makefile 2.8 KB

  1. #======================================================================*/
  2. # Enhanced Variable Rate Codec - Bit-Exact C Specification */
  3. # Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Telecommunications Industry Association. */
  4. # All rights reserved. */
  5. #----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  6. # Note: Reproduction and use of this software for the design and */
  7. # development of North American Wideband CDMA Digital */
  8. # Cellular Telephony Standards is authorized by the TIA. */
  9. # The TIA does not authorize the use of this software for any */
  10. # other purpose. */
  11. # */
  12. # The availability of this software does not provide any license */
  13. # by implication, estoppel, or otherwise under any patent rights */
  14. # of TIA member companies or others covering any use of the */
  15. # contents herein. */
  16. # */
  17. # Any copies of this software or derivative works must include */
  18. # this and all other proprietary notices. */
  19. #======================================================================*/
  20. CC=gcc
  21. CCEXEDIR=../bin
  22. TTYDIR=../ttylib
  23. CCFLAGS=-O3 -Wall
  24. CCINCDIR=-I../include -I../dspmath -I$(TTYDIR) -I../dsp_fx
  25. CCLIBDIR=-L../dspmath -L$(TTYDIR) -L../dsp_fx
  26. CCLIBS=-ltty -ldmath -ldsp40 -lm
  27. CCOBJS=\
  28. acb_ex.o\
  29. acelp_pf.o\
  30. apf.o\
  31. auto.o\
  32. a2lsp.o\
  33. bitpack.o\
  34. bitupack.o\
  35. bl_intrp.o\
  36. bqiir.o\
  37. c3_10pf.o\
  38. c8_35pf.o\
  39. comacb.o\
  40. convh.o\
  41. cshift.o\
  42. d3_10pf.o\
  43. d8_35pf.o\
  44. decode.o\
  45. d_fer.o\
  46. d_no_fer.o\
  47. d_rate_1.o\
  48. durbin.o\
  49. d_globs.o\
  50. e_globs.o\
  51. encode.o\
  52. fcbgq.o\
  53. fer.o\
  54. filter.o\
  55. fndppf.o\
  56. getext1k.o\
  57. getgain.o\
  58. getres.o\
  59. globs.o\
  60. impulser.o\
  61. interpol.o\
  62. intr_cos.o\
  63. inv_sqrt.o\
  64. lpcana.o\
  65. lspmaq.o\
  66. lsp2a.o\
  67. main.o\
  68. maxeloc.o\
  69. mdfyorig.o\
  70. mod.o\
  71. ns127.o\
  72. pit_shrp.o\
  73. pktoav.o\
  74. pre_enc.o\
  75. putacbc.o\
  76. r_fft.o\
  77. rda.o\
  78. rom.o\
  79. synfltr.o\
  80. weight.o\
  81. w2res.o\
  82. zeroinpt.o
  83. DMATHLIB=../dspmath/libdmath.a
  84. .c.o:
  85. ${CC} ${CCFLAGS} ${CCINCDIR} -c $*.c
  86. ${CCEXEDIR}/EvrcFix: ${CCOBJS} ${DMATHLIB} $(TTYDIR)/libtty.a ../dsp_fx/libdsp40.a
  88. clean:
  89. rm -f *.o core
  90. clobber:
  91. rm -f *.o core ${CCEXEDIR}/EvrcFix ${CCEXEDIR}/EvrcFix.exe
  92. cshift.o: ../include/ansi.h
  93. d_fer.o: ../include/ansi.h
  94. d_no_fer.o: ../include/ansi.h
  95. d_rate_1.o: ../include/ansi.h
  96. fer.o: ../include/ansi.h
  97. d_globs.o: ../include/ansi.h