. .conststring 0x08015dcc Section 37 message.o(.conststring)
  3214. .conststring 0x08015df4 Section 7 maintask.o(.conststring)
  3215. .conststring 0x08015dfc Section 221 ui.o(.conststring)
  3216. .data 0x20000000 Section 20 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  3217. APBAHBPrescTable 0x20000000 Data 16 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  3218. ADCPrescTable 0x20000010 Data 4 stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  3219. .data 0x20000014 Section 24 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
  3220. .data 0x2000002c Section 19 serial.o(.data)
  3221. rx1_ct 0x2000002e Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  3222. rx2_ct 0x20000032 Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  3223. uart_last_data 0x2000003e Data 1 serial.o(.data)
  3224. .data 0x20000040 Section 24 key.o(.data)
  3225. sucCt 0x20000048 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  3226. sucFlag 0x20000049 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  3227. sucPress 0x2000004a Data 1 key.o(.data)
  3228. sucLastPress 0x2000004b Data 1 key.o(.data)
  3229. Key 0x2000004c Data 4 key.o(.data)
  3230. Key1 0x20000050 Data 4 key.o(.data)
  3231. Key2 0x20000054 Data 4 key.o(.data)
  3232. .data 0x20000058 Section 30 led.o(.data)
  3233. sucRedLedFlash 0x20000058 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3234. sucRedLedSleep 0x20000059 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3235. sucBlueLedFlash 0x2000005a Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3236. sucBlueLedSleep 0x2000005b Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3237. LedIndicator 0x2000005c Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3238. sucCt 0x20000068 Data 4 led.o(.data)
  3239. RedLedCt 0x2000006c Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3240. RedLedMaxCt 0x2000006d Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3241. RedLedFlash2 0x2000006e Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3242. LastRedLedFlash 0x2000006f Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3243. LastRedLedSleep 0x20000070 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3244. BlueLedCt 0x20000071 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3245. BlueLedMaxCt 0x20000072 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3246. BlueLedFlash2 0x20000073 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3247. LastBlueLedFlash 0x20000074 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3248. LastBlueLedSleep 0x20000075 Data 1 led.o(.data)
  3249. .data 0x20000078 Section 14 poctask.o(.data)
  3250. getNameFlag 0x20000084 Data 1 poctask.o(.data)
  3251. noSpeakFlag 0x20000085 Data 1 poctask.o(.data)
  3252. .data 0x20000088 Section 13 modem.o(.data)
  3253. first 0x20000088 Data 1 modem.o(.data)
  3254. machine 0x20000089 Data 1 modem.o(.data)
  3255. timer 0x2000008c Data 4 modem.o(.data)
  3256. w 0x20000090 Data 2 modem.o(.data)
  3257. thisStartIndex 0x20000092 Data 2 modem.o(.data)
  3258. readNum 0x20000094 Data 1 modem.o(.data)
  3259. .data 0x20000095 Section 1 productpara.o(.data)
  3260. .data 0x20000098 Section 13 sysini.o(.data)
  3261. .data 0x200000a8 Section 281 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3262. g_ausNetOut 0x200000bc Data 16 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3263. accIconFileNameAPN 0x200000e4 Data 12 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3264. GroupsFeatures 0x20000100 Data 4 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3265. susCt 0x20000104 Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3266. susCt 0x20000106 Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3267. susCt 0x20000108 Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3268. susCt 0x2000010a Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3269. CaptionTable 0x2000010c Data 104 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3270. susCt 0x20000174 Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3271. ModeName 0x20000178 Data 16 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3272. ModeName 0x20000188 Data 12 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3273. flag 0x20000194 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3274. accIconFileName 0x20000198 Data 12 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3275. NameAddr 0x200001a4 Data 24 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3276. ItemFeatures 0x200001bc Data 5 setsystempara.o(.data)
  3277. .data 0x200001c4 Section 16 gpsdata.o(.data)
  3278. gpsInit 0x200001c4 Data 1 gpsdata.o(.data)
  3279. tick 0x200001c8 Data 4 gpsdata.o(.data)
  3280. ptTimer 0x200001cc Data 8 gpsdata.o(.data)
  3281. .data 0x200001d4 Section 13 socket.o(.data)
  3282. ptTimer 0x200001d4 Data 8 socket.o(.data)
  3283. firstRun 0x200001dc Data 1 socket.o(.data)
  3284. tick 0x200001dd Data 1 socket.o(.data)
  3285. lastPPP 0x200001de Data 1 socket.o(.data)
  3286. runStep 0x200001df Data 1 socket.o(.data)
  3287. runStep 0x200001e0 Data 1 socket.o(.data)
  3288. .data 0x200001e1 Section 1 network.o(.data)
  3289. .data 0x200001e4 Section 10 adc.o(.data)
  3290. Ct 0x200001e8 Data 4 adc.o(.data)
  3291. sucCt 0x200001ec Data 1 adc.o(.data)
  3292. tick 0x200001ed Data 1 adc.o(.data)
  3293. .data 0x200001f0 Section 29 message.o(.data)
  3294. lastShowIndex 0x200001fc Data 2 message.o(.data)
  3295. smsUnReadBackup 0x200001fe Data 1 message.o(.data)
  3296. apcMenuSysSetup 0x20000200 Data 12 message.o(.data)
  3297. showCt 0x2000020c Data 1 message.o(.data)
  3298. .data 0x20000210 Section 20 userrtc.o(.data)
  3299. SY 0x20000218 Data 4 userrtc.o(.data)
  3300. SM 0x2000021c Data 4 userrtc.o(.data)
  3301. SD 0x20000220 Data 4 userrtc.o(.data)
  3302. .data 0x20000224 Section 24 probubiao.o(.data)
  3303. tick 0x2000022c Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3304. retry 0x2000022e Data 1 probubiao.o(.data)
  3305. autTick 0x2000022f Data 1 probubiao.o(.data)
  3306. timeReqCnt 0x20000230 Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3307. heartTick 0x20000232 Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3308. locationTick 0x20000234 Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3309. locationHold 0x20000236 Data 1 probubiao.o(.data)
  3310. liushiID 0x20000238 Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3311. snum 0x2000023a Data 2 probubiao.o(.data)
  3312. .data 0x2000023c Section 20 hook.o(.data)
  3313. ptTimer 0x20000248 Data 8 hook.o(.data)
  3314. .data 0x20000250 Section 16 ipsos.o(.data)
  3315. ModifyAck 0x20000251 Data 1 ipsos.o(.data)
  3316. ModifyResult 0x20000252 Data 1 ipsos.o(.data)
  3317. ipSosFlag 0x20000253 Data 1 ipsos.o(.data)
  3318. liushui 0x20000254 Data 2 ipsos.o(.data)
  3319. reportTime 0x20000256 Data 8 ipsos.o(.data)
  3320. hearTick 0x2000025e Data 2 ipsos.o(.data)
  3321. .data 0x20000260 Section 64 utask.o(.data)
  3322. uSysTick 0x2000027c Data 4 utask.o(.data)
  3323. ptTimer 0x20000280 Data 8 utask.o(.data)
  3324. ptTimer 0x20000288 Data 8 utask.o(.data)
  3325. ptTimer 0x20000290 Data 8 utask.o(.data)
  3326. ptTimer 0x20000298 Data 8 utask.o(.data)
  3327. .data 0x200002a0 Section 16 maintask.o(.data)
  3328. keyNum 0x200002a8 Data 4 maintask.o(.data)
  3329. sucPocLostTimeoutCount 0x200002ad Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  3330. sucModemInactiveCount 0x200002ae Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  3331. GT_Flag 0x200002af Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  3332. .data 0x200002b0 Section 44 modemtask.o(.data)
  3333. initStatus 0x200002ba Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  3334. timeOut 0x200002bb Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  3335. ptTimer 0x200002c0 Data 8 modemtask.o(.data)
  3336. intCmd 0x200002c8 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  3337. status 0x200002c9 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  3338. i 0x200002ca Data 2 modemtask.o(.data)
  3339. t 0x200002cc Data 2 modemtask.o(.data)
  3340. tick 0x200002d0 Data 4 modemtask.o(.data)
  3341. tCsq 0x200002d4 Data 8 modemtask.o(.data)
  3342. .data 0x200002dc Section 8 modemuarttask.o(.data)
  3343. ptTimer 0x200002dc Data 8 modemuarttask.o(.data)
  3344. .data 0x200002e4 Section 10 stm32f10x_it.o(.data)
  3345. .data 0x200002f0 Section 204 ui.o(.data)
  3346. UserSelMachine 0x20000308 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3347. lastOption 0x20000309 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3348. ptTimer 0x2000030c Data 8 ui.o(.data)
  3349. batFirstShow 0x20000314 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3350. siHNS 0x20000315 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3351. siCSQ 0x20000318 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3352. siVbat 0x2000031c Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3353. susGps 0x20000320 Data 2 ui.o(.data)
  3354. lastPPPStatus 0x20000322 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3355. s_netshowvalue 0x20000324 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3356. siLastFlag 0x20000328 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3357. siCt 0x2000032c Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3358. lastLoginResult 0x20000330 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3359. apcMenuSysSetup 0x20000334 Data 44 ui.o(.data)
  3360. flashCnt 0x20000360 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3361. flag 0x20000364 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3362. lastS 0x20000365 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3363. suCt 0x20000366 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3364. scCt 0x20000367 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3365. machine 0x20000368 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3366. timer 0x2000036c Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3367. susCt 0x20000370 Data 2 ui.o(.data)
  3368. accIconFileName 0x20000374 Data 12 ui.o(.data)
  3369. NullGroup 0x20000380 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3370. susCt 0x20000382 Data 2 ui.o(.data)
  3371. accIconFileName 0x20000384 Data 16 ui.o(.data)
  3372. NullUser 0x20000394 Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3373. UserFeatures 0x20000395 Data 6 ui.o(.data)
  3374. machine 0x2000039b Data 1 ui.o(.data)
  3375. timer 0x2000039c Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  3376. susCt 0x200003a0 Data 2 ui.o(.data)
  3377. apcMenuMain 0x200003a4 Data 24 ui.o(.data)
  3378. .data 0x200003bc Section 5 lcd.o(.data)
  3379. susLcdBackColor 0x200003bc Data 2 lcd.o(.data)
  3380. susLcdForeColor 0x200003be Data 2 lcd.o(.data)
  3381. .data 0x200003c2 Section 11 gui.o(.data)
  3382. i 0x200003cc Data 1 gui.o(.data)
  3383. .data 0x200003ce Section 2 listboxsms.o(.data)
  3384. len 0x200003ce Data 2 listboxsms.o(.data)
  3385. .data 0x200003d0 Section 4 stdout.o(.data)
  3386. .data 0x200003d4 Section 4 mvars.o(.data)
  3387. .data 0x200003d8 Section 4 mvars.o(.data)
  3388. .data 0x200003dc Section 4 errno.o(.data)
  3389. _errno 0x200003dc Data 4 errno.o(.data)
  3390. .bss 0x200003e0 Section 1042 serial.o(.bss)
  3391. .bss 0x200007f4 Section 2081 poctask.o(.bss)
  3392. Table 0x20000ed0 Data 288 poctask.o(.bss)
  3393. Username 0x20000ff0 Data 37 poctask.o(.bss)
  3394. .bss 0x20001016 Section 1127 modem.o(.bss)
  3395. .bss 0x20001480 Section 2780 msgqueue.o(.bss)
  3396. .bss 0x20001f5c Section 66 productpara.o(.bss)
  3397. .bss 0x20001f9e Section 817 sysini.o(.bss)
  3398. .bss 0x200022d0 Section 20 setsystempara.o(.bss)
  3399. tempAddr 0x200022d0 Data 20 setsystempara.o(.bss)
  3400. .bss 0x200022e4 Section 522 gpsdata.o(.bss)
  3401. .bss 0x200024ee Section 75 socket.o(.bss)
  3402. .bss 0x2000253c Section 40 adc.o(.bss)
  3403. siVbat 0x2000253c Data 40 adc.o(.bss)
  3404. .bss 0x20002564 Section 562 message.o(.bss)
  3405. .bss 0x20002796 Section 28 phonenum.o(.bss)
  3406. .bss 0x200027b2 Section 12 utask.o(.bss)
  3407. .bss 0x200027be Section 110 modemtask.o(.bss)
  3408. .bss 0x2000282c Section 692 ui.o(.bss)
  3409. staticMenum 0x200029bc Data 40 ui.o(.bss)
  3410. scName 0x200029e4 Data 36 ui.o(.bss)
  3411. scName 0x20002a08 Data 36 ui.o(.bss)
  3412. GroupsName 0x20002a2c Data 124 ui.o(.bss)
  3413. GroupsFeatures 0x20002aa8 Data 31 ui.o(.bss)
  3414. UsersName 0x20002ac8 Data 24 ui.o(.bss)
  3415. .bss 0x20002ae0 Section 1036 gui.o(.bss)
  3416. .bss 0x20002eec Section 3232 filesys.o(.bss)
  3417. .bss 0x20003b8c Section 4096 w25q64.o(.bss)
  3418. HEAP 0x20004b90 Section 512 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP)
  3419. STACK 0x20004d90 Section 512 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(STACK)
  3420. Global Symbols
  3421. Symbol Name Value Ov Type Size Object(Section)
  3422. BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$P$D$K$B$S$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OSPACE$ROPI$EBA8$MICROLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000 Number 0 anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE
  3423. __ARM_use_no_argv 0x00000000 Number 0 main.o ABSOLUTE
  3424. _printf_a 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3425. _printf_c 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3426. _printf_charcount 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3427. _printf_d 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3428. _printf_e 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3429. _printf_f 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3430. _printf_flags 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3431. _printf_fp_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3432. _printf_fp_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3433. _printf_g 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3434. _printf_i 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3435. _printf_int_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3436. _printf_l 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3437. _printf_lc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3438. _printf_ll 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3439. _printf_lld 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3440. _printf_lli 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3441. _printf_llo 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3442. _printf_llu 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3443. _printf_llx 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3444. _printf_longlong_dec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3445. _printf_longlong_hex 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3446. _printf_longlong_oct 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3447. _printf_ls 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3448. _printf_mbtowc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3449. _printf_n 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3450. _printf_o 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3451. _printf_p 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3452. _printf_percent 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3453. _printf_pre_padding 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3454. _printf_return_value 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3455. _printf_s 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3456. _printf_sizespec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3457. _printf_str 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3458. _printf_truncate_signed 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3459. _printf_truncate_unsigned 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3460. _printf_u 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3461. _printf_wc 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3462. _printf_wctomb 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3463. _printf_widthprec 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3464. _printf_x 0x00000000 Number 0 stubs.o ABSOLUTE
  3465. __cpp_initialize__aeabi_ - Undefined Weak Reference
  3466. __cxa_finalize - Undefined Weak Reference
  3467. _clock_init - Undefined Weak Reference
  3468. _microlib_exit - Undefined Weak Reference
  3469. __Vectors_Size 0x00000150 Number 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o ABSOLUTE
  3470. __Vectors 0x08004000 Data 4 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET)
  3471. __Vectors_End 0x08004150 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(RESET)
  3472. __main 0x08004151 Thumb Code 0 entry.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000000)
  3473. _main_stk 0x08004151 Thumb Code 0 entry2.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000001)
  3474. _main_scatterload 0x08004155 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  3475. __main_after_scatterload 0x08004159 Thumb Code 0 entry5.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000004)
  3476. _main_clock 0x08004159 Thumb Code 0 entry7b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$00000008)
  3477. _main_cpp_init 0x08004159 Thumb Code 0 entry8b.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A)
  3478. _main_init 0x08004159 Thumb Code 0 entry9a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B)
  3479. __rt_final_cpp 0x08004161 Thumb Code 0 entry10a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D)
  3480. __rt_final_exit 0x08004161 Thumb Code 0 entry11a.o(.ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F)
  3481. Reset_Handler 0x08004165 Thumb Code 8 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3482. PendSV_Handler 0x0800417b Thumb Code 2 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3483. ADC1_2_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3484. CAN1_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3485. CAN1_RX1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3486. CAN1_SCE_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3487. CAN1_TX_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3488. CAN2_RX0_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3489. CAN2_RX1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3490. CAN2_SCE_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3491. CAN2_TX_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3492. DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3493. DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3494. DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3495. DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3496. DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3497. DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3498. DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3499. DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3500. DMA2_Channel4_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3501. DMA2_Channel5_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3502. ETH_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3503. ETH_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3504. EXTI0_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3505. EXTI15_10_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3506. EXTI1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3507. EXTI2_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3508. EXTI3_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3509. EXTI4_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3510. FLASH_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3511. I2C1_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3512. I2C1_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3513. I2C2_ER_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3514. I2C2_EV_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3515. OTG_FS_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3516. OTG_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3517. PVD_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3518. RCC_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3519. RTCAlarm_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3520. RTC_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3521. SPI1_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3522. SPI2_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3523. SPI3_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3524. TAMPER_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3525. TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3526. TIM1_CC_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3527. TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3528. TIM1_UP_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3529. TIM2_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3530. TIM3_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3531. TIM4_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3532. TIM5_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3533. TIM6_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3534. TIM7_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3535. UART4_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3536. UART5_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3537. WWDG_IRQHandler 0x0800417f Thumb Code 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(.text)
  3538. __aeabi_memcpy 0x08004189 Thumb Code 36 memcpya.o(.text)
  3539. __aeabi_memcpy4 0x08004189 Thumb Code 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  3540. __aeabi_memcpy8 0x08004189 Thumb Code 0 memcpya.o(.text)
  3541. __aeabi_memset 0x080041ad Thumb Code 14 memseta.o(.text)
  3542. __aeabi_memset4 0x080041ad Thumb Code 0 memseta.o(.text)
  3543. __aeabi_memset8 0x080041ad Thumb Code 0 memseta.o(.text)
  3544. __aeabi_memclr 0x080041bb Thumb Code 4 memseta.o(.text)
  3545. __aeabi_memclr4 0x080041bb Thumb Code 0 memseta.o(.text)
  3546. __aeabi_memclr8 0x080041bb Thumb Code 0 memseta.o(.text)
  3547. _memset$wrapper 0x080041bf Thumb Code 18 memseta.o(.text)
  3548. strcat 0x080041d1 Thumb Code 24 strcat.o(.text)
  3549. strstr 0x080041e9 Thumb Code 36 strstr.o(.text)
  3550. strncpy 0x0800420d Thumb Code 24 strncpy.o(.text)
  3551. strlen 0x08004225 Thumb Code 14 strlen.o(.text)
  3552. strcmp 0x08004233 Thumb Code 28 strcmp.o(.text)
  3553. memcmp 0x0800424f Thumb Code 26 memcmp.o(.text)
  3554. strcpy 0x08004269 Thumb Code 18 strcpy.o(.text)
  3555. strncmp 0x0800427b Thumb Code 30 strncmp.o(.text)
  3556. strtol 0x08004299 Thumb Code 112 strtol.o(.text)
  3557. atoi 0x08004309 Thumb Code 26 atoi.o(.text)
  3558. __aeabi_dadd 0x08004323 Thumb Code 322 dadd.o(.text)
  3559. __aeabi_dsub 0x08004465 Thumb Code 6 dadd.o(.text)
  3560. __aeabi_drsub 0x0800446b Thumb Code 6 dadd.o(.text)
  3561. __aeabi_dmul 0x08004471 Thumb Code 228 dmul.o(.text)
  3562. __aeabi_ddiv 0x08004555 Thumb Code 222 ddiv.o(.text)
  3563. __aeabi_i2d 0x08004633 Thumb Code 34 dflti.o(.text)
  3564. __aeabi_d2uiz 0x08004655 Thumb Code 50 dfixui.o(.text)
  3565. __aeabi_uldivmod 0x08004687 Thumb Code 98 uldiv.o(.text)
  3566. __aeabi_llsl 0x080046e9 Thumb Code 30 llshl.o(.text)
  3567. _ll_shift_l 0x080046e9 Thumb Code 0 llshl.o(.text)
  3568. __aeabi_llsr 0x08004707 Thumb Code 32 llushr.o(.text)
  3569. _ll_ushift_r 0x08004707 Thumb Code 0 llushr.o(.text)
  3570. __aeabi_lasr 0x08004727 Thumb Code 36 llsshr.o(.text)
  3571. _ll_sshift_r 0x08004727 Thumb Code 0 llsshr.o(.text)
  3572. __rt_ctype_table 0x0800474d Thumb Code 4 ctype_o.o(.text)
  3573. _strtoul 0x08004755 Thumb Code 158 _strtoul.o(.text)
  3574. __I$use$fp 0x080047f3 Thumb Code 0 iusefp.o(.text)
  3575. _double_round 0x080047f3 Thumb Code 30 depilogue.o(.text)
  3576. _double_epilogue 0x08004811 Thumb Code 156 depilogue.o(.text)
  3577. __scatterload 0x080048ad Thumb Code 28 init.o(.text)
  3578. __scatterload_rt2 0x080048ad Thumb Code 0 init.o(.text)
  3579. _chval 0x080048d1 Thumb Code 28 _chval.o(.text)
  3580. __decompress 0x080048ed Thumb Code 0 __dczerorl2.o(.text)
  3581. __decompress1 0x080048ed Thumb Code 86 __dczerorl2.o(.text)
  3582. ADCInit 0x08004945 Thumb Code 134 adc.o(i.ADCInit)
  3583. ADC_Cmd 0x080049d5 Thumb Code 22 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  3584. ADC_GetConversionValue 0x080049eb Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetConversionValue)
  3585. ADC_GetFlagStatus 0x080049f3 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetFlagStatus)
  3586. ADC_Init 0x08004a05 Thumb Code 70 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  3587. ADC_RegularChannelConfig 0x08004a55 Thumb Code 184 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  3588. ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd 0x08004b0d Thumb Code 22 stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd)
  3589. AscStrToHexStr 0x08004b23 Thumb Code 50 common.o(i.AscStrToHexStr)
  3590. AscStrTurnHexStr 0x08004b55 Thumb Code 64 common.o(i.AscStrTurnHexStr)
  3591. AscToHex 0x08004b95 Thumb Code 36 common.o(i.AscToHex)
  3592. AsciiHexStringToHexBytes 0x08004bb9 Thumb Code 196 common.o(i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes)
  3593. BackupFileToTemp 0x08005019 Thumb Code 228 filesys.o(i.BackupFileToTemp)
  3594. BatterProcess 0x08005105 Thumb Code 52 adc.o(i.BatterProcess)
  3595. BeepInit 0x08005141 Thumb Code 38 audio.o(i.BeepInit)
  3596. BusFault_Handler 0x0800516d Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(i.BusFault_Handler)
  3597. CallToPhoneNum 0x08005171 Thumb Code 2 phonenum.o(i.CallToPhoneNum)
  3598. CheckPocType 0x08005175 Thumb Code 50 modem.o(i.CheckPocType)
  3599. CheckVbat 0x080051c5 Thumb Code 94 adc.o(i.CheckVbat)
  3600. CodeTypeUpdateShow 0x08005259 Thumb Code 66 setsystempara.o(i.CodeTypeUpdateShow)
  3601. ComSelect 0x080052c5 Thumb Code 370 serial.o(i.ComSelect)
  3602. CommHandler 0x08005475 Thumb Code 38 maintask.o(i.CommHandler)
  3603. DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler 0x080054a9 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler)
  3604. DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler 0x080054ab Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler)
  3605. DMA_Cmd 0x080054ad Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd)
  3606. DMA_DeInit 0x080054c5 Thumb Code 324 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit)
  3607. DMA_Init 0x08005611 Thumb Code 60 stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Init)
  3608. DebugMon_Handler 0x0800564d Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(i.DebugMon_Handler)
  3609. DelayMs 0x0800564f Thumb Code 36 w25q64.o(i.DelayMs)
  3610. DelayUs 0x08005673 Thumb Code 74 w25q64.o(i.DelayUs)
  3611. DeleteSpecificSMS 0x080056bd Thumb Code 308 message.o(i.DeleteSpecificSMS)
  3612. EXTI9_5_IRQHandler 0x080057f9 Thumb Code 44 maintask.o(i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler)
  3613. EXTI_ClearFlag 0x08005831 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_ClearFlag)
  3614. EXTI_GetFlagStatus 0x0800583d Thumb Code 20 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_GetFlagStatus)
  3615. EXTI_Init 0x08005855 Thumb Code 142 stm32f10x_exti.o(i.EXTI_Init)
  3616. EnterGTMode 0x080058e9 Thumb Code 58 maintask.o(i.EnterGTMode)
  3617. FLASH_ErasePage 0x0800593d Thumb Code 72 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ErasePage)
  3618. FLASH_GetBank1Status 0x08005989 Thumb Code 48 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_GetBank1Status)
  3619. FLASH_Lock 0x080059bd Thumb Code 14 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Lock)
  3620. FLASH_ProgramHalfWord 0x080059d1 Thumb Code 60 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord)
  3621. FLASH_Unlock 0x08005a11 Thumb Code 12 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_Unlock)
  3622. FLASH_WaitForLastOperation 0x08005a29 Thumb Code 38 stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation)
  3623. FileSysInit 0x08005a4f Thumb Code 8 filesys.o(i.FileSysInit)
  3624. FileSysReadIndex 0x08005a59 Thumb Code 504 filesys.o(i.FileSysReadIndex)
  3625. FindColorIndex 0x08005ccd Thumb Code 110 gui.o(i.FindColorIndex)
  3626. FindTargetIndex 0x08005d45 Thumb Code 80 common.o(i.FindTargetIndex)
  3627. FingerDaemonfinger 0x08005d95 Thumb Code 206 maintask.o(i.FingerDaemonfinger)
  3628. FormatSMS 0x08005eb9 Thumb Code 164 message.o(i.FormatSMS)
  3629. FunShowMsg 0x08005f61 Thumb Code 60 setsystempara.o(i.FunShowMsg)
  3630. GPIO_EXTILineConfig 0x08005f9d Thumb Code 60 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_EXTILineConfig)
  3631. GPIO_Init 0x08005fdd Thumb Code 278 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  3632. GPIO_PinRemapConfig 0x080060f5 Thumb Code 138 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig)
  3633. GPIO_ReadInputDataBit 0x08006185 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit)
  3634. GPIO_ResetBits 0x08006197 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  3635. GPIO_SetBits 0x0800619b Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  3636. GPSInit 0x080061a1 Thumb Code 206 gpsdata.o(i.GPSInit)
  3637. GPSRestart 0x080062a9 Thumb Code 8 gpsdata.o(i.GPSRestart)
  3638. GTMode_Detected 0x080062b5 Thumb Code 88 maintask.o(i.GTMode_Detected)
  3639. GetAllGroups 0x0800631d Thumb Code 252 poctask.o(i.GetAllGroups)
  3640. GetCaptionByMododex 0x08006421 Thumb Code 10 setsystempara.o(i.GetCaptionByMododex)
  3641. GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID 0x08006431 Thumb Code 222 maintask.o(i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID)
  3642. GetCoordinates 0x08006529 Thumb Code 628 setsystempara.o(i.GetCoordinates)
  3643. GetFileIndex 0x080067e5 Thumb Code 52 filesys.o(i.GetFileIndex)
  3644. GetFileLen 0x0800681d Thumb Code 44 filesys.o(i.GetFileLen)
  3645. GetHzk16 0x08006851 Thumb Code 70 gui.o(i.GetHzk16)
  3646. GetKey 0x0800689d Thumb Code 226 key.o(i.GetKey)
  3647. GetMododexWithCard 0x080069a9 Thumb Code 42 setsystempara.o(i.GetMododexWithCard)
  3648. GetPagePreMessage 0x080069f5 Thumb Code 760 message.o(i.GetPagePreMessage)
  3649. GetParaFromStr 0x08006d25 Thumb Code 150 common.o(i.GetParaFromStr)
  3650. GetPwrMode 0x08006dbd Thumb Code 132 setsystempara.o(i.GetPwrMode)
  3651. GetSTM32ID 0x08006e45 Thumb Code 26 id.o(i.GetSTM32ID)
  3652. GetStrXLen 0x08006e65 Thumb Code 46 menu.o(i.GetStrXLen)
  3653. GetUniStringByID 0x08006e95 Thumb Code 132 maintask.o(i.GetUniStringByID)
  3654. GetVbat 0x08006f49 Thumb Code 214 adc.o(i.GetVbat)
  3655. GpsTimeUpdate 0x0800709d Thumb Code 58 productpara.o(i.GpsTimeUpdate)
  3656. GuiClearAll 0x080071bd Thumb Code 22 gui.o(i.GuiClearAll)
  3657. GuiClearArea 0x080071d9 Thumb Code 132 gui.o(i.GuiClearArea)
  3658. GuiClearRect 0x08007261 Thumb Code 174 gui.o(i.GuiClearRect)
  3659. GuiDrawHLine 0x0800731d Thumb Code 46 gui.o(i.GuiDrawHLine)
  3660. GuiDrawRect 0x0800734b Thumb Code 88 gui.o(i.GuiDrawRect)
  3661. GuiDrawVLine 0x080073a3 Thumb Code 54 gui.o(i.GuiDrawVLine)
  3662. GuiFillRect 0x080073d9 Thumb Code 212 gui.o(i.GuiFillRect)
  3663. GuiInit 0x080074b9 Thumb Code 54 gui.o(i.GuiInit)
  3664. GuiSetColor 0x08007531 Thumb Code 44 gui.o(i.GuiSetColor)
  3665. GuiShowArrow 0x08007569 Thumb Code 270 gui.o(i.GuiShowArrow)
  3666. GuiShowBmp 0x08007679 Thumb Code 236 gui.o(i.GuiShowBmp)
  3667. GuiShowStr 0x08007769 Thumb Code 142 gui.o(i.GuiShowStr)
  3668. HardFault_Handler 0x080077f9 Thumb Code 40 stm32f10x_it.o(i.HardFault_Handler)
  3669. HzkInit 0x08007839 Thumb Code 102 gui.o(i.HzkInit)
  3670. IWDG_Configuration 0x080078a9 Thumb Code 54 main.o(i.IWDG_Configuration)
  3671. IWDG_Enable 0x080078e1 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_Enable)
  3672. IWDG_ReloadCounter 0x080078f1 Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_ReloadCounter)
  3673. IWDG_SetPrescaler 0x08007901 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetPrescaler)
  3674. IWDG_SetReload 0x0800790d Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_SetReload)
  3675. IWDG_WriteAccessCmd 0x08007919 Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_iwdg.o(i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd)
  3676. IncomingSMS 0x08007925 Thumb Code 278 message.o(i.IncomingSMS)
  3677. InfoTick 0x08007a6d Thumb Code 60 modemtask.o(i.InfoTick)
  3678. KeyCount 0x08007ae5 Thumb Code 20 key.o(i.KeyCount)
  3679. KeyFree 0x08007afd Thumb Code 336 maintask.o(i.KeyFree)
  3680. KeyHandler 0x08007dc5 Thumb Code 48 maintask.o(i.KeyHandler)
  3681. KeyInit 0x08007dfd Thumb Code 208 key.o(i.KeyInit)
  3682. KeyPress 0x08007edd Thumb Code 492 maintask.o(i.KeyPress)
  3683. LCDBackLight 0x08008299 Thumb Code 38 lcd.o(i.LCDBackLight)
  3684. LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte 0x080082c9 Thumb Code 28 lcd.o(i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte)
  3685. LcdBlockWrite 0x080082e9 Thumb Code 106 lcd.o(i.LcdBlockWrite)
  3686. LcdClrAll 0x08008355 Thumb Code 62 lcd.o(i.LcdClrAll)
  3687. LcdInit 0x08008399 Thumb Code 518 lcd.o(i.LcdInit)
  3688. LcdSendCommand 0x08008691 Thumb Code 34 lcd.o(i.LcdSendCommand)
  3689. LcdSendData 0x080086b9 Thumb Code 34 lcd.o(i.LcdSendData)
  3690. LcdSetColor 0x080086e1 Thumb Code 10 lcd.o(i.LcdSetColor)
  3691. LedInit 0x080086f5 Thumb Code 102 led.o(i.LedInit)
  3692. LedProcess 0x0800876d Thumb Code 398 led.o(i.LedProcess)
  3693. ListBoxInit 0x08008941 Thumb Code 180 listbox.o(i.ListBoxInit)
  3694. ListBoxInitSMS 0x080089f5 Thumb Code 96 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxInitSMS)
  3695. ListBoxItemNumShowSMS 0x08008a55 Thumb Code 136 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxItemNumShowSMS)
  3696. ListBoxResponse 0x08008ae9 Thumb Code 166 listbox.o(i.ListBoxResponse)
  3697. ListBoxResponseSMS 0x08008b99 Thumb Code 280 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxResponseSMS)
  3698. ListBoxShow 0x08008cb9 Thumb Code 182 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShow)
  3699. ListBoxShowBar 0x08008d6f Thumb Code 70 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowBar)
  3700. ListBoxShowBarSMS 0x08008db5 Thumb Code 52 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowBarSMS)
  3701. ListBoxShowItem 0x08008de9 Thumb Code 170 listbox.o(i.ListBoxShowItem)
  3702. ListBoxShowItemSMS 0x08008e95 Thumb Code 220 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowItemSMS)
  3703. ListBoxShowSMS 0x08008f75 Thumb Code 168 listboxsms.o(i.ListBoxShowSMS)
  3704. MD5Final 0x080090c1 Thumb Code 202 md5.o(i.MD5Final)
  3705. MD5Init 0x08009191 Thumb Code 26 md5.o(i.MD5Init)
  3706. MD5Update 0x080091b5 Thumb Code 172 md5.o(i.MD5Update)
  3707. MakeStrEndByNewLine 0x08009315 Thumb Code 38 common.o(i.MakeStrEndByNewLine)
  3708. MeSpeak 0x0800933d Thumb Code 48 modem.o(i.MeSpeak)
  3709. MemManage_Handler 0x08009381 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(i.MemManage_Handler)
  3710. MenuInit 0x08009385 Thumb Code 86 menu.o(i.MenuInit)
  3711. MenuResponse 0x080093dd Thumb Code 156 menu.o(i.MenuResponse)
  3712. MenuShow 0x08009481 Thumb Code 180 menu.o(i.MenuShow)
  3713. MenuShowBar 0x08009535 Thumb Code 86 menu.o(i.MenuShowBar)
  3714. MenuShowItem 0x0800958b Thumb Code 62 menu.o(i.MenuShowItem)
  3715. MessageDeletResponse 0x080095c9 Thumb Code 48 message.o(i.MessageDeletResponse)
  3716. MessageDeletShow 0x08009609 Thumb Code 64 message.o(i.MessageDeletShow)
  3717. MessageEditInit 0x08009675 Thumb Code 42 managemessage.o(i.MessageEditInit)
  3718. MessageEditShow 0x0800969f Thumb Code 282 managemessage.o(i.MessageEditShow)
  3719. MessageFormatResponse 0x080097b9 Thumb Code 40 message.o(i.MessageFormatResponse)
  3720. MessageFormatShow 0x080097ed Thumb Code 64 message.o(i.MessageFormatShow)
  3721. MessageOptionResponse 0x0800985d Thumb Code 66 message.o(i.MessageOptionResponse)
  3722. MessageOptionShow 0x080098b5 Thumb Code 78 message.o(i.MessageOptionShow)
  3723. MessageReadResponse 0x0800992d Thumb Code 116 message.o(i.MessageReadResponse)
  3724. MessageReadShow 0x080099bd Thumb Code 116 message.o(i.MessageReadShow)
  3725. MessageResponse 0x08009a5d Thumb Code 74 message.o(i.MessageResponse)
  3726. MicrophoneCtrl 0x08009ab9 Thumb Code 18 audio.o(i.MicrophoneCtrl)
  3727. MicrophoneInit 0x08009ad1 Thumb Code 36 audio.o(i.MicrophoneInit)
  3728. ModemATProcess 0x08009af9 Thumb Code 116 modemtask.o(i.ModemATProcess)
  3729. ModemApnConfig 0x08009b85 Thumb Code 368 modem.o(i.ModemApnConfig)
  3730. ModemGetICCID 0x08009dcd Thumb Code 166 modem.o(i.ModemGetICCID)
  3731. ModemGetIMEI 0x08009ecd Thumb Code 32 modem.o(i.ModemGetIMEI)
  3732. ModemInitAckHandler 0x08009efd Thumb Code 462 modemtask.o(i.ModemInitAckHandler)
  3733. ModemLedCtl 0x0800a1d5 Thumb Code 74 modemtask.o(i.ModemLedCtl)
  3734. ModemOwnPocSet 0x0800a229 Thumb Code 36 modem.o(i.ModemOwnPocSet)
  3735. ModemPinConfig 0x0800a275 Thumb Code 66 modem.o(i.ModemPinConfig)
  3736. ModemSendAt 0x0800a2bd Thumb Code 22 modem.o(i.ModemSendAt)
  3737. ModemSendData 0x0800a2d3 Thumb Code 16 modem.o(i.ModemSendData)
  3738. ModemSetPocPara 0x0800a2e5 Thumb Code 308 modem.o(i.ModemSetPocPara)
  3739. ModemSetPwrMode 0x0800a479 Thumb Code 76 setsystempara.o(i.ModemSetPwrMode)
  3740. ModemStrCmp 0x0800a4d5 Thumb Code 38 common.o(i.ModemStrCmp)
  3741. ModifyConfigureFile 0x0800a4fd Thumb Code 218 filesys.o(i.ModifyConfigureFile)
  3742. ModifyTempFile 0x0800a5e9 Thumb Code 30 filesys.o(i.ModifyTempFile)
  3743. MsgQueueAccept 0x0800a60d Thumb Code 180 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueAccept)
  3744. MsgQueueInit 0x0800a6c5 Thumb Code 80 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueInit)
  3745. MsgQueuePost 0x0800a719 Thumb Code 144 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueuePost)
  3746. MsgQueueSet 0x0800a7ad Thumb Code 14 msgqueue.o(i.MsgQueueSet)
  3747. NMI_Handler 0x0800a7c1 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(i.NMI_Handler)
  3748. NVIC_Init 0x0800a7c5 Thumb Code 100 misc.o(i.NVIC_Init)
  3749. NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig 0x0800a835 Thumb Code 10 misc.o(i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig)
  3750. NumEditInit 0x0800a849 Thumb Code 54 numedit.o(i.NumEditInit)
  3751. NumEditResponse 0x0800a881 Thumb Code 100 numedit.o(i.NumEditResponse)
  3752. NumEditShow 0x0800a8ed Thumb Code 110 numedit.o(i.NumEditShow)
  3753. OnOff_Init 0x0800a95d Thumb Code 78 maintask.o(i.OnOff_Init)
  3754. POCSetSerPassResponse 0x0800a9b1 Thumb Code 76 setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerPassResponse)
  3755. POCSetSerResponse 0x0800aa1d Thumb Code 192 setsystempara.o(i.POCSetSerResponse)
  3756. PTTimerInitPool 0x0800ab49 Thumb Code 8 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerInitPool)
  3757. PTTimerIsExpired 0x0800ab51 Thumb Code 14 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerIsExpired)
  3758. PTTimerStart 0x0800ab5f Thumb Code 92 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStart)
  3759. PTTimerStop 0x0800abbb Thumb Code 60 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerStop)
  3760. PTTimerTick 0x0800abf7 Thumb Code 52 pt-timer.o(i.PTTimerTick)
  3761. PaintBufToLcd 0x0800ac2d Thumb Code 160 gui.o(i.PaintBufToLcd)
  3762. PaintCharToBuf 0x0800acd1 Thumb Code 518 gui.o(i.PaintCharToBuf)
  3763. PaintToBuf 0x0800af01 Thumb Code 58 gui.o(i.PaintToBuf)
  3764. PocHandle 0x0800b021 Thumb Code 1864 poctask.o(i.PocHandle)
  3765. PowerCtrlInit 0x0800b7a9 Thumb Code 44 maintask.o(i.PowerCtrlInit)
  3766. PowerOffProtetion 0x0800b7d9 Thumb Code 46 maintask.o(i.PowerOffProtetion)
  3767. RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd 0x0800b811 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd)
  3768. RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd 0x0800b831 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  3769. RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd 0x0800b851 Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  3770. RCC_ClearFlag 0x0800b871 Thumb Code 14 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ClearFlag)
  3771. RCC_GetClocksFreq 0x0800b885 Thumb Code 374 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  3772. RCC_GetFlagStatus 0x0800ba11 Thumb Code 56 stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus)
  3773. RGB888toRGB565 0x0800ba4d Thumb Code 22 gui.o(i.RGB888toRGB565)
  3774. RTC_Init 0x0800ba65 Thumb Code 24 userrtc.o(i.RTC_Init)
  3775. RTC_Update 0x0800ba81 Thumb Code 58 userrtc.o(i.RTC_Update)
  3776. RTC_UserGetTime 0x0800bac1 Thumb Code 38 userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserGetTime)
  3777. RTC_UserSetTime 0x0800baed Thumb Code 42 userrtc.o(i.RTC_UserSetTime)
  3778. ReadFileData 0x0800bbb9 Thumb Code 122 filesys.o(i.ReadFileData)
  3779. ReadFlashData 0x0800bc39 Thumb Code 48 productpara.o(i.ReadFlashData)
  3780. ReadProductParaFromFlash 0x0800bc69 Thumb Code 124 productpara.o(i.ReadProductParaFromFlash)
  3781. ReplaceStrWithN 0x0800bd91 Thumb Code 32 common.o(i.ReplaceStrWithN)
  3782. ResetModem 0x0800bdb1 Thumb Code 16 maintask.o(i.ResetModem)
  3783. ResetSMSConfi 0x0800bdc5 Thumb Code 486 message.o(i.ResetSMSConfi)
  3784. SPI_Cmd 0x0800c001 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd)
  3785. SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus 0x0800c019 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus)
  3786. SPI_I2S_ReceiveData 0x0800c02b Thumb Code 6 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData)
  3787. SPI_I2S_SendData 0x0800c031 Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData)
  3788. SPI_Init 0x0800c035 Thumb Code 60 stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init)
  3789. SPIx_ReadWriteByte 0x0800c071 Thumb Code 50 w25q64.o(i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte)
  3790. SPKDelayUs 0x0800c0a9 Thumb Code 74 audio.o(i.SPKDelayUs)
  3791. STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord 0x0800c0f3 Thumb Code 6 productpara.o(i.STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord)
  3792. SVC_Handler 0x0800c0f9 Thumb Code 2 stm32f10x_it.o(i.SVC_Handler)
  3793. SaveProductParaToFlash 0x0800c0fd Thumb Code 26 productpara.o(i.SaveProductParaToFlash)
  3794. SetAPNResponse 0x0800c125 Thumb Code 102 setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNResponse)
  3795. SetAPNShow 0x0800c1b5 Thumb Code 146 setsystempara.o(i.SetAPNShow)
  3796. SetApnDetailResponse 0x0800c29d Thumb Code 120 setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailResponse)
  3797. SetApnDetailShow 0x0800c32d Thumb Code 72 setsystempara.o(i.SetApnDetailShow)
  3798. SetBeep 0x0800c395 Thumb Code 52 audio.o(i.SetBeep)
  3799. SetBeepByNoOS 0x0800c3d1 Thumb Code 48 audio.o(i.SetBeepByNoOS)
  3800. SetBlueLed 0x0800c409 Thumb Code 22 led.o(i.SetBlueLed)
  3801. SetCodeTypeResponse 0x0800c429 Thumb Code 170 setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeResponse)
  3802. SetCodeTypeShow 0x0800c50d Thumb Code 160 setsystempara.o(i.SetCodeTypeShow)
  3803. SetDefaultSpkMic 0x0800c601 Thumb Code 32 modem.o(i.SetDefaultSpkMic)
  3804. SetGPSResponse 0x0800c645 Thumb Code 160 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSResponse)
  3805. SetGPSShow 0x0800c6f9 Thumb Code 154 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSShow)
  3806. SetGPSTimeShowDetail 0x0800c7e9 Thumb Code 72 setsystempara.o(i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail)
  3807. SetGotNewMessage 0x0800c849 Thumb Code 188 message.o(i.SetGotNewMessage)
  3808. SetKeySoundShow 0x0800c935 Thumb Code 150 setsystempara.o(i.SetKeySoundShow)
  3809. SetKeysoundResponse 0x0800ca19 Thumb Code 110 setsystempara.o(i.SetKeysoundResponse)
  3810. SetLCDResponse 0x0800ca99 Thumb Code 146 setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDResponse)
  3811. SetLCDShow 0x0800cb3d Thumb Code 320 setsystempara.o(i.SetLCDShow)
  3812. SetLedIndicator 0x0800ccdd Thumb Code 92 led.o(i.SetLedIndicator)
  3813. SetLedStatus 0x0800cd3d Thumb Code 206 led.o(i.SetLedStatus)
  3814. SetMessageConfi 0x0800ce0d Thumb Code 24 message.o(i.SetMessageConfi)
  3815. SetNetResponse 0x0800ce2d Thumb Code 134 setsystempara.o(i.SetNetResponse)
  3816. SetNetShow 0x0800cec5 Thumb Code 296 setsystempara.o(i.SetNetShow)
  3817. SetPaletteByBmpFile 0x0800d051 Thumb Code 64 gui.o(i.SetPaletteByBmpFile)
  3818. SetPowerModeResponse 0x0800d095 Thumb Code 68 setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeResponse)
  3819. SetPowerModeShow 0x0800d0e9 Thumb Code 90 setsystempara.o(i.SetPowerModeShow)
  3820. SetRedLed 0x0800d175 Thumb Code 22 led.o(i.SetRedLed)
  3821. SetSYSResponse 0x0800d195 Thumb Code 134 setsystempara.o(i.SetSYSResponse)
  3822. SetSoundModeResponse 0x0800d229 Thumb Code 92 setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeResponse)
  3823. SetSoundModeShow 0x0800d2dd Thumb Code 90 setsystempara.o(i.SetSoundModeShow)
  3824. SetUpIntercomVerResponse 0x0800d471 Thumb Code 56 setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse)
  3825. SetUpIntercomVerShow 0x0800d4c5 Thumb Code 234 setsystempara.o(i.SetUpIntercomVerShow)
  3826. ShowAPNMessage 0x0800d639 Thumb Code 410 setsystempara.o(i.ShowAPNMessage)
  3827. ShowButton 0x0800d97d Thumb Code 58 gui.o(i.ShowButton)
  3828. ShowCaption 0x0800da55 Thumb Code 42 menu.o(i.ShowCaption)
  3829. ShowMcuFreq 0x0800dc3d Thumb Code 30 main.o(i.ShowMcuFreq)
  3830. ShowMessageBox 0x0800dc85 Thumb Code 102 gui.o(i.ShowMessageBox)
  3831. ShowMessageFlag 0x0800dced Thumb Code 112 message.o(i.ShowMessageFlag)
  3832. ShowStatusBar 0x0800dea5 Thumb Code 288 ui.o(i.ShowStatusBar)
  3833. SimpleUserInfoScan 0x0800e0f1 Thumb Code 548 modem.o(i.SimpleUserInfoScan)
  3834. Sleeping 0x0800e371 Thumb Code 116 sleep.o(i.Sleeping)
  3835. SlwTrace 0x0800e401 Thumb Code 66 serial.o(i.SlwTrace)
  3836. SocketParaUpdate 0x0800e559 Thumb Code 98 socket.o(i.SocketParaUpdate)
  3837. SpeakerCtrl 0x0800e5d5 Thumb Code 22 audio.o(i.SpeakerCtrl)
  3838. SpeakerEnable 0x0800e5f1 Thumb Code 72 audio.o(i.SpeakerEnable)
  3839. SpeakerInit 0x0800e641 Thumb Code 38 audio.o(i.SpeakerInit)
  3840. StrAsciiToHex 0x0800e66d Thumb Code 164 common.o(i.StrAsciiToHex)
  3841. StrIntercept 0x0800e711 Thumb Code 102 listbox.o(i.StrIntercept)
  3842. SwitchGroupCtrl 0x0800e779 Thumb Code 56 hook.o(i.SwitchGroupCtrl)
  3843. SwitchGroupPre 0x0800e7d5 Thumb Code 26 hook.o(i.SwitchGroupPre)
  3844. SwitchSMS_ToGB2312 0x0800e801 Thumb Code 40 message.o(i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312)
  3845. SysTick_Handler 0x0800e82d Thumb Code 16 stm32f10x_it.o(i.SysTick_Handler)
  3846. SystemInit 0x0800e83d Thumb Code 90 system_stm32f10x.o(i.SystemInit)
  3847. TIM_Cmd 0x0800e8ad Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd)
  3848. TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs 0x0800e8c5 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs)
  3849. TIM_OC2Init 0x0800e8e5 Thumb Code 154 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_OC2Init)
  3850. TIM_TimeBaseInit 0x0800e989 Thumb Code 122 stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit)
  3851. TSGpsDataInit 0x0800ea49 Thumb Code 30 probubiao.o(i.TSGpsDataInit)
  3852. TSMakeGpsSendData 0x0800eb99 Thumb Code 216 probubiao.o(i.TSMakeGpsSendData)
  3853. UART1RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f41d Thumb Code 196 serial.o(i.UART1RxTxISRHandler)
  3854. UART2RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f4fd Thumb Code 154 serial.o(i.UART2RxTxISRHandler)
  3855. UART3RxTxISRHandler 0x0800f5b1 Thumb Code 232 serial.o(i.UART3RxTxISRHandler)
  3856. UISetNextStatus 0x0800f6b5 Thumb Code 14 ui.o(i.UISetNextStatus)
  3857. UIShowInformation 0x0800f965 Thumb Code 746 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowInformation)
  3858. UIShowMailBox 0x0800fd79 Thumb Code 98 message.o(i.UIShowMailBox)
  3859. UIShowMainInterface 0x0800fe09 Thumb Code 792 ui.o(i.UIShowMainInterface)
  3860. UIShowMenuSysSetup 0x08010231 Thumb Code 94 ui.o(i.UIShowMenuSysSetup)
  3861. UIShowPOCSer 0x080102ad Thumb Code 202 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSer)
  3862. UIShowPOCSerPass 0x080103b5 Thumb Code 76 setsystempara.o(i.UIShowPOCSerPass)
  3863. UI_Init 0x0801056d Thumb Code 18 ui.o(i.UI_Init)
  3864. UI_Key 0x08010585 Thumb Code 342 ui.o(i.UI_Key)
  3865. USART1_IRQHandler 0x08010809 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART1_IRQHandler)
  3866. USART2_IRQHandler 0x08010811 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART2_IRQHandler)
  3867. USART3_IRQHandler 0x08010819 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_it.o(i.USART3_IRQHandler)
  3868. USART_ClearFlag 0x08010821 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearFlag)
  3869. USART_ClearITPendingBit 0x08010833 Thumb Code 30 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  3870. USART_Cmd 0x08010851 Thumb Code 24 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  3871. USART_DMACmd 0x08010869 Thumb Code 18 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_DMACmd)
  3872. USART_GetFlagStatus 0x0801087b Thumb Code 26 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  3873. USART_GetITStatus 0x08010895 Thumb Code 84 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  3874. USART_ITConfig 0x080108e9 Thumb Code 74 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  3875. USART_Init 0x08010935 Thumb Code 210 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  3876. USART_ReceiveData 0x08010a0d Thumb Code 10 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  3877. USART_SendData 0x08010a17 Thumb Code 8 stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  3878. Uart1DMAInit 0x08010a21 Thumb Code 72 serial.o(i.Uart1DMAInit)
  3879. Uart1Init 0x08010a75 Thumb Code 114 serial.o(i.Uart1Init)
  3880. Uart1RxEnable 0x08010afd Thumb Code 150 serial.o(i.Uart1RxEnable)
  3881. Uart1Send 0x08010b9d Thumb Code 40 serial.o(i.Uart1Send)
  3882. Uart2Init 0x08010bc9 Thumb Code 208 serial.o(i.Uart2Init)
  3883. Uart2RecvProcess 0x08010cb5 Thumb Code 822 serial.o(i.Uart2RecvProcess)
  3884. Uart2Send 0x08011065 Thumb Code 40 serial.o(i.Uart2Send)
  3885. Uart3Init 0x08011091 Thumb Code 162 serial.o(i.Uart3Init)
  3886. UiassistStart 0x08011149 Thumb Code 16 hook.o(i.UiassistStart)
  3887. UpdateBackFileMD5 0x0801115d Thumb Code 166 filesys.o(i.UpdateBackFileMD5)
  3888. UpdateColor 0x0801120d Thumb Code 198 gui.o(i.UpdateColor)
  3889. UpdateCsqValue 0x080112f1 Thumb Code 148 modemtask.o(i.UpdateCsqValue)
  3890. UpdateDot 0x08011391 Thumb Code 70 gui.o(i.UpdateDot)
  3891. UsageFault_Handler 0x080113dd Thumb Code 4 stm32f10x_it.o(i.UsageFault_Handler)
  3892. W25Q64_Init 0x080115a9 Thumb Code 108 w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_Init)
  3893. W25Q64_PortInit 0x0801161d Thumb Code 98 w25q64.o(i.W25Q64_PortInit)
  3894. WritePageData 0x08011685 Thumb Code 94 productpara.o(i.WritePageData)
  3895. __0printf$8 0x080116e9 Thumb Code 22 printf8.o(i.__0printf$8)
  3896. __1printf$8 0x080116e9 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0printf$8)
  3897. __2printf 0x080116e9 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0printf$8)
  3898. __0snprintf$8 0x08011709 Thumb Code 36 printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8)
  3899. __1snprintf$8 0x08011709 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8)
  3900. __2snprintf 0x08011709 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0snprintf$8)
  3901. __0sprintf$8 0x08011731 Thumb Code 34 printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8)
  3902. __1sprintf$8 0x08011731 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8)
  3903. __2sprintf 0x08011731 Thumb Code 0 printf8.o(i.__0sprintf$8)
  3904. __aeabi_errno_addr 0x08011759 Thumb Code 4 errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr)
  3905. __rt_errno_addr 0x08011759 Thumb Code 0 errno.o(i.__aeabi_errno_addr)
  3906. __scatterload_copy 0x08011761 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_copy)
  3907. __scatterload_null 0x0801176f Thumb Code 2 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_null)
  3908. __scatterload_zeroinit 0x08011771 Thumb Code 14 handlers.o(i.__scatterload_zeroinit)
  3909. buBiaoDataProcess 0x08011cc5 Thumb Code 696 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoDataProcess)
  3910. buBiaoLogic 0x08012139 Thumb Code 398 probubiao.o(i.buBiaoLogic)
  3911. buBiaoRecvHandler 0x08012319 Thumb Code 52 network.o(i.buBiaoRecvHandler)
  3912. buBiaoSocketShutDown 0x08012425 Thumb Code 28 network.o(i.buBiaoSocketShutDown)
  3913. buBiaoTickHandler 0x08012459 Thumb Code 12 network.o(i.buBiaoTickHandler)
  3914. cmdShutDown 0x080124ad Thumb Code 76 maintask.o(i.cmdShutDown)
  3915. enableDataSend 0x08012531 Thumb Code 28 hook.o(i.enableDataSend)
  3916. fputc 0x080125dd Thumb Code 32 serial.o(i.fputc)
  3917. free 0x08012601 Thumb Code 76 malloc.o(i.free)
  3918. getAssistResult 0x08012651 Thumb Code 16 hook.o(i.getAssistResult)
  3919. getBat 0x08012665 Thumb Code 32 adc.o(i.getBat)
  3920. getDOMAINAddr 0x08012689 Thumb Code 42 sysini.o(i.getDOMAINAddr)
  3921. getGIPAddr 0x080126bd Thumb Code 74 sysini.o(i.getGIPAddr)
  3922. getICCID 0x08012719 Thumb Code 4 modem.o(i.getICCID)
  3923. getIMEI 0x08012721 Thumb Code 4 modem.o(i.getIMEI)
  3924. getModemModule 0x08012729 Thumb Code 114 modem.o(i.getModemModule)
  3925. getModemVersion 0x08012825 Thumb Code 130 modem.o(i.getModemVersion)
  3926. getPIPAddr 0x080128bd Thumb Code 70 sysini.o(i.getPIPAddr)
  3927. getPocCode 0x08012915 Thumb Code 42 modem.o(i.getPocCode)
  3928. getPocVersion 0x08012955 Thumb Code 108 modem.o(i.getPocVersion)
  3929. getSegMent 0x080129d5 Thumb Code 72 common.o(i.getSegMent)
  3930. ipSosDataProcess 0x08012aa5 Thumb Code 234 ipsos.o(i.ipSosDataProcess)
  3931. ipSosLogic 0x08012c29 Thumb Code 166 ipsos.o(i.ipSosLogic)
  3932. ipSosRecvHandler 0x08012f0d Thumb Code 16 network.o(i.ipSosRecvHandler)
  3933. ipSosSocketShutDown 0x08012f85 Thumb Code 16 network.o(i.ipSosSocketShutDown)
  3934. ipSosStartNow 0x08012fa9 Thumb Code 14 ipsos.o(i.ipSosStartNow)
  3935. ipSosTickHandler 0x08012fbd Thumb Code 12 network.o(i.ipSosTickHandler)
  3936. isFileFileGood 0x08012fc9 Thumb Code 172 filesys.o(i.isFileFileGood)
  3937. isKeyPress 0x08013079 Thumb Code 26 maintask.o(i.isKeyPress)
  3938. isSendDataEnable 0x08013099 Thumb Code 36 hook.o(i.isSendDataEnable)
  3939. keySoundFlash 0x080130c9 Thumb Code 62 setsystempara.o(i.keySoundFlash)
  3940. mInitSwitchStatus 0x0801313d Thumb Code 466 modemtask.o(i.mInitSwitchStatus)
  3941. main 0x08013555 Thumb Code 322 main.o(i.main)
  3942. malloc 0x08013715 Thumb Code 92 malloc.o(i.malloc)
  3943. newBeepSet 0x08013781 Thumb Code 152 audio.o(i.newBeepSet)
  3944. newSysIniRead 0x08013821 Thumb Code 224 sysini.o(i.newSysIniRead)
  3945. onStartCtl 0x08013941 Thumb Code 78 hook.o(i.onStartCtl)
  3946. powerSaveHandle 0x0801399d Thumb Code 38 hook.o(i.powerSaveHandle)
  3947. ptAllInit 0x08013da5 Thumb Code 52 utask.o(i.ptAllInit)
  3948. ptFastTask 0x08013e05 Thumb Code 92 utask.o(i.ptFastTask)
  3949. ptGpsTask 0x08013e69 Thumb Code 72 gpsdata.o(i.ptGpsTask)
  3950. ptLedTask 0x08013eb9 Thumb Code 70 utask.o(i.ptLedTask)
  3951. ptModemATProTask 0x08013f09 Thumb Code 68 utask.o(i.ptModemATProTask)
  3952. ptModemInitTask 0x08013f55 Thumb Code 522 modemtask.o(i.ptModemInitTask)
  3953. ptModemUartTask 0x080141d9 Thumb Code 68 modemuarttask.o(i.ptModemUartTask)
  3954. ptSecondTask 0x08014225 Thumb Code 80 utask.o(i.ptSecondTask)
  3955. ptSocketTask 0x0801427d Thumb Code 156 socket.o(i.ptSocketTask)
  3956. ptTaskRun 0x08014399 Thumb Code 68 utask.o(i.ptTaskRun)
  3957. ptTimerTick 0x08014405 Thumb Code 10 utask.o(i.ptTimerTick)
  3958. ptUIAssist 0x08014415 Thumb Code 192 hook.o(i.ptUIAssist)
  3959. ptUITask 0x080144e5 Thumb Code 72 ui.o(i.ptUITask)
  3960. reduce 0x08014535 Thumb Code 88 probubiao.o(i.reduce)
  3961. sFlash_Erase_Sector 0x0801458d Thumb Code 64 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Erase_Sector)
  3962. sFlash_Read 0x080145d1 Thumb Code 86 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Read)
  3963. sFlash_ReadID 0x0801462d Thumb Code 74 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadID)
  3964. sFlash_ReadSR 0x0801467d Thumb Code 38 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_ReadSR)
  3965. sFlash_Wait_Busy 0x080146a9 Thumb Code 18 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Wait_Busy)
  3966. sFlash_Write 0x080146bd Thumb Code 176 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write)
  3967. sFlash_Write_Enable 0x08014771 Thumb Code 26 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Enable)
  3968. sFlash_Write_NoCheck 0x08014791 Thumb Code 70 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck)
  3969. sFlash_Write_Page 0x080147d9 Thumb Code 84 w25q64.o(i.sFlash_Write_Page)
  3970. speciallShow 0x08014831 Thumb Code 22 ui.o(i.speciallShow)
  3971. tcpSocketAdd 0x080149e5 Thumb Code 88 socket.o(i.tcpSocketAdd)
  3972. tcpSocketGetStatus 0x08014a41 Thumb Code 42 socket.o(i.tcpSocketGetStatus)
  3973. tcpSocketInit 0x08014a71 Thumb Code 12 socket.o(i.tcpSocketInit)
  3974. tcpSocketRecv 0x08014a81 Thumb Code 58 socket.o(i.tcpSocketRecv)
  3975. tcpSocketSendData 0x08014b31 Thumb Code 94 socket.o(i.tcpSocketSendData)
  3976. tcpSocketStatusUpdate 0x08014bad Thumb Code 90 socket.o(i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate)
  3977. uSysTickGet 0x08014c71 Thumb Code 6 utask.o(i.uSysTickGet)
  3978. uSysTickUpdate 0x08014c7d Thumb Code 12 utask.o(i.uSysTickUpdate)
  3979. uTimerCall 0x08014c8d Thumb Code 90 utask.o(i.uTimerCall)
  3980. uTimerCreate 0x08014cf9 Thumb Code 34 utask.o(i.uTimerCreate)
  3981. uTimerExpired 0x08014d21 Thumb Code 22 utask.o(i.uTimerExpired)
  3982. uTimerHardDly 0x08014d37 Thumb Code 26 utask.o(i.uTimerHardDly)
  3983. uTimerStart 0x08014d51 Thumb Code 14 utask.o(i.uTimerStart)
  3984. invalidIp 0x08014d70 Data 8 sysini.o(.constdata)
  3985. GPS_TimeTable 0x08014d84 Data 14 gpsdata.o(.constdata)
  3986. sucRandTable 0x08014d94 Data 256 maintask.o(.constdata)
  3987. g_apucLetter16 0x08014ef0 Data 96 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3988. g_apucFonts16 0x08014f50 Data 1520 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3989. g_apucCLetter16 0x08015540 Data 3 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3990. g_apucCFonts16 0x08015543 Data 32 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3991. g_apucLetter24 0x08015563 Data 26 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3992. g_apucFonts24 0x0801557d Data 1200 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3993. g_apucCLetter24 0x08015a2d Data 7 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3994. g_apucCFonts24 0x08015a34 Data 144 fonts.o(.constdata)
  3995. __ctype_table 0x08015b04 Data 129 ctype_o.o(.constdata)
  3996. Region$$Table$$Base 0x08015edc Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  3997. Region$$Table$$Limit 0x08015efc Number 0 anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  3998. g_ucHSE_Flag 0x20000014 Data 1 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
  3999. SystemCoreClock 0x20000018 Data 4 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
  4000. AHBPrescTable 0x2000001c Data 16 system_stm32f10x.o(.data)
  4001. g_ucUARTSel 0x2000002c Data 1 serial.o(.data)
  4002. g_ucUART1RxMode 0x2000002d Data 1 serial.o(.data)
  4003. g_usUart1RecvLen 0x20000030 Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4004. g_usRx2Len 0x20000034 Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4005. g_usRx2In 0x20000036 Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4006. g_usRx2Out 0x20000038 Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4007. rx3_ct 0x2000003a Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4008. g_usUart3RecvLen 0x2000003c Data 2 serial.o(.data)
  4009. g_ulKeyValue 0x20000040 Data 4 key.o(.data)
  4010. g_ucKeyFree 0x20000044 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  4011. g_ucKeyMode 0x20000045 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  4012. g_ucKeyPPTPress 0x20000046 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  4013. g_ucUKC 0x20000047 Data 1 key.o(.data)
  4014. g_LedInd 0x2000005d Data 1 led.o(.data)
  4015. ledTimer 0x20000060 Data 8 led.o(.data)
  4016. g_iModemVer 0x20000078 Data 4 poctask.o(.data)
  4017. g_iPocVer 0x2000007c Data 4 poctask.o(.data)
  4018. g_ulGroupID 0x20000080 Data 4 poctask.o(.data)
  4019. hgs_poc_type 0x20000095 Data 1 productpara.o(.data)
  4020. menu_key 0x20000098 Data 6 sysini.o(.data)
  4021. newSysiniIndex 0x200000a0 Data 4 sysini.o(.data)
  4022. buBiaoAddrChange 0x200000a4 Data 1 sysini.o(.data)
  4023. LcdOnTimeCt 0x200000a8 Data 2 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4024. g_uiGpsStat 0x200000ac Data 4 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4025. sutMenuSysSetup 0x200000b0 Data 8 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4026. Net_temp_flag 0x200000b8 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4027. validApnNum 0x200000cc Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4028. APNNAME 0x200000d0 Data 20 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4029. showIndex 0x200000f0 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4030. tempCodetype 0x200000f1 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4031. tempKeySound 0x200000f2 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4032. SetTimeIndex 0x200000f3 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4033. getNewVersion 0x200000f4 Data 4 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4034. fotaPocStatus 0x200000f8 Data 1 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4035. fotaTick 0x200000fc Data 4 setsystempara.o(.data)
  4036. netPPP 0x200001e1 Data 1 network.o(.data)
  4037. g_iVbat 0x200001e4 Data 4 adc.o(.data)
  4038. accIconFileName 0x200001f0 Data 12 message.o(.data)
  4039. thisTime 0x20000210 Data 8 userrtc.o(.data)
  4040. buBiaoSosSendNow 0x20000224 Data 1 probubiao.o(.data)
  4041. g_ucModemSentTcpCt 0x20000225 Data 1 probubiao.o(.data)
  4042. sutFeed 0x20000226 Data 6 probubiao.o(.data)
  4043. pwrSaveTick 0x2000023c Data 4 hook.o(.data)
  4044. sendEnableNow 0x20000240 Data 1 hook.o(.data)
  4045. uiAssist 0x20000241 Data 3 hook.o(.data)
  4046. assistResult 0x20000244 Data 1 hook.o(.data)
  4047. g_ucIpSendTcpCt 0x20000250 Data 1 ipsos.o(.data)
  4048. pt_timerPool 0x20000260 Data 8 utask.o(.data)
  4049. pt_TaskFast 0x20000268 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4050. pt_TaskSecond 0x2000026a Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4051. pt_ModemATProcess 0x2000026c Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4052. pt_ModemUartProcess 0x2000026e Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4053. pt_ModemInitProcess 0x20000270 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4054. pt_LedTaskProcess 0x20000272 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4055. pt_socketProcess 0x20000274 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4056. pt_gpsProcess 0x20000276 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4057. pt_UIProcess 0x20000278 Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4058. pt_UIAssistProcess 0x2000027a Data 2 utask.o(.data)
  4059. pocTimeOutTime 0x200002a0 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4060. g_ucEnterGroupFlag 0x200002a1 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4061. g_ucTMMode 0x200002a2 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4062. modemPwrOffNow 0x200002a3 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4063. m_GroupSwitch 0x200002a4 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4064. m_GroupSwitchCnt 0x200002a5 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4065. g_usOptionCnt 0x200002a6 Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4066. g_ucEnterGTNow 0x200002ac Data 1 maintask.o(.data)
  4067. g_iCSQ 0x200002b0 Data 4 modemtask.o(.data)
  4068. thisYunYingShang 0x200002b4 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4069. support_type 0x200002b5 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4070. g_ucModemTaskEn 0x200002b6 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4071. modemInitStatus 0x200002b7 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4072. g_ucCardStatus 0x200002b8 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4073. modemInitReady 0x200002b9 Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4074. csqSendFlag 0x200002bc Data 1 modemtask.o(.data)
  4075. g_HFH 0x200002e4 Data 8 stm32f10x_it.o(.data)
  4076. g_HFHT 0x200002ec Data 2 stm32f10x_it.o(.data)
  4077. Mododrex_Net 0x200002f0 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  4078. netshowvalue 0x200002f4 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  4079. sutUIstatus 0x200002f8 Data 3 ui.o(.data)
  4080. sutMenuMain 0x200002fc Data 8 ui.o(.data)
  4081. siCt1 0x20000304 Data 4 ui.o(.data)
  4082. showApn 0x200003c0 Data 1 lcd.o(.data)
  4083. g_ucWarnColorId 0x200003c2 Data 1 gui.o(.data)
  4084. g_ucForeColorId 0x200003c3 Data 1 gui.o(.data)
  4085. g_ucBackColorId 0x200003c4 Data 1 gui.o(.data)
  4086. g_usWarnColor 0x200003c6 Data 2 gui.o(.data)
  4087. g_usForeColor 0x200003c8 Data 2 gui.o(.data)
  4088. g_usBackColor 0x200003ca Data 2 gui.o(.data)
  4089. __stdout 0x200003d0 Data 4 stdout.o(.data)
  4090. __microlib_freelist 0x200003d4 Data 4 mvars.o(.data)
  4091. __microlib_freelist_initialised 0x200003d8 Data 4 mvars.o(.data)
  4092. RxBuffer1 0x200003e0 Data 200 serial.o(.bss)
  4093. RxBuffer2 0x200004a8 Data 542 serial.o(.bss)
  4094. RxBuffer3 0x200006c6 Data 300 serial.o(.bss)
  4095. sutPocStatus 0x200007f4 Data 1720 poctask.o(.bss)
  4096. g_cGroupName 0x20000eac Data 36 poctask.o(.bss)
  4097. sutAtm 0x20001016 Data 544 modem.o(.bss)
  4098. sutAtmPro 0x20001236 Data 544 modem.o(.bss)
  4099. IMEI 0x20001456 Data 18 modem.o(.bss)
  4100. CCID 0x20001468 Data 21 modem.o(.bss)
  4101. msgBuffer 0x20001480 Data 2560 msgqueue.o(.bss)
  4102. msgQue 0x20001e80 Data 220 msgqueue.o(.bss)
  4103. sutProductPara 0x20001f5c Data 50 productpara.o(.bss)
  4104. DEV_HARDID 0x20001f8e Data 16 productpara.o(.bss)
  4105. newPara 0x20001f9e Data 817 sysini.o(.bss)
  4106. sutGpsInfo 0x200022e4 Data 112 gpsdata.o(.bss)
  4107. sutMess 0x20002354 Data 410 gpsdata.o(.bss)
  4108. gSocket 0x200024ee Data 75 socket.o(.bss)
  4109. sutSms 0x20002564 Data 42 message.o(.bss)
  4110. sutMEdit 0x2000258e Data 120 message.o(.bss)
  4111. smsDetail 0x20002606 Data 400 message.o(.bss)
  4112. sutNumEdit 0x20002796 Data 28 phonenum.o(.bss)
  4113. uTimerPara 0x200027b2 Data 12 utask.o(.bss)
  4114. SendAT 0x200027be Data 50 modemtask.o(.bss)
  4115. WaitAT1 0x200027f0 Data 30 modemtask.o(.bss)
  4116. WaitAT2 0x2000280e Data 30 modemtask.o(.bss)
  4117. showPIP 0x2000282c Data 40 ui.o(.bss)
  4118. showGIP 0x20002854 Data 40 ui.o(.bss)
  4119. sutListBox 0x2000287c Data 320 ui.o(.bss)
  4120. sutHzk16 0x20002ae0 Data 12 gui.o(.bss)
  4121. g_Palette 0x20002aec Data 1024 gui.o(.bss)
  4122. g_sutFilesList 0x20002eec Data 2208 filesys.o(.bss)
  4123. tempBuf 0x2000378c Data 1024 filesys.o(.bss)
  4124. sFlash_BUF 0x20003b8c Data 4096 w25q64.o(.bss)
  4125. __heap_base 0x20004b90 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP)
  4126. __heap_limit 0x20004d90 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(HEAP)
  4127. __initial_sp 0x20004f90 Data 0 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o(STACK)
  4128. ==============================================================================
  4129. Memory Map of the image
  4130. Image Entry point : 0x08004151
  4131. Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08004000, Size: 0x000122dc, Max: 0x0001b000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x0001203c])
  4132. Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Base: 0x08004000, Size: 0x00011efc, Max: 0x0001b000, ABSOLUTE)
  4133. Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
  4134. 0x08004000 0x00000150 Data RO 1991 RESET startup_stm32f10x_cl.o
  4135. 0x08004150 0x00000000 Code RO 5206 * .ARM.Collect$$$$00000000 mc_w.l(entry.o)
  4136. 0x08004150 0x00000004 Code RO 5534 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000001 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
  4137. 0x08004154 0x00000004 Code RO 5537 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000004 mc_w.l(entry5.o)
  4138. 0x08004158 0x00000000 Code RO 5539 .ARM.Collect$$$$00000008 mc_w.l(entry7b.o)
  4139. 0x08004158 0x00000000 Code RO 5541 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000A mc_w.l(entry8b.o)
  4140. 0x08004158 0x00000008 Code RO 5542 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000B mc_w.l(entry9a.o)
  4141. 0x08004160 0x00000000 Code RO 5544 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000D mc_w.l(entry10a.o)
  4142. 0x08004160 0x00000000 Code RO 5546 .ARM.Collect$$$$0000000F mc_w.l(entry11a.o)
  4143. 0x08004160 0x00000004 Code RO 5535 .ARM.Collect$$$$00002712 mc_w.l(entry2.o)
  4144. 0x08004164 0x00000024 Code RO 1992 .text startup_stm32f10x_cl.o
  4145. 0x08004188 0x00000024 Code RO 5209 .text mc_w.l(memcpya.o)
  4146. 0x080041ac 0x00000024 Code RO 5211 .text mc_w.l(memseta.o)
  4147. 0x080041d0 0x00000018 Code RO 5213 .text mc_w.l(strcat.o)
  4148. 0x080041e8 0x00000024 Code RO 5215 .text mc_w.l(strstr.o)
  4149. 0x0800420c 0x00000018 Code RO 5217 .text mc_w.l(strncpy.o)
  4150. 0x08004224 0x0000000e Code RO 5219 .text mc_w.l(strlen.o)
  4151. 0x08004232 0x0000001c Code RO 5221 .text mc_w.l(strcmp.o)
  4152. 0x0800424e 0x0000001a Code RO 5223 .text mc_w.l(memcmp.o)
  4153. 0x08004268 0x00000012 Code RO 5225 .text mc_w.l(strcpy.o)
  4154. 0x0800427a 0x0000001e Code RO 5227 .text mc_w.l(strncmp.o)
  4155. 0x08004298 0x00000070 Code RO 5520 .text mc_w.l(strtol.o)
  4156. 0x08004308 0x0000001a Code RO 5522 .text mc_w.l(atoi.o)
  4157. 0x08004322 0x0000014e Code RO 5524 .text mf_w.l(dadd.o)
  4158. 0x08004470 0x000000e4 Code RO 5526 .text mf_w.l(dmul.o)
  4159. 0x08004554 0x000000de Code RO 5528 .text mf_w.l(ddiv.o)
  4160. 0x08004632 0x00000022 Code RO 5530 .text mf_w.l(dflti.o)
  4161. 0x08004654 0x00000032 Code RO 5532 .text mf_w.l(dfixui.o)
  4162. 0x08004686 0x00000062 Code RO 5551 .text mc_w.l(uldiv.o)
  4163. 0x080046e8 0x0000001e Code RO 5553 .text mc_w.l(llshl.o)
  4164. 0x08004706 0x00000020 Code RO 5555 .text mc_w.l(llushr.o)
  4165. 0x08004726 0x00000024 Code RO 5557 .text mc_w.l(llsshr.o)
  4166. 0x0800474a 0x00000002 PAD
  4167. 0x0800474c 0x00000008 Code RO 5559 .text mc_w.l(ctype_o.o)
  4168. 0x08004754 0x0000009e Code RO 5596 .text mc_w.l(_strtoul.o)
  4169. 0x080047f2 0x00000000 Code RO 5598 .text mc_w.l(iusefp.o)
  4170. 0x080047f2 0x000000ba Code RO 5599 .text mf_w.l(depilogue.o)
  4171. 0x080048ac 0x00000024 Code RO 5605 .text mc_w.l(init.o)
  4172. 0x080048d0 0x0000001c Code RO 5607 .text mc_w.l(_chval.o)
  4173. 0x080048ec 0x00000056 Code RO 5617 .text mc_w.l(__dczerorl2.o)
  4174. 0x08004942 0x00000002 PAD
  4175. 0x08004944 0x00000090 Code RO 3250 i.ADCInit adc.o
  4176. 0x080049d4 0x00000016 Code RO 1671 i.ADC_Cmd stm32f10x_adc.o
  4177. 0x080049ea 0x00000008 Code RO 1680 i.ADC_GetConversionValue stm32f10x_adc.o
  4178. 0x080049f2 0x00000012 Code RO 1682 i.ADC_GetFlagStatus stm32f10x_adc.o
  4179. 0x08004a04 0x00000050 Code RO 1689 i.ADC_Init stm32f10x_adc.o
  4180. 0x08004a54 0x000000b8 Code RO 1693 i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig stm32f10x_adc.o
  4181. 0x08004b0c 0x00000016 Code RO 1696 i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd stm32f10x_adc.o
  4182. 0x08004b22 0x00000032 Code RO 2559 i.AscStrToHexStr common.o
  4183. 0x08004b54 0x00000040 Code RO 2560 i.AscStrTurnHexStr common.o
  4184. 0x08004b94 0x00000024 Code RO 2561 i.AscToHex common.o
  4185. 0x08004bb8 0x000000c4 Code RO 2562 i.AsciiHexStringToHexBytes common.o
  4186. 0x08004c7c 0x0000039c Code RO 4150 i.AtHandle modemtask.o
  4187. 0x08005018 0x000000ec Code RO 4749 i.BackupFileToTemp filesys.o
  4188. 0x08005104 0x0000003c Code RO 3251 i.BatterProcess adc.o
  4189. 0x08005140 0x0000002c Code RO 3039 i.BeepInit audio.o
  4190. 0x0800516c 0x00000004 Code RO 4230 i.BusFault_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4191. 0x08005170 0x00000002 Code RO 3674 i.CallToPhoneNum phonenum.o
  4192. 0x08005172 0x00000002 PAD
  4193. 0x08005174 0x00000050 Code RO 2378 i.CheckPocType modem.o
  4194. 0x080051c4 0x00000094 Code RO 3252 i.CheckVbat adc.o
  4195. 0x08005258 0x0000006c Code RO 2740 i.CodeTypeUpdateShow setsystempara.o
  4196. 0x080052c4 0x000001b0 Code RO 1996 i.ComSelect serial.o
  4197. 0x08005474 0x00000034 Code RO 4035 i.CommHandler maintask.o
  4198. 0x080054a8 0x00000002 Code RO 4231 i.DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler stm32f10x_it.o
  4199. 0x080054aa 0x00000002 Code RO 4232 i.DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler stm32f10x_it.o
  4200. 0x080054ac 0x00000018 Code RO 903 i.DMA_Cmd stm32f10x_dma.o
  4201. 0x080054c4 0x0000014c Code RO 904 i.DMA_DeInit stm32f10x_dma.o
  4202. 0x08005610 0x0000003c Code RO 909 i.DMA_Init stm32f10x_dma.o
  4203. 0x0800564c 0x00000002 Code RO 4233 i.DebugMon_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4204. 0x0800564e 0x00000024 Code RO 4852 i.DelayMs w25q64.o
  4205. 0x08005672 0x0000004a Code RO 4853 i.DelayUs w25q64.o
  4206. 0x080056bc 0x0000013c Code RO 3305 i.DeleteSpecificSMS message.o
  4207. 0x080057f8 0x00000038 Code RO 4036 i.EXTI9_5_IRQHandler maintask.o
  4208. 0x08005830 0x0000000c Code RO 1887 i.EXTI_ClearFlag stm32f10x_exti.o
  4209. 0x0800583c 0x00000018 Code RO 1891 i.EXTI_GetFlagStatus stm32f10x_exti.o
  4210. 0x08005854 0x00000094 Code RO 1893 i.EXTI_Init stm32f10x_exti.o
  4211. 0x080058e8 0x00000054 Code RO 4037 i.EnterGTMode maintask.o
  4212. 0x0800593c 0x0000004c Code RO 97 i.FLASH_ErasePage stm32f10x_flash.o
  4213. 0x08005988 0x00000034 Code RO 98 i.FLASH_GetBank1Status stm32f10x_flash.o
  4214. 0x080059bc 0x00000014 Code RO 107 i.FLASH_Lock stm32f10x_flash.o
  4215. 0x080059d0 0x00000040 Code RO 110 i.FLASH_ProgramHalfWord stm32f10x_flash.o
  4216. 0x08005a10 0x00000018 Code RO 115 i.FLASH_Unlock stm32f10x_flash.o
  4217. 0x08005a28 0x00000026 Code RO 119 i.FLASH_WaitForLastOperation stm32f10x_flash.o
  4218. 0x08005a4e 0x00000008 Code RO 4751 i.FileSysInit filesys.o
  4219. 0x08005a56 0x00000002 PAD
  4220. 0x08005a58 0x00000274 Code RO 4752 i.FileSysReadIndex filesys.o
  4221. 0x08005ccc 0x00000078 Code RO 4529 i.FindColorIndex gui.o
  4222. 0x08005d44 0x00000050 Code RO 2563 i.FindTargetIndex common.o
  4223. 0x08005d94 0x00000124 Code RO 4038 i.FingerDaemonfinger maintask.o
  4224. 0x08005eb8 0x000000a8 Code RO 3306 i.FormatSMS message.o
  4225. 0x08005f60 0x0000003c Code RO 2742 i.FunShowMsg setsystempara.o
  4226. 0x08005f9c 0x00000040 Code RO 269 i.GPIO_EXTILineConfig stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4227. 0x08005fdc 0x00000116 Code RO 272 i.GPIO_Init stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4228. 0x080060f2 0x00000002 PAD
  4229. 0x080060f4 0x00000090 Code RO 274 i.GPIO_PinRemapConfig stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4230. 0x08006184 0x00000012 Code RO 276 i.GPIO_ReadInputDataBit stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4231. 0x08006196 0x00000004 Code RO 279 i.GPIO_ResetBits stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4232. 0x0800619a 0x00000004 Code RO 280 i.GPIO_SetBits stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4233. 0x0800619e 0x00000002 PAD
  4234. 0x080061a0 0x00000108 Code RO 2986 i.GPSInit gpsdata.o
  4235. 0x080062a8 0x0000000c Code RO 2987 i.GPSRestart gpsdata.o
  4236. 0x080062b4 0x00000068 Code RO 4039 i.GTMode_Detected maintask.o
  4237. 0x0800631c 0x00000104 Code RO 2353 i.GetAllGroups poctask.o
  4238. 0x08006420 0x00000010 Code RO 2743 i.GetCaptionByMododex setsystempara.o
  4239. 0x08006430 0x000000f8 Code RO 4040 i.GetCheckCodeByPsnMEID maintask.o
  4240. 0x08006528 0x000002bc Code RO 2744 i.GetCoordinates setsystempara.o
  4241. 0x080067e4 0x00000038 Code RO 4754 i.GetFileIndex filesys.o
  4242. 0x0800681c 0x00000034 Code RO 4755 i.GetFileLen filesys.o
  4243. 0x08006850 0x0000004c Code RO 4530 i.GetHzk16 gui.o
  4244. 0x0800689c 0x0000010c Code RO 2265 i.GetKey key.o
  4245. 0x080069a8 0x0000004c Code RO 2745 i.GetMododexWithCard setsystempara.o
  4246. 0x080069f4 0x00000330 Code RO 3307 i.GetPagePreMessage message.o
  4247. 0x08006d24 0x00000096 Code RO 2564 i.GetParaFromStr common.o
  4248. 0x08006dba 0x00000002 PAD
  4249. 0x08006dbc 0x00000088 Code RO 2746 i.GetPwrMode setsystempara.o
  4250. 0x08006e44 0x00000020 Code RO 3644 i.GetSTM32ID id.o
  4251. 0x08006e64 0x0000002e Code RO 5025 i.GetStrXLen menu.o
  4252. 0x08006e92 0x00000002 PAD
  4253. 0x08006e94 0x000000b4 Code RO 4041 i.GetUniStringByID maintask.o
  4254. 0x08006f48 0x000000f0 Code RO 3253 i.GetVbat adc.o
  4255. 0x08007038 0x00000064 Code RO 2989 i.GpsDataProcess gpsdata.o
  4256. 0x0800709c 0x00000050 Code RO 2634 i.GpsTimeUpdate productpara.o
  4257. 0x080070ec 0x000000d0 Code RO 4323 i.GroupSelResponse ui.o
  4258. 0x080071bc 0x0000001c Code RO 4531 i.GuiClearAll gui.o
  4259. 0x080071d8 0x00000088 Code RO 4532 i.GuiClearArea gui.o
  4260. 0x08007260 0x000000bc Code RO 4533 i.GuiClearRect gui.o
  4261. 0x0800731c 0x0000002e Code RO 4534 i.GuiDrawHLine gui.o
  4262. 0x0800734a 0x00000058 Code RO 4535 i.GuiDrawRect gui.o
  4263. 0x080073a2 0x00000036 Code RO 4536 i.GuiDrawVLine gui.o
  4264. 0x080073d8 0x000000e0 Code RO 4537 i.GuiFillRect gui.o
  4265. 0x080074b8 0x00000078 Code RO 4538 i.GuiInit gui.o
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  4272. 0x080077f8 0x00000040 Code RO 4234 i.HardFault_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4273. 0x08007838 0x00000070 Code RO 4545 i.HzkInit gui.o
  4274. 0x080078a8 0x00000036 Code RO 4000 i.IWDG_Configuration main.o
  4275. 0x080078de 0x00000002 PAD
  4276. 0x080078e0 0x00000010 Code RO 679 i.IWDG_Enable stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4277. 0x080078f0 0x00000010 Code RO 681 i.IWDG_ReloadCounter stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4278. 0x08007900 0x0000000c Code RO 682 i.IWDG_SetPrescaler stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4279. 0x0800790c 0x0000000c Code RO 683 i.IWDG_SetReload stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4280. 0x08007918 0x0000000c Code RO 684 i.IWDG_WriteAccessCmd stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4281. 0x08007924 0x00000148 Code RO 3308 i.IncomingSMS message.o
  4282. 0x08007a6c 0x00000078 Code RO 4151 i.InfoTick modemtask.o
  4283. 0x08007ae4 0x00000018 Code RO 2266 i.KeyCount key.o
  4284. 0x08007afc 0x000002c8 Code RO 4042 i.KeyFree maintask.o
  4285. 0x08007dc4 0x00000038 Code RO 4043 i.KeyHandler maintask.o
  4286. 0x08007dfc 0x000000e0 Code RO 2267 i.KeyInit key.o
  4287. 0x08007edc 0x00000398 Code RO 4044 i.KeyPress maintask.o
  4288. 0x08008274 0x00000024 Code RO 2268 i.KeyScanPort key.o
  4289. 0x08008298 0x00000030 Code RO 4463 i.LCDBackLight lcd.o
  4290. 0x080082c8 0x00000020 Code RO 4464 i.LCD_SPIx_ReadWriteByte lcd.o
  4291. 0x080082e8 0x0000006a Code RO 4465 i.LcdBlockWrite lcd.o
  4292. 0x08008352 0x00000002 PAD
  4293. 0x08008354 0x00000044 Code RO 4466 i.LcdClrAll lcd.o
  4294. 0x08008398 0x0000020c Code RO 4467 i.LcdInit lcd.o
  4295. 0x080085a4 0x000000ec Code RO 4468 i.LcdPortInit lcd.o
  4296. 0x08008690 0x00000028 Code RO 4469 i.LcdSendCommand lcd.o
  4297. 0x080086b8 0x00000028 Code RO 4470 i.LcdSendData lcd.o
  4298. 0x080086e0 0x00000014 Code RO 4471 i.LcdSetColor lcd.o
  4299. 0x080086f4 0x00000078 Code RO 2305 i.LedInit led.o
  4300. 0x0800876c 0x000001d4 Code RO 2306 i.LedProcess led.o
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  4308. 0x08008db4 0x00000034 Code RO 5133 i.ListBoxShowBarSMS listboxsms.o
  4309. 0x08008de8 0x000000aa Code RO 5084 i.ListBoxShowItem listbox.o
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  4315. 0x08009190 0x00000024 Code RO 4995 i.MD5Init md5.o
  4316. 0x080091b4 0x000000ac Code RO 4996 i.MD5Update md5.o
  4317. 0x08009260 0x000000b4 Code RO 4001 i.MY_NVIC_Init main.o
  4318. 0x08009314 0x00000026 Code RO 2565 i.MakeStrEndByNewLine common.o
  4319. 0x0800933a 0x00000002 PAD
  4320. 0x0800933c 0x00000044 Code RO 2379 i.MeSpeak modem.o
  4321. 0x08009380 0x00000004 Code RO 4235 i.MemManage_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4322. 0x08009384 0x00000056 Code RO 5027 i.MenuInit menu.o
  4323. 0x080093da 0x00000002 PAD
  4324. 0x080093dc 0x000000a4 Code RO 5028 i.MenuResponse menu.o
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  4326. 0x08009534 0x00000056 Code RO 5030 i.MenuShowBar menu.o
  4327. 0x0800958a 0x0000003e Code RO 5031 i.MenuShowItem menu.o
  4328. 0x080095c8 0x00000040 Code RO 3309 i.MessageDeletResponse message.o
  4329. 0x08009608 0x0000006c Code RO 3310 i.MessageDeletShow message.o
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  4331. 0x0800969e 0x0000011a Code RO 3799 i.MessageEditShow managemessage.o
  4332. 0x080097b8 0x00000034 Code RO 3311 i.MessageFormatResponse message.o
  4333. 0x080097ec 0x00000070 Code RO 3312 i.MessageFormatShow message.o
  4334. 0x0800985c 0x00000058 Code RO 3313 i.MessageOptionResponse message.o
  4335. 0x080098b4 0x00000078 Code RO 3314 i.MessageOptionShow message.o
  4336. 0x0800992c 0x00000090 Code RO 3315 i.MessageReadResponse message.o
  4337. 0x080099bc 0x000000a0 Code RO 3316 i.MessageReadShow message.o
  4338. 0x08009a5c 0x0000005c Code RO 3317 i.MessageResponse message.o
  4339. 0x08009ab8 0x00000018 Code RO 3040 i.MicrophoneCtrl audio.o
  4340. 0x08009ad0 0x00000028 Code RO 3041 i.MicrophoneInit audio.o
  4341. 0x08009af8 0x0000008c Code RO 4152 i.ModemATProcess modemtask.o
  4342. 0x08009b84 0x00000248 Code RO 2380 i.ModemApnConfig modem.o
  4343. 0x08009dcc 0x00000100 Code RO 2381 i.ModemGetICCID modem.o
  4344. 0x08009ecc 0x00000030 Code RO 2382 i.ModemGetIMEI modem.o
  4345. 0x08009efc 0x000002d8 Code RO 4153 i.ModemInitAckHandler modemtask.o
  4346. 0x0800a1d4 0x00000054 Code RO 4154 i.ModemLedCtl modemtask.o
  4347. 0x0800a228 0x0000004c Code RO 2384 i.ModemOwnPocSet modem.o
  4348. 0x0800a274 0x00000048 Code RO 2385 i.ModemPinConfig modem.o
  4349. 0x0800a2bc 0x00000016 Code RO 2387 i.ModemSendAt modem.o
  4350. 0x0800a2d2 0x00000010 Code RO 2388 i.ModemSendData modem.o
  4351. 0x0800a2e2 0x00000002 PAD
  4352. 0x0800a2e4 0x00000194 Code RO 2389 i.ModemSetPocPara modem.o
  4353. 0x0800a478 0x0000005c Code RO 2747 i.ModemSetPwrMode setsystempara.o
  4354. 0x0800a4d4 0x00000026 Code RO 2566 i.ModemStrCmp common.o
  4355. 0x0800a4fa 0x00000002 PAD
  4356. 0x0800a4fc 0x000000ec Code RO 4756 i.ModifyConfigureFile filesys.o
  4357. 0x0800a5e8 0x00000024 Code RO 4757 i.ModifyTempFile filesys.o
  4358. 0x0800a60c 0x000000b8 Code RO 2523 i.MsgQueueAccept msgqueue.o
  4359. 0x0800a6c4 0x00000054 Code RO 2524 i.MsgQueueInit msgqueue.o
  4360. 0x0800a718 0x00000094 Code RO 2525 i.MsgQueuePost msgqueue.o
  4361. 0x0800a7ac 0x00000014 Code RO 2526 i.MsgQueueSet msgqueue.o
  4362. 0x0800a7c0 0x00000002 Code RO 4236 i.NMI_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4363. 0x0800a7c2 0x00000002 PAD
  4364. 0x0800a7c4 0x00000070 Code RO 1 i.NVIC_Init misc.o
  4365. 0x0800a834 0x00000014 Code RO 2 i.NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig misc.o
  4366. 0x0800a848 0x00000036 Code RO 5176 i.NumEditInit numedit.o
  4367. 0x0800a87e 0x00000002 PAD
  4368. 0x0800a880 0x0000006c Code RO 5177 i.NumEditResponse numedit.o
  4369. 0x0800a8ec 0x0000006e Code RO 5178 i.NumEditShow numedit.o
  4370. 0x0800a95a 0x00000002 PAD
  4371. 0x0800a95c 0x00000054 Code RO 4045 i.OnOff_Init maintask.o
  4372. 0x0800a9b0 0x0000006c Code RO 2748 i.POCSetSerPassResponse setsystempara.o
  4373. 0x0800aa1c 0x0000012c Code RO 2749 i.POCSetSerResponse setsystempara.o
  4374. 0x0800ab48 0x00000008 Code RO 4712 i.PTTimerInitPool pt-timer.o
  4375. 0x0800ab50 0x0000000e Code RO 4713 i.PTTimerIsExpired pt-timer.o
  4376. 0x0800ab5e 0x0000005c Code RO 4714 i.PTTimerStart pt-timer.o
  4377. 0x0800abba 0x0000003c Code RO 4715 i.PTTimerStop pt-timer.o
  4378. 0x0800abf6 0x00000034 Code RO 4716 i.PTTimerTick pt-timer.o
  4379. 0x0800ac2a 0x00000002 PAD
  4380. 0x0800ac2c 0x000000a4 Code RO 4546 i.PaintBufToLcd gui.o
  4381. 0x0800acd0 0x00000230 Code RO 4547 i.PaintCharToBuf gui.o
  4382. 0x0800af00 0x0000003a Code RO 4548 i.PaintToBuf gui.o
  4383. 0x0800af3a 0x00000002 PAD
  4384. 0x0800af3c 0x000000e4 Code RO 4046 i.PcMsgHandle maintask.o
  4385. 0x0800b020 0x00000788 Code RO 2354 i.PocHandle poctask.o
  4386. 0x0800b7a8 0x00000030 Code RO 4047 i.PowerCtrlInit maintask.o
  4387. 0x0800b7d8 0x00000038 Code RO 4048 i.PowerOffProtetion maintask.o
  4388. 0x0800b810 0x00000020 Code RO 381 i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4389. 0x0800b830 0x00000020 Code RO 383 i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4390. 0x0800b850 0x00000020 Code RO 385 i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4391. 0x0800b870 0x00000014 Code RO 389 i.RCC_ClearFlag stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4392. 0x0800b884 0x0000018c Code RO 393 i.RCC_GetClocksFreq stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4393. 0x0800ba10 0x0000003c Code RO 394 i.RCC_GetFlagStatus stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4394. 0x0800ba4c 0x00000016 Code RO 4549 i.RGB888toRGB565 gui.o
  4395. 0x0800ba62 0x00000002 PAD
  4396. 0x0800ba64 0x0000001c Code RO 3445 i.RTC_Init userrtc.o
  4397. 0x0800ba80 0x00000040 Code RO 3446 i.RTC_Update userrtc.o
  4398. 0x0800bac0 0x0000002c Code RO 3447 i.RTC_UserGetTime userrtc.o
  4399. 0x0800baec 0x00000030 Code RO 3448 i.RTC_UserSetTime userrtc.o
  4400. 0x0800bb1c 0x0000009c Code RO 4324 i.ReFlashItem ui.o
  4401. 0x0800bbb8 0x00000080 Code RO 4759 i.ReadFileData filesys.o
  4402. 0x0800bc38 0x00000030 Code RO 2635 i.ReadFlashData productpara.o
  4403. 0x0800bc68 0x000000a8 Code RO 2636 i.ReadProductParaFromFlash productpara.o
  4404. 0x0800bd10 0x00000080 Code RO 3318 i.ReadSpecificSms message.o
  4405. 0x0800bd90 0x00000020 Code RO 2567 i.ReplaceStrWithN common.o
  4406. 0x0800bdb0 0x00000014 Code RO 4049 i.ResetModem maintask.o
  4407. 0x0800bdc4 0x0000023c Code RO 3319 i.ResetSMSConfi message.o
  4408. 0x0800c000 0x00000018 Code RO 1526 i.SPI_Cmd stm32f10x_spi.o
  4409. 0x0800c018 0x00000012 Code RO 1534 i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus stm32f10x_spi.o
  4410. 0x0800c02a 0x00000006 Code RO 1537 i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData stm32f10x_spi.o
  4411. 0x0800c030 0x00000004 Code RO 1538 i.SPI_I2S_SendData stm32f10x_spi.o
  4412. 0x0800c034 0x0000003c Code RO 1539 i.SPI_Init stm32f10x_spi.o
  4413. 0x0800c070 0x00000038 Code RO 4854 i.SPIx_ReadWriteByte w25q64.o
  4414. 0x0800c0a8 0x0000004a Code RO 3042 i.SPKDelayUs audio.o
  4415. 0x0800c0f2 0x00000006 Code RO 2637 i.STMFLASH_ReadHalfWord productpara.o
  4416. 0x0800c0f8 0x00000002 Code RO 4237 i.SVC_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4417. 0x0800c0fa 0x00000002 PAD
  4418. 0x0800c0fc 0x00000028 Code RO 2638 i.SaveProductParaToFlash productpara.o
  4419. 0x0800c124 0x00000090 Code RO 2750 i.SetAPNResponse setsystempara.o
  4420. 0x0800c1b4 0x000000e8 Code RO 2751 i.SetAPNShow setsystempara.o
  4421. 0x0800c29c 0x00000090 Code RO 2752 i.SetApnDetailResponse setsystempara.o
  4422. 0x0800c32c 0x00000068 Code RO 2753 i.SetApnDetailShow setsystempara.o
  4423. 0x0800c394 0x0000003c Code RO 3043 i.SetBeep audio.o
  4424. 0x0800c3d0 0x00000038 Code RO 3044 i.SetBeepByNoOS audio.o
  4425. 0x0800c408 0x00000020 Code RO 2307 i.SetBlueLed led.o
  4426. 0x0800c428 0x000000e4 Code RO 2754 i.SetCodeTypeResponse setsystempara.o
  4427. 0x0800c50c 0x000000f4 Code RO 2755 i.SetCodeTypeShow setsystempara.o
  4428. 0x0800c600 0x00000044 Code RO 2392 i.SetDefaultSpkMic modem.o
  4429. 0x0800c644 0x000000b4 Code RO 2756 i.SetGPSResponse setsystempara.o
  4430. 0x0800c6f8 0x000000f0 Code RO 2757 i.SetGPSShow setsystempara.o
  4431. 0x0800c7e8 0x00000060 Code RO 2758 i.SetGPSTimeShowDetail setsystempara.o
  4432. 0x0800c848 0x000000ec Code RO 3320 i.SetGotNewMessage message.o
  4433. 0x0800c934 0x000000e4 Code RO 2759 i.SetKeySoundShow setsystempara.o
  4434. 0x0800ca18 0x00000080 Code RO 2760 i.SetKeysoundResponse setsystempara.o
  4435. 0x0800ca98 0x000000a4 Code RO 2761 i.SetLCDResponse setsystempara.o
  4436. 0x0800cb3c 0x000001a0 Code RO 2762 i.SetLCDShow setsystempara.o
  4437. 0x0800ccdc 0x00000060 Code RO 2308 i.SetLedIndicator led.o
  4438. 0x0800cd3c 0x000000ce Code RO 2309 i.SetLedStatus led.o
  4439. 0x0800ce0a 0x00000002 PAD
  4440. 0x0800ce0c 0x00000020 Code RO 3321 i.SetMessageConfi message.o
  4441. 0x0800ce2c 0x00000098 Code RO 2763 i.SetNetResponse setsystempara.o
  4442. 0x0800cec4 0x0000018c Code RO 2764 i.SetNetShow setsystempara.o
  4443. 0x0800d050 0x00000044 Code RO 4550 i.SetPaletteByBmpFile gui.o
  4444. 0x0800d094 0x00000054 Code RO 2765 i.SetPowerModeResponse setsystempara.o
  4445. 0x0800d0e8 0x0000008c Code RO 2766 i.SetPowerModeShow setsystempara.o
  4446. 0x0800d174 0x00000020 Code RO 2310 i.SetRedLed led.o
  4447. 0x0800d194 0x00000094 Code RO 2767 i.SetSYSResponse setsystempara.o
  4448. 0x0800d228 0x000000b4 Code RO 2768 i.SetSoundModeResponse setsystempara.o
  4449. 0x0800d2dc 0x0000008c Code RO 2769 i.SetSoundModeShow setsystempara.o
  4450. 0x0800d368 0x00000008 Code RO 1952 i.SetSysClock system_stm32f10x.o
  4451. 0x0800d370 0x00000100 Code RO 1953 i.SetSysClockToMy system_stm32f10x.o
  4452. 0x0800d470 0x00000054 Code RO 2770 i.SetUpIntercomVerResponse setsystempara.o
  4453. 0x0800d4c4 0x00000174 Code RO 2771 i.SetUpIntercomVerShow setsystempara.o
  4454. 0x0800d638 0x000001c0 Code RO 2772 i.ShowAPNMessage setsystempara.o
  4455. 0x0800d7f8 0x00000184 Code RO 4325 i.ShowBatttery ui.o
  4456. 0x0800d97c 0x0000003a Code RO 4551 i.ShowButton gui.o
  4457. 0x0800d9b6 0x00000002 PAD
  4458. 0x0800d9b8 0x0000009c Code RO 4326 i.ShowCallUserName ui.o
  4459. 0x0800da54 0x0000002a Code RO 5032 i.ShowCaption menu.o
  4460. 0x0800da7e 0x00000002 PAD
  4461. 0x0800da80 0x000000a8 Code RO 4327 i.ShowGPSICon ui.o
  4462. 0x0800db28 0x00000114 Code RO 4328 i.ShowGroupAndUserName ui.o
  4463. 0x0800dc3c 0x00000048 Code RO 4002 i.ShowMcuFreq main.o
  4464. 0x0800dc84 0x00000066 Code RO 4552 i.ShowMessageBox gui.o
  4465. 0x0800dcea 0x00000002 PAD
  4466. 0x0800dcec 0x00000088 Code RO 3322 i.ShowMessageFlag message.o
  4467. 0x0800dd74 0x00000130 Code RO 4329 i.ShowSingle ui.o
  4468. 0x0800dea4 0x0000014c Code RO 4330 i.ShowStatusBar ui.o
  4469. 0x0800dff0 0x00000098 Code RO 4331 i.ShowTime ui.o
  4470. 0x0800e088 0x00000068 Code RO 4332 i.Show_Net ui.o
  4471. 0x0800e0f0 0x00000280 Code RO 2393 i.SimpleUserInfoScan modem.o
  4472. 0x0800e370 0x00000090 Code RO 3293 i.Sleeping sleep.o
  4473. 0x0800e400 0x0000004c Code RO 1997 i.SlwTrace serial.o
  4474. 0x0800e44c 0x0000010c Code RO 3323 i.SmsScan message.o
  4475. 0x0800e558 0x0000007c Code RO 3119 i.SocketParaUpdate socket.o
  4476. 0x0800e5d4 0x0000001c Code RO 3046 i.SpeakerCtrl audio.o
  4477. 0x0800e5f0 0x00000050 Code RO 3047 i.SpeakerEnable audio.o
  4478. 0x0800e640 0x0000002c Code RO 3048 i.SpeakerInit audio.o
  4479. 0x0800e66c 0x000000a4 Code RO 2568 i.StrAsciiToHex common.o
  4480. 0x0800e710 0x00000066 Code RO 5085 i.StrIntercept listbox.o
  4481. 0x0800e776 0x00000002 PAD
  4482. 0x0800e778 0x0000005c Code RO 3580 i.SwitchGroupCtrl hook.o
  4483. 0x0800e7d4 0x0000002c Code RO 3581 i.SwitchGroupPre hook.o
  4484. 0x0800e800 0x0000002c Code RO 3324 i.SwitchSMS_ToGB2312 message.o
  4485. 0x0800e82c 0x00000010 Code RO 4239 i.SysTick_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4486. 0x0800e83c 0x00000070 Code RO 1955 i.SystemInit system_stm32f10x.o
  4487. 0x0800e8ac 0x00000018 Code RO 989 i.TIM_Cmd stm32f10x_tim.o
  4488. 0x0800e8c4 0x0000001e Code RO 991 i.TIM_CtrlPWMOutputs stm32f10x_tim.o
  4489. 0x0800e8e2 0x00000002 PAD
  4490. 0x0800e8e4 0x000000a4 Code RO 1023 i.TIM_OC2Init stm32f10x_tim.o
  4491. 0x0800e988 0x000000a4 Code RO 1060 i.TIM_TimeBaseInit stm32f10x_tim.o
  4492. 0x0800ea2c 0x0000001c Code RO 3487 i.TSGetCheckSum probubiao.o
  4493. 0x0800ea48 0x0000003c Code RO 3488 i.TSGpsDataInit probubiao.o
  4494. 0x0800ea84 0x00000114 Code RO 3489 i.TSGpsPacket probubiao.o
  4495. 0x0800eb98 0x000000dc Code RO 3490 i.TSMakeGpsSendData probubiao.o
  4496. 0x0800ec74 0x000007a8 Code RO 4997 i.Transform md5.o
  4497. 0x0800f41c 0x000000e0 Code RO 1998 i.UART1RxTxISRHandler serial.o
  4498. 0x0800f4fc 0x000000b4 Code RO 1999 i.UART2RxTxISRHandler serial.o
  4499. 0x0800f5b0 0x00000104 Code RO 2000 i.UART3RxTxISRHandler serial.o
  4500. 0x0800f6b4 0x00000014 Code RO 4333 i.UISetNextStatus ui.o
  4501. 0x0800f6c8 0x0000029c Code RO 4334 i.UIShowGroupSel ui.o
  4502. 0x0800f964 0x00000414 Code RO 2774 i.UIShowInformation setsystempara.o
  4503. 0x0800fd78 0x00000090 Code RO 3325 i.UIShowMailBox message.o
  4504. 0x0800fe08 0x000003ec Code RO 4335 i.UIShowMainInterface ui.o
  4505. 0x080101f4 0x0000003c Code RO 4336 i.UIShowMenuMain ui.o
  4506. 0x08010230 0x0000007c Code RO 4337 i.UIShowMenuSysSetup ui.o
  4507. 0x080102ac 0x00000108 Code RO 2775 i.UIShowPOCSer setsystempara.o
  4508. 0x080103b4 0x00000078 Code RO 2776 i.UIShowPOCSerPass setsystempara.o
  4509. 0x0801042c 0x00000140 Code RO 4338 i.UIShowUserSel ui.o
  4510. 0x0801056c 0x00000018 Code RO 4339 i.UI_Init ui.o
  4511. 0x08010584 0x00000174 Code RO 4340 i.UI_Key ui.o
  4512. 0x080106f8 0x00000110 Code RO 4341 i.UI_Loop ui.o
  4513. 0x08010808 0x00000008 Code RO 4240 i.USART1_IRQHandler stm32f10x_it.o
  4514. 0x08010810 0x00000008 Code RO 4241 i.USART2_IRQHandler stm32f10x_it.o
  4515. 0x08010818 0x00000008 Code RO 4242 i.USART3_IRQHandler stm32f10x_it.o
  4516. 0x08010820 0x00000012 Code RO 721 i.USART_ClearFlag stm32f10x_usart.o
  4517. 0x08010832 0x0000001e Code RO 722 i.USART_ClearITPendingBit stm32f10x_usart.o
  4518. 0x08010850 0x00000018 Code RO 725 i.USART_Cmd stm32f10x_usart.o
  4519. 0x08010868 0x00000012 Code RO 726 i.USART_DMACmd stm32f10x_usart.o
  4520. 0x0801087a 0x0000001a Code RO 728 i.USART_GetFlagStatus stm32f10x_usart.o
  4521. 0x08010894 0x00000054 Code RO 729 i.USART_GetITStatus stm32f10x_usart.o
  4522. 0x080108e8 0x0000004a Code RO 731 i.USART_ITConfig stm32f10x_usart.o
  4523. 0x08010932 0x00000002 PAD
  4524. 0x08010934 0x000000d8 Code RO 732 i.USART_Init stm32f10x_usart.o
  4525. 0x08010a0c 0x0000000a Code RO 739 i.USART_ReceiveData stm32f10x_usart.o
  4526. 0x08010a16 0x00000008 Code RO 742 i.USART_SendData stm32f10x_usart.o
  4527. 0x08010a1e 0x00000002 PAD
  4528. 0x08010a20 0x00000054 Code RO 2001 i.Uart1DMAInit serial.o
  4529. 0x08010a74 0x00000088 Code RO 2002 i.Uart1Init serial.o
  4530. 0x08010afc 0x000000a0 Code RO 2003 i.Uart1RxEnable serial.o
  4531. 0x08010b9c 0x0000002c Code RO 2004 i.Uart1Send serial.o
  4532. 0x08010bc8 0x000000ec Code RO 2005 i.Uart2Init serial.o
  4533. 0x08010cb4 0x000003b0 Code RO 2006 i.Uart2RecvProcess serial.o
  4534. 0x08011064 0x0000002c Code RO 2007 i.Uart2Send serial.o
  4535. 0x08011090 0x000000b8 Code RO 2008 i.Uart3Init serial.o
  4536. 0x08011148 0x00000014 Code RO 3582 i.UiassistStart hook.o
  4537. 0x0801115c 0x000000b0 Code RO 4761 i.UpdateBackFileMD5 filesys.o
  4538. 0x0801120c 0x000000e4 Code RO 4553 i.UpdateColor gui.o
  4539. 0x080112f0 0x000000a0 Code RO 4156 i.UpdateCsqValue modemtask.o
  4540. 0x08011390 0x0000004c Code RO 4554 i.UpdateDot gui.o
  4541. 0x080113dc 0x00000004 Code RO 4243 i.UsageFault_Handler stm32f10x_it.o
  4542. 0x080113e0 0x0000004c Code RO 4342 i.UserAssistAdd ui.o
  4543. 0x0801142c 0x0000017c Code RO 4343 i.UserSelResponse ui.o
  4544. 0x080115a8 0x00000074 Code RO 4856 i.W25Q64_Init w25q64.o
  4545. 0x0801161c 0x00000068 Code RO 4857 i.W25Q64_PortInit w25q64.o
  4546. 0x08011684 0x00000064 Code RO 2639 i.WritePageData productpara.o
  4547. 0x080116e8 0x00000020 Code RO 5438 i.__0printf$8 mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4548. 0x08011708 0x00000028 Code RO 5439 i.__0snprintf$8 mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4549. 0x08011730 0x00000028 Code RO 5440 i.__0sprintf$8 mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4550. 0x08011758 0x00000008 Code RO 5589 i.__aeabi_errno_addr mc_w.l(errno.o)
  4551. 0x08011760 0x0000000e Code RO 5611 i.__scatterload_copy mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  4552. 0x0801176e 0x00000002 Code RO 5612 i.__scatterload_null mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  4553. 0x08011770 0x0000000e Code RO 5613 i.__scatterload_zeroinit mc_w.l(handlers.o)
  4554. 0x0801177e 0x00000002 PAD
  4555. 0x08011780 0x00000410 Code RO 5445 i._printf_core mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4556. 0x08011b90 0x00000024 Code RO 5446 i._printf_post_padding mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4557. 0x08011bb4 0x0000002e Code RO 5447 i._printf_pre_padding mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4558. 0x08011be2 0x00000016 Code RO 5448 i._snputc mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4559. 0x08011bf8 0x0000000a Code RO 5449 i._sputc mc_w.l(printf8.o)
  4560. 0x08011c02 0x00000002 PAD
  4561. 0x08011c04 0x00000074 Code RO 3491 i.buBiaoAck probubiao.o
  4562. 0x08011c78 0x0000004c Code RO 3492 i.buBiaoAuth probubiao.o
  4563. 0x08011cc4 0x000003e0 Code RO 3493 i.buBiaoDataProcess probubiao.o
  4564. 0x080120a4 0x00000044 Code RO 3494 i.buBiaoHeart probubiao.o
  4565. 0x080120e8 0x00000050 Code RO 3495 i.buBiaoLocation probubiao.o
  4566. 0x08012138 0x000001e0 Code RO 3496 i.buBiaoLogic probubiao.o
  4567. 0x08012318 0x00000048 Code RO 3202 i.buBiaoRecvHandler network.o
  4568. 0x08012360 0x0000007c Code RO 3497 i.buBiaoReg probubiao.o
  4569. 0x080123dc 0x00000048 Code RO 3498 i.buBiaoSoS probubiao.o
  4570. 0x08012424 0x00000034 Code RO 3203 i.buBiaoSocketShutDown network.o
  4571. 0x08012458 0x0000000c Code RO 3204 i.buBiaoTickHandler network.o
  4572. 0x08012464 0x00000048 Code RO 3499 i.buBiaoTime probubiao.o
  4573. 0x080124ac 0x00000084 Code RO 4050 i.cmdShutDown maintask.o
  4574. 0x08012530 0x00000030 Code RO 3583 i.enableDataSend hook.o
  4575. 0x08012560 0x0000007c Code RO 3500 i.escapse probubiao.o
  4576. 0x080125dc 0x00000024 Code RO 2009 i.fputc serial.o
  4577. 0x08012600 0x00000050 Code RO 5492 i.free mc_w.l(malloc.o)
  4578. 0x08012650 0x00000014 Code RO 3584 i.getAssistResult hook.o
  4579. 0x08012664 0x00000024 Code RO 3254 i.getBat adc.o
  4580. 0x08012688 0x00000034 Code RO 2684 i.getDOMAINAddr sysini.o
  4581. 0x080126bc 0x0000005c Code RO 2685 i.getGIPAddr sysini.o
  4582. 0x08012718 0x00000008 Code RO 2394 i.getICCID modem.o
  4583. 0x08012720 0x00000008 Code RO 2395 i.getIMEI modem.o
  4584. 0x08012728 0x000000fc Code RO 2396 i.getModemModule modem.o
  4585. 0x08012824 0x00000098 Code RO 2397 i.getModemVersion modem.o
  4586. 0x080128bc 0x00000058 Code RO 2686 i.getPIPAddr sysini.o
  4587. 0x08012914 0x00000040 Code RO 2398 i.getPocCode modem.o
  4588. 0x08012954 0x00000080 Code RO 2399 i.getPocVersion modem.o
  4589. 0x080129d4 0x00000048 Code RO 2569 i.getSegMent common.o
  4590. 0x08012a1c 0x00000088 Code RO 3843 i.ipSosChangeParaAck ipsos.o
  4591. 0x08012aa4 0x00000134 Code RO 3844 i.ipSosDataProcess ipsos.o
  4592. 0x08012bd8 0x00000050 Code RO 3845 i.ipSosHeart ipsos.o
  4593. 0x08012c28 0x000000d0 Code RO 3846 i.ipSosLogic ipsos.o
  4594. 0x08012cf8 0x00000214 Code RO 3847 i.ipSosPackData ipsos.o
  4595. 0x08012f0c 0x00000010 Code RO 3205 i.ipSosRecvHandler network.o
  4596. 0x08012f1c 0x00000068 Code RO 3848 i.ipSosReport ipsos.o
  4597. 0x08012f84 0x00000024 Code RO 3206 i.ipSosSocketShutDown network.o
  4598. 0x08012fa8 0x00000014 Code RO 3849 i.ipSosStartNow ipsos.o
  4599. 0x08012fbc 0x0000000c Code RO 3207 i.ipSosTickHandler network.o
  4600. 0x08012fc8 0x000000b0 Code RO 4763 i.isFileFileGood filesys.o
  4601. 0x08013078 0x00000020 Code RO 4051 i.isKeyPress maintask.o
  4602. 0x08013098 0x00000030 Code RO 3585 i.isSendDataEnable hook.o
  4603. 0x080130c8 0x00000054 Code RO 2777 i.keySoundFlash setsystempara.o
  4604. 0x0801311c 0x00000020 Code RO 3850 i.liuShuiUpdate ipsos.o
  4605. 0x0801313c 0x00000418 Code RO 4157 i.mInitSwitchStatus modemtask.o
  4606. 0x08013554 0x000001c0 Code RO 4003 i.main main.o
  4607. 0x08013714 0x0000006c Code RO 5493 i.malloc mc_w.l(malloc.o)
  4608. 0x08013780 0x000000a0 Code RO 3049 i.newBeepSet audio.o
  4609. 0x08013820 0x00000120 Code RO 2687 i.newSysIniRead sysini.o
  4610. 0x08013940 0x0000005c Code RO 3586 i.onStartCtl hook.o
  4611. 0x0801399c 0x00000040 Code RO 3587 i.powerSaveHandle hook.o
  4612. 0x080139dc 0x000003c8 Code RO 2990 i.process_gps_data gpsdata.o
  4613. 0x08013da4 0x00000060 Code RO 3900 i.ptAllInit utask.o
  4614. 0x08013e04 0x00000064 Code RO 3901 i.ptFastTask utask.o
  4615. 0x08013e68 0x00000050 Code RO 2991 i.ptGpsTask gpsdata.o
  4616. 0x08013eb8 0x00000050 Code RO 3902 i.ptLedTask utask.o
  4617. 0x08013f08 0x0000004c Code RO 3903 i.ptModemATProTask utask.o
  4618. 0x08013f54 0x00000284 Code RO 4158 i.ptModemInitTask modemtask.o
  4619. 0x080141d8 0x0000004c Code RO 4217 i.ptModemUartTask modemuarttask.o
  4620. 0x08014224 0x00000058 Code RO 3904 i.ptSecondTask utask.o
  4621. 0x0801427c 0x0000011c Code RO 3120 i.ptSocketTask socket.o
  4622. 0x08014398 0x0000006c Code RO 3905 i.ptTaskRun utask.o
  4623. 0x08014404 0x00000010 Code RO 3906 i.ptTimerTick utask.o
  4624. 0x08014414 0x000000d0 Code RO 3588 i.ptUIAssist hook.o
  4625. 0x080144e4 0x00000050 Code RO 4344 i.ptUITask ui.o
  4626. 0x08014534 0x00000058 Code RO 3501 i.reduce probubiao.o
  4627. 0x0801458c 0x00000044 Code RO 4859 i.sFlash_Erase_Sector w25q64.o
  4628. 0x080145d0 0x0000005c Code RO 4863 i.sFlash_Read w25q64.o
  4629. 0x0801462c 0x00000050 Code RO 4864 i.sFlash_ReadID w25q64.o
  4630. 0x0801467c 0x0000002c Code RO 4865 i.sFlash_ReadSR w25q64.o
  4631. 0x080146a8 0x00000012 Code RO 4867 i.sFlash_Wait_Busy w25q64.o
  4632. 0x080146ba 0x00000002 PAD
  4633. 0x080146bc 0x000000b4 Code RO 4868 i.sFlash_Write w25q64.o
  4634. 0x08014770 0x00000020 Code RO 4870 i.sFlash_Write_Enable w25q64.o
  4635. 0x08014790 0x00000046 Code RO 4871 i.sFlash_Write_NoCheck w25q64.o
  4636. 0x080147d6 0x00000002 PAD
  4637. 0x080147d8 0x00000058 Code RO 4872 i.sFlash_Write_Page w25q64.o
  4638. 0x08014830 0x00000030 Code RO 4345 i.speciallShow ui.o
  4639. 0x08014860 0x00000058 Code RO 3121 i.tcpCloseSocket socket.o
  4640. 0x080148b8 0x0000012c Code RO 3122 i.tcpLinkProcess socket.o
  4641. 0x080149e4 0x0000005c Code RO 3123 i.tcpSocketAdd socket.o
  4642. 0x08014a40 0x00000030 Code RO 3125 i.tcpSocketGetStatus socket.o
  4643. 0x08014a70 0x00000010 Code RO 3126 i.tcpSocketInit socket.o
  4644. 0x08014a80 0x00000040 Code RO 3127 i.tcpSocketRecv socket.o
  4645. 0x08014ac0 0x00000070 Code RO 3128 i.tcpSocketRun socket.o
  4646. 0x08014b30 0x0000007c Code RO 3129 i.tcpSocketSendData socket.o
  4647. 0x08014bac 0x00000060 Code RO 3130 i.tcpSocketStatusUpdate socket.o
  4648. 0x08014c0c 0x00000064 Code RO 2992 i.translate_digitAscii_to_bcd gpsdata.o
  4649. 0x08014c70 0x0000000c Code RO 3907 i.uSysTickGet utask.o
  4650. 0x08014c7c 0x00000010 Code RO 3908 i.uSysTickUpdate utask.o
  4651. 0x08014c8c 0x0000006c Code RO 3909 i.uTimerCall utask.o
  4652. 0x08014cf8 0x00000028 Code RO 3910 i.uTimerCreate utask.o
  4653. 0x08014d20 0x00000016 Code RO 3911 i.uTimerExpired utask.o
  4654. 0x08014d36 0x0000001a Code RO 3912 i.uTimerHardDly utask.o
  4655. 0x08014d50 0x0000000e Code RO 3913 i.uTimerStart utask.o
  4656. 0x08014d5e 0x00000002 PAD
  4657. 0x08014d60 0x00000010 Code RO 3851 i.upDateReportTime ipsos.o
  4658. 0x08014d70 0x00000008 Data RO 2691 .constdata sysini.o
  4659. 0x08014d78 0x0000000c Data RO 2779 .constdata setsystempara.o
  4660. 0x08014d84 0x0000000e Data RO 2994 .constdata gpsdata.o
  4661. 0x08014d92 0x00000002 PAD
  4662. 0x08014d94 0x0000010c Data RO 4052 .constdata maintask.o
  4663. 0x08014ea0 0x00000050 Data RO 4160 .constdata modemtask.o
  4664. 0x08014ef0 0x00000bd4 Data RO 4705 .constdata fonts.o
  4665. 0x08015ac4 0x00000040 Data RO 4998 .constdata md5.o
  4666. 0x08015b04 0x00000081 Data RO 5560 .constdata mc_w.l(ctype_o.o)
  4667. 0x08015b85 0x00000003 PAD
  4668. 0x08015b88 0x00000004 Data RO 5561 .constdata mc_w.l(ctype_o.o)
  4669. 0x08015b8c 0x0000023d Data RO 2780 .conststring setsystempara.o
  4670. 0x08015dc9 0x00000003 PAD
  4671. 0x08015dcc 0x00000025 Data RO 3327 .conststring message.o
  4672. 0x08015df1 0x00000003 PAD
  4673. 0x08015df4 0x00000007 Data RO 4053 .conststring maintask.o
  4674. 0x08015dfb 0x00000001 PAD
  4675. 0x08015dfc 0x000000dd Data RO 4347 .conststring ui.o
  4676. 0x08015ed9 0x00000003 PAD
  4677. 0x08015edc 0x00000020 Data RO 5609 Region$$Table anon$$obj.o
  4678. Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Base: 0x20000000, Size: 0x00004f90, Max: 0x00010000, ABSOLUTE, COMPRESSED[0x00000140])
  4679. Base Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object
  4680. 0x20000000 0x00000014 Data RW 421 .data stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4681. 0x20000014 0x00000018 Data RW 1956 .data system_stm32f10x.o
  4682. 0x2000002c 0x00000013 Data RW 2011 .data serial.o
  4683. 0x2000003f 0x00000001 PAD
  4684. 0x20000040 0x00000018 Data RW 2269 .data key.o
  4685. 0x20000058 0x0000001e Data RW 2311 .data led.o
  4686. 0x20000076 0x00000002 PAD
  4687. 0x20000078 0x0000000e Data RW 2356 .data poctask.o
  4688. 0x20000086 0x00000002 PAD
  4689. 0x20000088 0x0000000d Data RW 2401 .data modem.o
  4690. 0x20000095 0x00000001 Data RW 2641 .data productpara.o
  4691. 0x20000096 0x00000002 PAD
  4692. 0x20000098 0x0000000d Data RW 2693 .data sysini.o
  4693. 0x200000a5 0x00000003 PAD
  4694. 0x200000a8 0x00000119 Data RW 2781 .data setsystempara.o
  4695. 0x200001c1 0x00000003 PAD
  4696. 0x200001c4 0x00000010 Data RW 2995 .data gpsdata.o
  4697. 0x200001d4 0x0000000d Data RW 3132 .data socket.o
  4698. 0x200001e1 0x00000001 Data RW 3208 .data network.o
  4699. 0x200001e2 0x00000002 PAD
  4700. 0x200001e4 0x0000000a Data RW 3256 .data adc.o
  4701. 0x200001ee 0x00000002 PAD
  4702. 0x200001f0 0x0000001d Data RW 3328 .data message.o
  4703. 0x2000020d 0x00000003 PAD
  4704. 0x20000210 0x00000014 Data RW 3450 .data userrtc.o
  4705. 0x20000224 0x00000018 Data RW 3503 .data probubiao.o
  4706. 0x2000023c 0x00000014 Data RW 3589 .data hook.o
  4707. 0x20000250 0x00000010 Data RW 3852 .data ipsos.o
  4708. 0x20000260 0x00000040 Data RW 3915 .data utask.o
  4709. 0x200002a0 0x00000010 Data RW 4054 .data maintask.o
  4710. 0x200002b0 0x0000002c Data RW 4161 .data modemtask.o
  4711. 0x200002dc 0x00000008 Data RW 4218 .data modemuarttask.o
  4712. 0x200002e4 0x0000000a Data RW 4244 .data stm32f10x_it.o
  4713. 0x200002ee 0x00000002 PAD
  4714. 0x200002f0 0x000000cc Data RW 4348 .data ui.o
  4715. 0x200003bc 0x00000005 Data RW 4472 .data lcd.o
  4716. 0x200003c1 0x00000001 PAD
  4717. 0x200003c2 0x0000000b Data RW 4557 .data gui.o
  4718. 0x200003cd 0x00000001 PAD
  4719. 0x200003ce 0x00000002 Data RW 5136 .data listboxsms.o
  4720. 0x200003d0 0x00000004 Data RW 5548 .data mc_w.l(stdout.o)
  4721. 0x200003d4 0x00000004 Data RW 5587 .data mc_w.l(mvars.o)
  4722. 0x200003d8 0x00000004 Data RW 5588 .data mc_w.l(mvars.o)
  4723. 0x200003dc 0x00000004 Data RW 5592 .data mc_w.l(errno.o)
  4724. 0x200003e0 0x00000412 Zero RW 2010 .bss serial.o
  4725. 0x200007f2 0x00000002 PAD
  4726. 0x200007f4 0x00000821 Zero RW 2355 .bss poctask.o
  4727. 0x20001015 0x00000001 PAD
  4728. 0x20001016 0x00000467 Zero RW 2400 .bss modem.o
  4729. 0x2000147d 0x00000003 PAD
  4730. 0x20001480 0x00000adc Zero RW 2527 .bss msgqueue.o
  4731. 0x20001f5c 0x00000042 Zero RW 2640 .bss productpara.o
  4732. 0x20001f9e 0x00000331 Zero RW 2690 .bss sysini.o
  4733. 0x200022cf 0x00000001 PAD
  4734. 0x200022d0 0x00000014 Zero RW 2778 .bss setsystempara.o
  4735. 0x200022e4 0x0000020a Zero RW 2993 .bss gpsdata.o
  4736. 0x200024ee 0x0000004b Zero RW 3131 .bss socket.o
  4737. 0x20002539 0x00000003 PAD
  4738. 0x2000253c 0x00000028 Zero RW 3255 .bss adc.o
  4739. 0x20002564 0x00000232 Zero RW 3326 .bss message.o
  4740. 0x20002796 0x0000001c Zero RW 3681 .bss phonenum.o
  4741. 0x200027b2 0x0000000c Zero RW 3914 .bss utask.o
  4742. 0x200027be 0x0000006e Zero RW 4159 .bss modemtask.o
  4743. 0x2000282c 0x000002b4 Zero RW 4346 .bss ui.o
  4744. 0x20002ae0 0x0000040c Zero RW 4556 .bss gui.o
  4745. 0x20002eec 0x00000ca0 Zero RW 4764 .bss filesys.o
  4746. 0x20003b8c 0x00001000 Zero RW 4874 .bss w25q64.o
  4747. 0x20004b8c 0x00000004 PAD
  4748. 0x20004b90 0x00000200 Zero RW 1990 HEAP startup_stm32f10x_cl.o
  4749. 0x20004d90 0x00000200 Zero RW 1989 STACK startup_stm32f10x_cl.o
  4750. ==============================================================================
  4751. Image component sizes
  4752. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Object Name
  4753. 628 102 0 10 40 3239 adc.o
  4754. 610 60 0 0 0 5101 audio.o
  4755. 920 0 0 0 0 7656 common.o
  4756. 0 0 0 0 0 32 core_cm3.o
  4757. 1732 188 0 0 3232 9012 filesys.o
  4758. 0 0 3028 0 0 778 fonts.o
  4759. 1524 120 14 16 522 6654 gpsdata.o
  4760. 3236 230 0 11 1036 20806 gui.o
  4761. 636 150 0 20 0 4955 hook.o
  4762. 32 6 0 0 0 485 id.o
  4763. 1436 304 0 16 0 5730 ipsos.o
  4764. 552 72 0 24 0 2497 key.o
  4765. 1114 62 0 5 0 5337 lcd.o
  4766. 954 128 0 30 0 4857 led.o
  4767. 880 10 0 0 0 5068 listbox.o
  4768. 976 24 0 2 0 4868 listboxsms.o
  4769. 754 168 0 0 0 17457 main.o
  4770. 3304 1158 275 16 0 11265 maintask.o
  4771. 324 0 0 0 0 1996 managemessage.o
  4772. 2376 268 64 0 0 4377 md5.o
  4773. 666 8 0 0 0 4813 menu.o
  4774. 4128 672 37 29 562 15402 message.o
  4775. 132 22 0 0 0 309039 misc.o
  4776. 2946 870 0 13 1127 12321 modem.o
  4777. 3848 1412 80 44 110 7827 modemtask.o
  4778. 76 8 0 8 0 914 modemuarttask.o
  4779. 436 18 0 0 2780 3908 msgqueue.o
  4780. 200 64 0 1 0 3676 network.o
  4781. 272 8 0 0 0 2262 numedit.o
  4782. 2 0 0 0 28 812 phonenum.o
  4783. 2188 264 0 14 2081 4985 poctask.o
  4784. 2876 566 0 24 0 12725 probubiao.o
  4785. 442 86 0 1 66 4837 productpara.o
  4786. 226 0 0 0 0 3041 pt-timer.o
  4787. 3040 382 0 19 1042 20292 serial.o
  4788. 7800 1956 585 281 20 25102 setsystempara.o
  4789. 144 28 0 0 0 455 sleep.o
  4790. 1512 426 0 13 75 9064 socket.o
  4791. 36 8 336 0 1024 868 startup_stm32f10x_cl.o
  4792. 334 10 0 0 0 5900 stm32f10x_adc.o
  4793. 416 8 0 0 0 3470 stm32f10x_dma.o
  4794. 184 16 0 0 0 2118 stm32f10x_exti.o
  4795. 274 30 0 0 0 3470 stm32f10x_flash.o
  4796. 512 10 0 0 0 5176 stm32f10x_gpio.o
  4797. 126 24 0 10 0 5938 stm32f10x_it.o
  4798. 68 30 0 0 0 2510 stm32f10x_iwdg.o
  4799. 572 50 0 20 0 6990 stm32f10x_rcc.o
  4800. 112 0 0 0 0 3902 stm32f10x_spi.o
  4801. 382 52 0 0 0 3056 stm32f10x_tim.o
  4802. 508 6 0 0 0 8052 stm32f10x_usart.o
  4803. 520 128 8 13 817 4523 sysini.o
  4804. 376 40 0 24 0 2190 system_stm32f10x.o
  4805. 5692 1044 221 204 692 17311 ui.o
  4806. 184 22 0 20 0 3338 userrtc.o
  4807. 802 158 0 64 12 8905 utask.o
  4808. 1058 56 0 0 4096 9709 w25q64.o
  4809. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4810. 65144 11532 4692 976 19376 661071 Object Totals
  4811. 0 0 32 0 0 0 (incl. Generated)
  4812. 66 0 12 24 14 0 (incl. Padding)
  4813. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4814. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Member Name
  4815. 86 0 0 0 0 0 __dczerorl2.o
  4816. 28 0 0 0 0 68 _chval.o
  4817. 158 0 0 0 0 92 _strtoul.o
  4818. 26 0 0 0 0 80 atoi.o
  4819. 8 4 133 0 0 68 ctype_o.o
  4820. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry.o
  4821. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry10a.o
  4822. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry11a.o
  4823. 8 4 0 0 0 0 entry2.o
  4824. 4 0 0 0 0 0 entry5.o
  4825. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry7b.o
  4826. 0 0 0 0 0 0 entry8b.o
  4827. 8 4 0 0 0 0 entry9a.o
  4828. 8 4 0 4 0 68 errno.o
  4829. 30 0 0 0 0 0 handlers.o
  4830. 36 8 0 0 0 68 init.o
  4831. 0 0 0 0 0 0 iusefp.o
  4832. 30 0 0 0 0 68 llshl.o
  4833. 36 0 0 0 0 68 llsshr.o
  4834. 32 0 0 0 0 68 llushr.o
  4835. 188 20 0 0 0 160 malloc.o
  4836. 26 0 0 0 0 80 memcmp.o
  4837. 36 0 0 0 0 68 memcpya.o
  4838. 36 0 0 0 0 108 memseta.o
  4839. 0 0 0 8 0 0 mvars.o
  4840. 1266 64 0 0 0 656 printf8.o
  4841. 0 0 0 4 0 0 stdout.o
  4842. 24 0 0 0 0 68 strcat.o
  4843. 28 0 0 0 0 76 strcmp.o
  4844. 18 0 0 0 0 68 strcpy.o
  4845. 14 0 0 0 0 68 strlen.o
  4846. 30 0 0 0 0 80 strncmp.o
  4847. 24 0 0 0 0 76 strncpy.o
  4848. 36 0 0 0 0 80 strstr.o
  4849. 112 0 0 0 0 88 strtol.o
  4850. 98 0 0 0 0 92 uldiv.o
  4851. 334 0 0 0 0 148 dadd.o
  4852. 222 0 0 0 0 100 ddiv.o
  4853. 186 0 0 0 0 176 depilogue.o
  4854. 50 0 0 0 0 76 dfixui.o
  4855. 34 0 0 0 0 76 dflti.o
  4856. 228 0 0 0 0 96 dmul.o
  4857. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4858. 3496 108 136 16 0 3088 Library Totals
  4859. 8 0 3 0 0 0 (incl. Padding)
  4860. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4861. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug Library Name
  4862. 2434 108 133 16 0 2416 mc_w.l
  4863. 1054 0 0 0 0 672 mf_w.l
  4864. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4865. 3496 108 136 16 0 3088 Library Totals
  4866. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4867. ==============================================================================
  4868. Code (inc. data) RO Data RW Data ZI Data Debug
  4869. 68640 11640 4828 992 19376 640315 Grand Totals
  4870. 68640 11640 4828 320 19376 640315 ELF Image Totals (compressed)
  4871. 68640 11640 4828 320 0 0 ROM Totals
  4872. ==============================================================================
  4873. Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) 73468 ( 71.75kB)
  4874. Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) 20368 ( 19.89kB)
  4875. Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data) 73788 ( 72.06kB)
  4876. ==============================================================================